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Frankies weekly update!

PlaykidPlaykidSkrevet 27/02-04 18:52 
Yes, og dette må siges at være en af de mest spændende!

Men læs selv:
Greetings, and welcome to the February 27th edition of the Bungie Weekly Update, where you can act as a fly on the wall at the wacky happenings at Bungie HQ! Remember that these weekly updates are designed to illuminate Bungie and Halo fans on the game development process –not the game its... Se hele indlægget

Feb. 27 Bungie Weekly Update
Spiller nu: Halo 3
81 emne(r).
« < 1 2

PlaykidPlaykidSkrevet 16/04-04 16:37 
Det afslører faktisk en del, det er bare med at kigge efter:)
Spiller nu: Halo 3
RQvsnapzRQvsnapzSkrevet 17/04-04 04:21 
Hvis du er så sikker i din sag, så må du jo give os nogle hints til, hvad vi skal kigge efter :)
I win, you loose
RQvsnapzRQvsnapzSkrevet 17/04-04 04:22, rettet 17/04-04 04:23 
Så er der et nyt screenshot online

EDIT: og det er fra SP delen
I win, you loose
The GuardiansThe GuardiansSkrevet 17/04-04 12:41, rettet 17/04-04 12:43 
Giv venligst link til det nye screenshot.

Edit: har fundet det.

lige her
I have witnessed countless empires break before me.Spiller nu: Halo 2 [Limited Collect..., Elder Scrolls IV, The: ..., Battlefield 2: Modern C...
RQvsnapzRQvsnapzSkrevet 17/04-04 13:26 
Jeg regnede med at folk kunne finde ud af at gå ind på bungie.com's forside :)

Men jeg skal nok gøre det næste gang.....for at være flink ;)
I win, you loose
yokanabsteryokanabsterSkrevet 17/04-04 14:47, rettet 17/04-04 14:59 
Det er squ et imponerende screenshot...Foresten hvis man vil køre high-def 480dpi med halo 2, skal man så bare have en chip, en ntsc version og et vga kabel?
soon the world will be one big computer
RQvsnapzRQvsnapzSkrevet 17/04-04 15:45 
Du skal vist have et HD kabel og et fjernsyn der understøtter progressive scan.

Et vga kabel skal selvfølgelig bruges såfremt den skal tilsluttes en monitor.
I win, you loose
PlaykidPlaykidSkrevet 17/04-04 15:56 
Læg lige mærke til detajlerne på det billede!
Jackals bruger nu plasma rifler, førhen var du kun Elites der benyttede dem.
På plasmariflen kan man også se en lille stømudladning fra de 2 poler. Fed detalje!

Selve billede er meget smukt og detaljeret. Skyggerne virker også meget realistiske, og stemningen på billedet er bare superb.
Der er alligevel tydelig forskel på grafikken i SP og MP:)
Spiller nu: Halo 3
RQvsnapzRQvsnapzSkrevet 17/04-04 16:17, rettet 17/04-04 16:19 
Jeg synes bumpmappingen på de små bastards er helt fænomenal. Jeg savner dog realtime reflections på MC's visir ligesom man kunne se det i den allerførste trailer.

Skyggerne virker lidt pixelerede, men til gengæld kaster MC naturlig skygge på sig selv og det ser da lækkert ud.
I win, you loose
PlaykidPlaykidSkrevet 17/04-04 16:26 
Hvis du er så sikker i din sag, så må du jo give os nogle hints til, hvad vi skal kigge efter :)

Bl.a. Bansheer, endda ødlægbare.
Dødsanimationer fra Halo 1.
Indblik i MP banerne
Flere hold i deathmatch (eller en ande gamemode)
Spekulationer om nye våben
Hvordan strafning ser ud

Og lidt andet:)
Spiller nu: Halo 3
RQvsnapzRQvsnapzSkrevet 17/04-04 16:35 
Ja... dødsanimationer fra Halo 1....øv

Jeg håber gameplayet bliver en del mere balanceret end i PC Halo hvor Bancheerne dominerede alt for meget.
I win, you loose
PlaykidPlaykidSkrevet 17/04-04 16:54 
Det er nok ikke kun dødsanimationerne fra Halo, de har helt sikkert lavet en masse andet. Personligt kan jeg godt lide at de har beholdt den animation der er på mange af billederne.

Bansheerne plejer ellers ikke at være noget særligt stort problem, men de fungerede ikke så godt i Blood gulch synes jeg.
Men jeg tror det bliver bedre nu, det ser ud til at de kan smadres.
Spiller nu: Halo 3
yokanabsteryokanabsterSkrevet 17/04-04 17:16 
Ja... dødsanimationer fra Halo 1....øv

Ahhh, læg nu mærke til at på alle de MP billeder vi har fået inklusiv scans er der MC's der flyver døde væk fra en eksplosion, i halo1 fløj man altid i 45* op grader eller sådan noget i mens man viftede med armene, men på disse screens flyver alle MC'erne i forskellige vinkler, måske et animation/ragdoll system...
soon the world will be one big computer
RQvsnapzRQvsnapzSkrevet 17/04-04 18:22 
PS2 playkid>
Det er nok ikke kun dødsanimationerne fra Halo,

Selvfølgelig... det var nu heller ikke meningen at det skulle tages så seriøst :)
I win, you loose
yokanabsteryokanabsterSkrevet 17/04-04 18:34, rettet 17/04-04 19:09 
HALO 2 INFO MEKKA. HELE GAMEINFORMERS ARTIKEL: (og som sædvanligt er det talkxbox.com der er på banen ;)

