Virtua Fighter 2 på Neo Geo

NaieraNaieraSkrevet 01/04-04 09:45, rettet 01/04-04 09:46 
Som Tiptonium fra Neo-Geo.com skriver i hans nyhedsindlæg:

"The more we look into the world of Neo Geo quite frankly the more bizarre things seem to get. Prototypes, once lost suddenly appear. Games that are cancelled find their way into the marketplace as complete games. New art sets are created for games that have already been released. Well, here's one more oddity that I have personally uncovered.

I've been buying bulk Neo Geo items from an outfit in Southern California. Some of you have seen some of their auctions on eBay over the past several months. They've been offering Neo Geo motherboards, graphics sets and miscellaneous other Neo Geo items. According to that company, they bought several pallets worth of stock from the ORIGINAL SNK USA when they closed their doors in the USA a few years ago, on or about the time that SNK pulled the Neo Geo Pocket Color franchise from the US market.

If you may recall, SNK was getting pretty cozy with Sega about the time that the Pocket Color was launched in the USA. The Pocket Color itself had a genuine Sega title, Sonic the Hedgehog. The Pocket Color was also linkable to the Dreamcast. Well, it appears that SNK was in the middle of porting over one of Sega's finest fighting games over to the Neo Geo MVS system. I guess the plug got pulled before any of this made it to press.

Like I was saying, I purchased a bulk quantity of MVS loose carts from the California Company. Most were dreadful commons; most did not work at all. But one caught my eye as I was digging through the boxes. At first I thought it was Bang Bead. I could make out one word on the loosely affixed label. Virtua. It was followed by some Japanese text.

I hastily popped the cart into my system. It did not boot. I cleaned the cartridge and the game powered on. To my amazement, the game was Virtua Fighter 2. It looks like the Sega Genesis version except that the game is lighting fast suffering none of the slowdown of the Genesis version.

Me thinks that this may indeed be a rare item. I have included pictures to prove my find. Please do not ask me to dump the ROMs. I cannot in good conscious do such a thing. Besides, I do not want to break the seal that was apparently placed on the cart by Sega!"

Virtua Fighter 2 på Neo Geo

Virtua Fighter 2 på Neo Geo

Virtua Fighter 2 på Neo Geo

Ret vildt, hvad der bliver ved med at dukke op til Neo Geo'en, lad det være nye releases eller glemte prototyper.
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RJKRJKSkrevet 01/04-04 14:44 
Jaeh, det er utroligt hvad de kan pumpe ud af den 68000'er ;) Næsten lige så utroligt som kvaliteten af de forskellige stickers, Sega har sat på cartridget :)
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HankyHankySkrevet 01/04-04 15:07 
Ehh, en aprilsnar? :)
Billedet af Virtua Figter 2 på TV'et ser fake ud.
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KonsolkongenKonsolkongenSkrevet 01/04-04 15:16, rettet 01/04-04 15:23 
Hvordan fake? Det er da identisk med MD versionen, hvis det er det du hentyder til?

EDIT: Jeg prøvede lige for sjov at google Virtua Fighter 2 billeder, for at se om jeg kunne finde et der var identisk, som så kunne ha været sat på billedet af tvet. Men jeg fandt intet der lignede.

(Søgte også på Virtua Fighter 2 mega drive, og virtua figter 2 genesis.)
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HankyHankySkrevet 01/04-04 15:30 
Jeg tænkte mere på at hvis man tager et billede af et TV
med et spil kørende, vil billedet aldrig være så skarpt ...
Men ellers et flot cartridge med påklistret label :)
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KonsolkongenKonsolkongenSkrevet 01/04-04 15:34 
RGB? :)
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dRxLdRxLSkrevet 01/04-04 15:40 
Det eneste jeg er i tvivl om er hvorvidt det er Naiera selv der har lavet hoax'en.
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HankyHankySkrevet 01/04-04 15:43 
1) Normal
Virtua Fighter 2 på Neo Geo

2) Fake
Virtua Fighter 2 på Neo Geo

You see my point? :)
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KonsolkongenKonsolkongenSkrevet 01/04-04 15:52 
Jeg fik den faktisk første gang ;)
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Le RoofLe RoofSkrevet 01/04-04 16:08 
Det eneste jeg er i tvivl om er hvorvidt det er Naiera selv der har lavet hoax'en.

Tror ikke at Naiera ligger inde med Phantom-1 converter ;)
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