HALO 2 intro
In an office park in Redmond, Washington sits a nondescript building, not too different from the countless utilitarian structures that dot the landscape of suburban areas around the country. It does not stand apart from any of the buildings that surrounds it, and its white exterior is so familiar and unassuming that few would give it a second glance. On the inside, however things are a bit different. Posters for various videos games, comic books, and sci-fi movies cover the walls, and desktops are covered with the plastic likenesses of characters such as spider-man, hellboy and a certain mysterious space marine.This is Bungie Studios, home to the xbox's most anticipated title, Halo 2. The crew at Bungie is very excited and devoted to their game, and are completely aware of the feverish buzz around it. They know that any scrap of information, however small will be eagerly devoured by halo fans around the world. Because of the intense scrutiny Halo 2 factoids recieve from the gaming public, Bungie is reticent to dole out too much. But eager to get some new information out to the public, they had some news to share with us, which should make halo fans quiver with delight. The most exciting aspect of halo 2 is the online multiplayer via xbox live, and they revealed the process they used to ensure that halo 2 will be the absolute best online experiance it can be. Oh yeah, and they let us play it, too. But more on that later.

"Multiplayer games are really important to us" says Bungie's Chris Butcher, the lead networking engineer. "But we haven't done an internet-scale twitch-based action game before." According to Butcher, an online multiplayer mode at one point existed for the original Halo. However, it was scrapped because Bungie didn't have enough time to fully develop it before the game was scheduled to ship. With halo2, it is even more critical that things are done right. When dealing with a title so hotly anticipated, the public will show little mercy if it falls short in any area. To make sure this doesn't happen, Bungie initiated the halo 2 online alpha test. "Obviously, you can't go live with an xbox live game unless you've tested it," said Butcher. The alpha test was a five-week trial to make sure that Halo 2's online features functioned in the real world. Because of confidentiality reasons, only microsoft employees were able to participate, and only 1,000 were chosen. In order to qualify, candidates for the alpha had to be full-time microsoft employees with broadband and an xbox at home. They also had to be spread out all over the country to ensure that location wasn't an issue when playing online. These testers were all given a version of halo 2's online mode to play at home in order to collect data on how it performed on the real xbox live network. Since there are several different types of broadband connections (cable, dsl, T1, etc), Bungie needed to ensure that its game worked smoothly in all types of network situations. Gigabytes of data were collected on halo 2's online performance in as many different configurations as possible. The company wants Halo 2 to be as fun and fluid online as playing the original game in split-screen or system link, even in a situation where players are divided between the coasts and have wildly different internet connections. Several Bungie employees confessed to us that they are driven to create a great online title because they love crushing their friends. Killing your buddies, they say, should feel no different online than it feels when they are sitting right next to you. It should feel great. The results of the test, according to bungie were quite positive and helpful. Max Hoberman, multiplayer design lead, summarized the collected data for us.
"We gathered every piece of data you can imagine, from usage patterns to individual network performance to individual player performance to automatic bug reporting, "Our testers collected so much data it took several weeks just to sort through it all! That kind of data is only being collected for the alpha testing process - so don't worry, we won't be collecting info on how you stayed up 'til 5 a.m for three weeks solid when the game ships." When the test was completed, the participants were required to return their copies of the game, so don't go searching ebay to find some illicit bootleg. "Once we had gathered all the data that we needed we pulled the plug, causing a lot of tears," jokes Hoberman. "Lots of these were tears of joy from spouses glad to finally get their significant others back!" Although the testers were sad to give up their beloved games, all at Bungie feel that the exercise was a success Hoberman described how feedback was collected and what people had to say: "We hosted a set of newsgroups for the alpha and encouraged testers to post anything and everything. I actually read every single post, over a thousand of them. Topics included bugs and network issues, gameplay questions and comments, and of course, feature requests. We kept track of all of this without giving much away. You'd be amazed by how careful we are, even within the company, even with other game studios within the company, to not let any secrets out! Judging from the feedback on the newsgroup, everyone that participated in the alpha had an amazing time. One comment I saw often was that they liked that the game felt like a natural extension of the original-like an old friend, only with a new look, a clean new haircut, and a fat wad of cash."

With a game like halo 2, a lot of info gets tossed around. The following is a list of things that have been mentioned by Bungie and are believed to be true or very, very likely.
The setting is earth: What is known about the story so far is that it deals with a covenant invasion of our planet. However, a second halo is also involved so we have a feeling master chief will be heading back into space. Bungie has stated that there will be low-gravity environments, so space travel seems more likely.
The covenant will be playable: Elites will be a playable class in multiplayer. We don't know if any other covenant forces are playable, nor do we know if there will be more than one class of human to choose from.
There will be more vehicles: The warthog, scorpion tank, and the ghost are returning, along with some new rides. There will be several variants of the warthog for different uses, along with more covenant vehicles. The banshee is definitely back, and rumor has it aliens have added a new tank to their arsenal.
More enemies are headed your way: The covenant has added at least two new types of warriors: the brutes and the prophets. The brutes are huge, gorilla-esque warriors, while the prophets are floating psychics who are expected to be morelike generals than actual warriors, as they look pretty frail . Word is there may be even more enemies, including a huge beast capable of flipping over a warthog! whether this makes it into the final version or not remains to be seen, but it would certainly be pretty sweet.
There will be more multiplayer modes: Aside from the typical deathmatch modes of slayer and team slayer, capture the flag, assault, oddball, and king of the hill will be back for xbox live, split screen, and system link, online co-op is also likely

The alpha test version of halo 2 consisted of three different multiplayer maps, three game types, and just enough of the actual gameplay mechanics to keep testers coming back, but not so much that they lost sight of the point of the test and commented solely on gameplay issues. Not featured in the alpha were some of halo 2's highly touted new features, such as dual-wielding. Interactive environments , another mechanic has announced for halo 2, were only included in a very basic form certain objects in the alpha could be pushed around by shooting them, andeven forced off ledges. The final version, we have been assured, will feature environments that are much more interactive and destructible,. and dual-wielding willbe included as well. The alpha did, on the other hand, contain a few of the features that halo fans have been drooling for. Obviously, the warthog made a return, and it was joined by drivable ghosts and banshees. Both of these airborne vehicles feature a new boost function:by holding down the left trigger , the engines flare and send you screaming across the level at unheard-of speeds. Certain multiplayer maps in halo took a long time to cross on foot, and still felt oversized when driven across. These boards can now be traversed in no time, thanks to this new, rocket-assisted flight.While the exact number of maps that will be included in halo 2's multiplayer is still unknown, we were shown three, each with its own distinct look and feel.Obviously, many more original maps will be included, and multiplayer environment lead Chris Carney admitted that fans are hoping for the return of some popular favorites, especially blood gulch. The inclusion of these classic maps is being considered. Carney, who joined bungie after studying architecture, was happy to show us around the levels he helped create. The first level is called lockout, and is a very small map that is tall and narrow. When describing this stage, he explained not only how it was laid out, but hinted at how it fit into the story of the halo universe. A multi-tiered concrete structure built into a rock outcropping, Carney said this type of structure was typical of the forerunners-the mysterious, unseen race credited with the creation of the halo. Since bungie has stated that halo 2 takes place primarily on earth, the news of areas created by the forerunners is certainly intriguing. The forerunner structure in lockout is a central tower with a ouple of satellites attached by narrow bridges. Each area of the structure features multiple levels, which can be traversed by ramps and ladders, as well as a new energy elevator contraption. Stepping into the swirling energy beam lifts the player up like a strong air current. Not only is this a welcome change from the original halo's ladders because it is easier to navigate, but it can also be used in combat. Unlike the ladders, which leave players vulnerable to attack, firing one's weapon is possible while riding the beam between floors. When used properly, the beam becomes an interesting and deadly combat tactic. Lockout was designed as a small map for small games, such as one-on-one or two-on-two. But an unexpected side effect of the level design is that it makes for incredibly fierce matches when more players are involved. Our first round of halo 2 was a classic game of team slayer on this map. However, rather than the two teams and four players we were accustomed to from our experiance with the original halo's split-screen, we found ourselves playing a game with four teams and 14 players! red, blue, green, and gold teams squared off against each other in a fast-paced fragfest unlike anything we expected. Naturally, we stood no chance against bungie's group of fanatical gamers; they knew the map, they knew the weapons, and they knew we didn't. We were unprepared for how intense halo 2's multiplayer is, and found ourselves getting wiped out every 15 seconds or so. The second level featured in the alpha test is named burial mounds. A medium-sized map, burial mounds is a barren, desert-themed map which prominently features a military base and huge twisted pieces of metal affectionately referred to as "the ribs" because of their resemblance to the skeleton of a long-dead giant. This board stands out in the halo universe because it could fit so well in the star wars universe. The sandy, junk-strewn wasteland is reminiscent of tatooine. Burial mounds feels like it was custom-designed for the game type we played on it:Assault. In Assault, one team plays defense. The offense team must carry a bomb into the defense's base to score a point. The two sides switch at regular intervals and the first team to three points wins. The defenders, base has a nice little perk to dissuade attackers; two mounted turrets. Much like the guns on the back of the warthog, those on the base can be activated with a click of the x button and spew out unlimited ammo. When playing defense on this map, we were pretty happy when we mounted the turret on the side of the base and started laying down a heavy suppresing fire. We may have even cackled a bit when we mowed down a couple red soldiers. But then we saw a light moving rapidly towards us. By the time we figured out it was a rocket, it was too late. Since the pace of this match was not a frantic as lockout, we had a little time to actually appreciate some of the smaller details. It was on this map that we realized that we had picked up one of the new weapons:The battle rifle. This improved version of halo's assault rifle packed a bit more punch and featured a nifty scope. We also noticed that even though this version was a test, character models seemed to sport more details. This basic version of the game points to the final build being visually staggering. After our team lost the assault game in the burial mounds, we were treated to a final level called waterworks. An absolutely huge map, waterworks feels like the successor to the infamous blood gulch. Indeed, the basic setup is with a base on each end. However, a couple of things set it apart from blood gulch. First, the entire area is inside a massive cave. Endless stone walls surround the entire area, and the main light source is a huge hole in the ceiling. The second difference is the giant alien machine in the center of the level. It stretches from floor to ceiling, and is filled with plenty of nooks and crannies to explore. Whereas blood gulch tended to limit combat to the ends of the canyon, the giant structure in the middle of the waterworks adds another combat hotspot in the middle of the map. The alien machine in the underground cavern leads us to a bit of speculation: The structure seems to be forerunner technology, but the sheer size of the cave leads us to believe that it takes place on earth. Does this mean that the forerunners, creators of the halo rings, visited our planet years ago? We didn't have time to search for more clues while we were being shot, but what we've seen of this level so far certainly makes us wonder. With its two bases and centrally located choke point, Waterworks is the ideal map for capture the flag. It also is the map that features the most vehicles out of the three: warthogs, banshees, and ghosts are ll accessible. While using a ghost or banshee in multiplayer is a great thrill (especially for those who haven't played halo pc), the danger of doing so is quickly learned. Fly to the enemies side and get shot down, and suddenly your foe has possession of you vehicle along with their own. Our peek at these three multiplayer maps is only a brief glimpse of what is to come in halo 2. The single-player campaign is still shrouded in mystery, but we have a feeling the online play will be this title's biggest draw. Based on our time with the multiplayer mode, it seems obvious that halo 2 will be the top xbox live title the very day that it hits. You can be certain that we will be online on the first possible day. And that night , and the following morning, and many, many days to follow.

Ready to get charred? During the alpha test, one player quickly rose to the top of the pack. Going by the screen name "char," this tester kicked so much booty it inspired Bungie to sponser a "death to char" contest. He took some time out to talk about the game and his amazing killing skills.

Q. How did you manage to kick so much butt while playing halo 2? Were you a huge halo player?
A. The day xbox launched [november 15th,2001], a friend and I sat down and played through co-op. we started around 2 a.m, and I think it took us about 10 hours to finish. Needles to say, I showed up late to work the next day. I quickly organized a weekly game on campus for friends and coworkers. It's grown and evolved since then, but we're still getting together every week and fragging each other into the late hours of the night over two years later.

Q. What advice would you give someone who wants to improve their game?
A. Start with the single-player campaign. You'll get basic skills from that and a good understanding of the physics, weapons, power-ups, and so forth. In multiplayer, pay attention to the environment (which weapons and power-ups are missing), evaluate your targets (soft targets like a wounded player running away are easy, hard targets like the guy with the battle rifle and overshield standing on the health pack might be better to avoid), pick the right weapon (plasma is good against shields, for instance), and engage or keep looking. There re so many considerations, like your weapon loadout, health, shields, position on the map and how these compare to your opponent. It's really just about quickly evaluating your situation, deciding how and when to hit, and moving on to the next target.

Q. Tell us about your alpha test stats.
A. Bungie didn't share information about player stats that I really wanted to see. I'd love to know my overall kill/death ratios(as well as per-map and per gametype), kills per minute, accuracy with different weapons, and other stats. I do know that I regulary had high kill/death and kills/minute ratios. After playing the alpha for two weeks, I had a weekend with over 3,000 kills in under 20 hours played.

Q. Without incriminating yourself, what can you tell us about who you are and what you do at microsoft?
A. I get paid to design API's for TabletPC and other aspects of tablet as a platform, but I think you could make a strong case for me being an ancillary halo and xbox hardware tester.

Q. Based on what you have played so far, how is halo 2 an improvment on the original?
A. A lot of features we're all waiting for, like dual-wielding SMGs or vehicle takeovers, weren't in the alpha. I can't wait to see all that stuff implemented in the final game. It looks like there is a lot of effort going into balancing weapons and desiging maps. In the alpha, the pistol has been replaced with the battle rifle. It doesn't have quite the range and accuracy combinationthat the pistol does, but it leads to more balance. Some of the new maps, like burial mounds, are manifestations of pure genius There are also obvious engine improvments. Sounds, textures, and lighting are all stunning. I'm going to need to upgrade my home theater setup to take full advantage of everything this game has.

Q. Tell us about the various competitions during the alpha.
A. There were weekly competitions organized by bungie during the alpha. Prizes were awarded for various things like "most kills" or "most deaths by falling off a map" one of these competitions was "death to char," and (aptly) had a prize for whoever killed me the most. It was pretty silly what some people were willing to do to get kills. I had people on my own team betray me in CTF games (I really hope those people lost a kill for that.) People piled into every game I played that weekend in an attempt to get kills-it was a zoo. I would see two players shooting at each other, and as soon as I engaged them, they would both turn on me instead of trying to finish each other off. I think the best example of how my online experiance changed was a CTF game I was in during the competition. The teams were pretty balanced and my team got off to a 2-0 lead. Suddenly, everyone switches off my team and I now have one teammate and nine opponents. My valiant teammate and I got stomped shortly afterwards. I do have to tip my hat to pun1sher (the winner of the competition) for killing me 33 times that weekend.

Q. Did you win a good prize for being the top player during the test?
A. Besides being the prime target in every game I played after that? Actually, I did receive a very nice halo hoodie. It's made appearances at our weekly halo games to many "oohs" and "aahs."

Q. After halo 2 ships to retail, do you think you'll still be a top player?
A. There are many people who are better than me at various aspects of the game. Certain people are better snipers, some are wizards with grenades, some are great with vehicles, and some are flag running masters. I'd be very surprised if there aren't people who are better than me across the board when halo 2 goes live.

Q. What are you looking forward to most about the final version of halo 2?
A. This may sound odd, but I'm definitely looking forward to the campaign-I've always been a big fan of Bungie's games since Pathways Into Darkness, and I'd be surprised if halo 2 didn't continue the tradition of incredible storytelling. What I'm most looking forward to is being able to play against the rest of the world, though. It's fun playing against your friends, but the biggest rush will be taking your group of friends and playing against another team and seeing how you stack up!
soon the world will be one big computer
WehnerWehnerSkrevet 17/04-04 19:16 
Det er kanon, at der bliver mulighed for at lave mere end to teams.

Nogen af jer der følger med for alvor, der har hørt, om der måske bliver mulighed for at spille flere over Live via splitscreen? De kan jo i PGR2...
>>Here's some boots and a sandwich<<Spiller nu: Assassin's Creed: Revel..., Elder Scrolls V, The: S...
PlaykidPlaykidSkrevet 17/04-04 19:19 
Det har vi ikke hørt noget om endnu.
Spiller nu: Halo 3
KeenKeenSkrevet 17/04-04 22:51 
Jeg håber...
The GuardiansThe GuardiansSkrevet 18/04-04 17:47 
Men jeg skal nok gøre det næste gang.....for at være flink ;)

Det var godt, men jeg kunne jo ikke vide om det var et officielt screenshot.
I have witnessed countless empires break before me.Spiller nu: Halo 2 [Limited Collect..., Elder Scrolls IV, The: ..., Battlefield 2: Modern C...
yokanabsteryokanabsterSkrevet 24/04-04 02:36 
Frankies Bungie Weekly Update 14:

I've only been here a few months, but I can honestly say this is the busiest, most spastic week since I arrived. Everyone is grinding – programmers, artists, designers, marketing, everyone. Going bananas. There's lots of activity everywhere you look and best of all, every screen you look at has something cool on it that you never saw before. Might just be a pretty tree, could be some spectacular bloom lighting, and might even be some in-game object that moves around in a fun way. But the level of graphic polish seems to be "sudden."

Things that had previously been flat untextured objects, or textured, but unlit, are now springing gloriously to life, with multiple effects being applied. Those range from bump maps to reflections, to simple lightmapped lighting or the occasionally startling dynamic lights. Actually, you probably saw some of this in the E3 demo last year, but our dynamic lighting isn't necessarily static…

Animation Alley

Nathan has been crunching on tons of multiplayer "triage" which is basically the prioritization of bug fixing, and this week that includes first person weapons (we thought you might want these back) as well as a new melee animation system "that is gonna rock the cheese off a 20” submarine sandwich…" Nathan's dietary habits aside, it's a jammed week in animation.

He's also been tightening the vehicle boarding animations, and I can tell you, they look very cool. And the control system for that is pretty nifty too.

As for characters, according to Nathan the Grunts look way better, courtesy of “Billmation” (Bill’s animation).

"Billmation is the process where bill takes 100% sass and curdles it with dynamic motion to create lickable content…better than 80’s scratch n' sniff stickers I say…" says, Nathan.

John Butkus, also animating like crazy, is fixing bugs and polishing existing animations for an upcoming milestone. He's been tweaking and tuning Elite animation, and you're going to see a far more articulated, convincing Elite this time around. They look much more distinct and animalistic this time around and his melee attacks (duck!) look terrifying, and the way the Elites reload now is almost too much detail.

John claims it wasn’t anything too earth-shatteringly exciting this week, just a matter of making sure that everything is working right, while Mike has been working on the animations for an updated Elite model, and created a totally sick rocket launcher melee attack for the Chief. And as Nathan pointed out, Bill has been hard at work on the Grunt, and it definitely shows…the Grunt is looking awesome. Did we say how awesome the Grunt was?

Print Shop

Lorraine is cranking on an Art book project, collating old concept art from Halo and trying to organize and account for all the Halo 2 art that exists, or is still being pumped out. Grind! She's going through literally hundreds of pieces of art and picking out the coolest of the cool.

Lorraine ran into a snag with the Halo 2 action figures (had to figure out what to move to where when a piece was changed in the game) But good news is, a new bad-guy action figure is done and ready for manufacturing. And she's figured out which next three to do…

Lorraine actually saw the final version of the first stage of the Halo 2 logo. Second and third stage needs some tweaking, but time is running short.

Lorraine received samples from another company to do a different kind of action figure and the possibilities are intriguing. Maybe it's kung-fu grip with a one-two punch!!!

Oh, and she hung her Banshee up over her desk to catch tall people in the forehead. Blam!

Oh, and this week (and some of last week, but I guess I can cheat about it), we also found out that Zoe can do wonders with Halo 2 3D models.

Lorraine, in short, is swamped.

Parsons' Projects (sorry)

Parsons thinks his combination of number crunching and marketing speak is boring, but really, Bungie is a rock band, and Parsons is the bass player. So, he might have a point. But he's been busy, no doubt, here's his breakdown:

1. Fun with numbers! Budget is in the air and the bean counters are scurrying around asking stupid questions like, "Do you really need the four-person mini-sub to get your job done?" …Always remember. The 52’ Plasma TV for Parsons' palatial office suite goes under "Misc Product Development – Other."
2. Robt and I are working on something pretty cool for the mkt guys (I think it’s pretty funny to use Robt and mkt in the same sentence – funny until he kills me that is).
3. Really busy this week doing a whole bunch of mildly unpleasant things that nobody else would want to do

Environmental Protection

"I’ll give you the whole run-down on the environment side. I’ve been working with Paul Russel on the *CENSORED*. The *CENSORED* bay where the *CENSORED* was, specifically. Mike Zak and Frank C have been slamming away at *CENSORED* and have some real beautiful combinations of indoor and outdoor spaces. Justin, Michael Wu and Chris Barrett have been doing some real nice work on *CENSORED* including some real nice gardens as well as some cool interiors. Don’t know how helpful that was."

Dave *CENSORED* Dunn

Down in the Engine Room…

A letter from Chucky in the boiler rooms.


We’ve been making new multiplayer maps and game-types work and polishing everything to a nice golden shine. Cuban’s new HUD system is in place (but what it looks like is a secret!) – it uses all our graphics goodness now instead of being a hard coded custom rendering path.

Michael’s working on something that will help build the kind of community for which we’re known. Eamon’s been working with Carney and Steve to get a bunch of sweet physics stuff. Butchy did a bunch of profiling and performance work so that we’re way closer to where we need to be. Bart is testing and tweaking all kinds of MP code he wrote and he did some performance work as well. Ben and Hao are pounding away on under-the-hood rendering infrastructure that’ll allow us to cash the crazy checks the designers are writing.

Luke’s been making a bunch of features like breakable glass work over the network. Greg’s closing out animation and boarding bugs. Bernie’s fixed some old bugs with the first person model rendering. Stefan’s slaving away on Max’s mad UI plan. Mat’s closing out sound features and fighting fires. Damian’s off in the corner talking with his AI. And of course I’m management overhead, and doing a #%#&* fine job of it. :P


And that's all for this week folks, hope you take a moment to check out the host site, and we'll chat again, real soon. Bye! Oh, one more thing, they even censored Mister Chief this week…

soon the world will be one big computer
yokanabsteryokanabsterSkrevet 01/05-04 02:14, rettet 01/05-04 02:15 
4/30/2004 Bungie Weekly Update!!!

Short and largely pointless this week, as the team crunches, the marketing guys are swept into the maelstrom of E3, and just about everyone this week, not coincidentally, is working on a secret part of the game that they can't even really hint at.

Nathan's Animation Station

Nathan's on a roll this week, saying, "I think I saw John’s knuckles bleeding this week. He was talking to his knuckles too…it was either to give them congratulations from really hard work on the Elite, or gently spoken murmurs of encouragement before John pops me one. I am unsure which is true, but I do know that the Elites’ animations are very tight.

Buddman has been working on another top-secret character while taking some time out to calm the Jackal…quiet and collected, Mike Budd trudges through the toughest characters to make them awesome. I wish we could say more about his secret character, since it will rock harder than a quarry when you see it in-game.

The Billmation studio is still going strong. While working on Grunt animations we occasionally get blessed by poorly done Christopher Walken impressions coupled with a nice rendition of “Can You feel the Love Tonight” as sung by Nathan Lane. The scariest part is the Nathan Lane as Christopher Walken impression. I wanted to run away but couldn’t since I had just soiled myself from laughter and slipped on my own feces.

I have been tightening the multiplayer Spartan animations, addressing bug after bug. I am thinking of changing my name from “bentllama” to “Orkin Man”, though I don’t think I will need the hardhat. I also have blisters on my palms from those damn S controllers. They have this plastic seam of razor along side them that really dig into your hands while clutching the controller in anger. When the multiplayer maps get to a stage where everyone is getting angry, then you know they are fun. Mark my words Jaime, I will get you back…you and you pony named 'One trick'!"

David's Bells and Whistles

David Candland, User Interface master and all around superhuman, says, "This past week or so was devoted to experimenting with new elements into the Heads-Up Display. Right now in the HUD, there are new bits mixed alongside old bits. We’re trying something different with the look of the health and shield system people knew in Halo 1, so eventually that is the biggest difference people will notice. We’re also toying with an icon system instead of text to warn you about low ammo, reloads and no grenades. Cuban has been huge in getting these working slick. We’re also bringing back a favorite feature that has been missing in Bungie games since the Myth series.

In UI land, we’ve been getting all the half-built, work in progress menus to look un-broken. And- as Frank knows, I’ve been going back and forth with Parsons (I’m winning) about what we should reveal about our secret Xbox Live plans that will change the way people play online forever. Not only have we got a system that fixes the bad things about playing on Live, but one that makes the experience even more fun. We’re shooting to make playing on Live as close to the amount of fun as playing at a friend’s LAN party. This plan will put an end to war and poverty. It will align the planets and bring them into universal harmony, allowing meaningful contact with all forms of life." From extra terrestrials to common household pets… OK maybe not. But it will be cool. You saw it first here, kids."


No update from engineering this week, except to say that they've been fixing bugs and tuning something you'll see in a week or two.

Butcher's Block

Chris Butcher has been working on performance fixes. Framerates are pretty smooth right now, but Chris has been finding and eradicating "stupid little things" taking up valuable CPU time that shouldn't be.

Chris and the guys have been arguing a ton over the balance of vehicles versus infantry, but points out that it's really fun now. Other big arguments going on right now on exactly how a level should be lit. The way it is now is fantastic (says me) and it captures the blazing yellow of a mid sunrise, complete with the bloom and glare you get when the sun is still low in the sky. Better yet, you look straight up, and there's the pale moon, still visible before full daylight. Very atmospheric.

That level (on Earth) also has tons of cool structures that obscure and reveal the glare of the sun as you run around. Looks coooool. Don't know what they could possibly be arguing about, to be honest.


The bump-maps in Halo 2 are really very clever. The stuff in the original Halo was pretty cool – you know, the big metal bulkheads with their ridges and extrusions, but the art and the tech for that stuff has come on a long way since then.
For example, I was just taking a close look at a yellow/black warning decal on a barrier, and it was very slightly bumpy, just like painted cast-iron, with a gorgeous specular highlight. I can stare at that crap for hours. I also find myself "skimming" close to wall surfaces, pock-marked, cratered pavements, trying to "beat" the optical illusion a bump map creates.

Even the Chief is nicely bump-mapped, with the not coincidental side-effect that this frees up more polys and memory for enhanced animation. As a matter of fact, the new Chief actually uses fewer polys than the old one. Which to me, is kind of a mind-BLAM! Because he looks about seven console generations better. To me.

Another funny thing about our bump, texture and light maps is that every time I load up a build, something I thought was finished and gorgeous has been replaced by something better, and I invariably find that an old texture I thought was finished, was a placeholder. The upshot of that is that the environments are a lot more varied and organic than I expected.

Until next week, which if anything, will be even more mental than this, enjoy Mister's pop art debut.

soon the world will be one big computer
The GuardiansThe GuardiansSkrevet 08/05-04 19:46 
I denne uge er Frankies weekely update på Battleground Halo

I have witnessed countless empires break before me.Spiller nu: Halo 2 [Limited Collect..., Elder Scrolls IV, The: ..., Battlefield 2: Modern C...
RQvsnapzRQvsnapzSkrevet 08/05-04 19:50 
mmm... Næste uge bliver en god uge for Halo folket.
I win, you loose
The GuardiansThe GuardiansSkrevet 08/05-04 20:14 
Det kan der være noget om :)
I have witnessed countless empires break before me.Spiller nu: Halo 2 [Limited Collect..., Elder Scrolls IV, The: ..., Battlefield 2: Modern C...
PlaykidPlaykidSkrevet 05/06-04 12:59 
Bungie Weekly Update, June 04, 2004

Creepy. Now when I ask people what they're up to this week, they're like, "finishing this" or "completing that." Nobody is actually starting anything. Which is both exciting and frightening. Although it's five months 'til the game is on shelves, it's only three or four months 'til we're complete. Scary! So naturally, everyone's swamped. Here's the deal this week:

Cam's Castle

We never talk to the marketing guys, because all they do is drive around in black Porsches, buying martini lunches with their expense accounts, while their Armani suits are tailored and cleaned of weird white powdery residue. That said, without the sharks, there'd be no mystery in the deep blue ocean of Halo 2 development, not to mention metal boxes, TV campaigns, magazine ads, cool storefront displays – in short just about everything related to getting Halo 2 in your face and into your Xbox. So we asked Cam Payne (seriously, that's his name) what's been going down in the world of mktg., for short. This is what he said:

"Do you consider lots of meetings and hundreds of e-mails as something cool? Mainly this week was a lot of the day-to-day stuff for a game coming out in five months: Coordinating with agencies, reviewing advertising and POP (Point of Purchase) creative, planning and generating assets, working out the details of specific PR (Public Relations) tactics coordinating with the dozens of subsidiaries (countries that is) across the world that will market and sell Halo 2, and so on and so on

I do get to fly down to LA today for a Friday night meeting with Joe, Marty and one of our agencies. A quick 15 hour trip, as I come back tomorrow morning at 6:30 am to go see the Dora the Explorer (hyperviolent Japanese anime) show in Seattle with my kids (elite squad of Ninja assassins).

In order to save time, effort and transportation costs, I’m staying tonight in the same hotel where Marty and Joe are staying. Well, you know Marty and his need to be well pampered and taken care of—this means I get to stay in a nice fancy place where every room is a suite that’s bigger than my last apartment. In fact, I mentioned I was traveling with Marty when making the reservation and they called back and wanted to know if I wanted the peeled grapes and hand massages when I arrived or Saturday morning."

Environmental Impact

Dave Dunn didn't have much to say, but what he had to say was tremendously important. The environments and the geometry are done. That is to say, there is a building, a door, a wall and a floor everywhere it's supposed to be, you can run through the entire game without finding any gaps, and now he and the guys have moved on to polishing. They'll be tweaking textures, futzing with lightmaps and tweaking things here and there, but now they're on a different type of schedule.

The geometry and environments guys have been pretty much left to their own devices for a long time, but now they'll have a lot more to-ing and fro-ing with the designers as they tweak bits of environment to suit gameplay requirements. Dave says that while it may seem like they're cutting it close; this is a lot further ahead than it was on the first game, by comparison and with a whole heck of a lot more environments!

Cuban's Casa

Adrian "Cuban" Perez describes his week: "This week I’ve done a bunch of stuff, some might be more interesting to the outside world than others…"

* The damage handling code now pushes around the cause of the damage (i.e. what weapon it came from, what vehicle you were hit by, which sniping weapon you were just headshot with). This is something we’ve been meaning to do for a while, now enough people at the end of the damage code pipeline (multiplayer messages, stats) want to know said info that we’ve taken care of feeding them.

* I made a few changes to the lightmapper that will let the artists iterate their lighting faster. The fact that the lightmapper is much faster than the Halo 1 lightmapper is irrelevant since the artists have made much more detailed geometry with much higher res lightmaps, completely nullifying any speed advantage and making the iteration times just as long. The kinds of spaces that the artists are lighting are so different than what we were trying to do in halo 1 that I’ve had a hard time making the lightmapper keep up with them.

* I did a couple of small changes to the weapon/damage code to handle a bad guy too nuts for the existing systems. Nuts in the sense that he has CENSORED where death comes out of and two separate CENSORED. Oh yeah and he’s big and mean, kind of like a Tyrannosaurus.

* The new HUD is in and working well enough to do all of the new weapon huds. We’ve been arguing back and forth a lot over the best way to integrate dual-wielding into the HUD; I think the system we have is supasweet and will be both discoverable and useful, kind of like a Tyrannosaurus.

Butkus' Barn

John Butkus explains this week's bizniss: "Nothing too exciting this week…mostly miscellaneous bug fixing and making sure that the elite and marine work as vehicle passengers with all weapons and that their hands are properly locked on the warthog and scorpion hand rails. I know. Fascinating.

I also animated the first-person CENSORED (both single and dual shot), so that should be in the game and working now…it looks pretty cool, but it’s definitely a lot weaker than CENSORED and it has CENSORED now, so people are probably going to CENSORED and CENSORED. Oh well, all’s fair in the cruel world of gameplay balance."

Walpole's World

Rival Canadian Nathan Walpole gives another Cananimator view: "Not much has gone on this week that differs from the regular attachment of animation excitement. All of us are still working hard and resisting the urge to bust home early to play Full Spectrum Warrior. We do have some current news to report. Two new animators are coming on board to help us bring the fans some incredible motion. We have a mercenary animator on loan for 2 months from a sister Microsoft studio, FASA (By the way, thanks for sharing your peeps with us - feel free to make a giant Robot in Mechassault that looks like a Grunt...). He will be helping us pound out some riveting storytelling in our cinematics. We also have a new contract junior animator starting out next week that will be helping make the in-game animation tighter than a walrus’ butt hole. Oh, and the FASA mercenary happens to be Canadian too, so 50% of the animation in Halo 2 will remain Canadian made. Go Canada. Go Halo 2!"

Hoberman's House

Max is typically reserved this week as he gives a hint of what to expect from Halo 2 on Xbox Live. I know specifically what he's talking about though, so I can tell you he's understating its coolness!

"Not a very exciting week for those on the outside, but I'm incredibly psyched. For the past several weeks we've been reviewing all of our UI and Xbox Live plans. This is the hard part, polishing the design and solidifying the final specs. Should have happened sooner, but we've always known we were on to something cool, and now I'm even more certain that Halo 2 on Xbox Live is going to be incredible. I'm mainly referring to the whole LAN party over the Internet experience, or as we sometimes refer to it the Halo 2 "virtual couch". It's going to take some getting used to because we're doing things that have never been done before. But once people are used to it I'm confident everything else will seem broken."

Butcher's Bivouac

Chris Butcher, watching over all manner of programmy shenanigans lets us know what code craziness went down:

Luke Timmins has voice communication working in game for real, and has done some very neat stuff with player CENSORED and team voice stuff.

Bart is busy doing automated take home networking tests, it’s cool, we all take the boxes home and plug them into our networks and they just play games over and over all night, silently recording the results to our data mine server (unless they crash or get stuck).

Chucky and Ben went to a technology conference yesterday, which should be important for future Bungie games.

Cuban did the damage type reporting so the game engine can have different messages appear for Melee kills vs. Sniper kills vs. Needler kills, plus we track them as separate stats which is cool.

Jason Major is back from paternity leave and immediately did some cool distortion particle FX.

And to finish, here's a pic of an early Spartan technology:

Spiller nu: Halo 3
PlaykidPlaykidSkrevet 05/06-04 13:03 
Frankie's update>
I also animated the first-person CENSORED (both single and dual shot), so that should be in the game and working now…it looks pretty cool, but it’s definitely a lot weaker than CENSORED and it has CENSORED now, so people are probably going to CENSORED and CENSORED. Oh well, all’s fair in the cruel world of gameplay balance."

Hmmm. Det kunne være så meget, men for mig lyder det som om der snakkes om pistolen, og at den vil være nedtonet.
Om det er godt eller ej, må vi vente til at se i Halo 2.
Spiller nu: Halo 3
yokanabsteryokanabsterSkrevet 05/06-04 13:23 
Yep...Det er altid ret svært at få de X'er til at passe :)

I also animated the first-person CENSORED

Den er da svær...
soon the world will be one big computer
PlaykidPlaykidSkrevet 05/06-04 13:30 
Mit bud:

I also animated the first-person modes for the pistol (both single and dual shot), so that should be in the game and working now…it looks pretty cool, but it’s definitely a lot weaker than in Halo and it has no scope now, so people are probably going to b**** and whine (eller andre klage ord;)). Oh well, all’s fair in the cruel world of gameplay balance."
Spiller nu: Halo 3
yokanabsteryokanabsterSkrevet 05/06-04 13:48 
Hmm, ja godt bud! Jeg kan i hvert tildfælde ikke komme op med noget bedre selv. Det er fedt hvis den kommer med, om den så er mindre sjov må man jo vente og se med.
soon the world will be one big computer
PlaykidPlaykidSkrevet 05/06-04 14:08 
Nu får vi jo heldigvis andre våben at lege med, og bare det at pistolen er med giver jo lidt følesen af nostalagi:)
Jeg tror den bliver meget fed at have med i spillet, nedtonet eller ej.
Spiller nu: Halo 3
PlaykidPlaykidSkrevet 02/10-04 02:12 
Sidste update! (sådan da)

Septultimate: The Last Update

It isn't literally the last update of course, since there's lots to do and say between now and November 9th, but I can honestly say that there's no more updating on the progress of the game, since the game is done. Finished and shipped to a nebulous region known as RTC (Release To Certification) where it will be dumped from eight digital tapes onto a DVD and go through some final testing. Usually that's just a matter of routine, but we'll be watching our email carefully through next week…

Roger handed off the tapes in LA yesterday, and as I write this, Alta, the Bungie Princess, is picking some discs up at Seatac Airport. And the office is eerily quiet – the calm broken intermittently by the rustle of a tumbleweed, or the rhythmic "barrrrrump" of a Parsons Sushi fart. Terrifying as it is to me, Parsons ordered Sushi for the celebratory lunch today.

There are still many steps between now and the game's arrival on shelves, including the not-insignificant process of actually manufacturing MILLIONS of copies of the game.

Yesterday was a total loss – everyone who was here simply sat around playing Halo 2 all day. There were some epic CTF battles, lots of Assault games and a ridiculously long fight between Artists and Programmers (thanks for booting me out of the game, Noguchi. You just made yourself a terrible enemy.) that ended with a programmer victory. Now I know why Noguchi (programmer) kicked me off the ART team. Actually he has a point. The only game style I can win regularly is Swords. As a matter of fact I have a Halo 2 profile on the Xbox called "Stabby," with sensitivity jacked up to like, a squillion.

Folks here are starting to pick clan names for use here on Bungie.net, and we imagine that good ones will be snapped up pretty quick. I myself have dibs on Deathkillaz: "We Kill Death!" and "FrankieNauts: "Make with the stabbing!" although I am a spaz, and will probably forget to register them. You guys should seriously start thinking about clans now, since when the game goes live on November 9th, you'll want to pick a name right away.

But don't just pick a clan and let it languish. If you create a clan, do it because you intend to use it, and enjoy the camaraderie that Clan membership brings. We have systems in place to deal with "dead" or unused Clans. Unpleasant, pointy systems that reek of rust and blood and horror. Think Silent Hill meets Autocomplete.

Folks are taking off on vacation. Most people will take a week or two, some up to a month, but almost everyone will be back here in time for the game launch, to witness it first hand. Keep an eye out for roving Bungie employees at midnight madness events here in Washington. We wanna see the folks that love our game, up close, personal, and maybe just a little bit stalky. You'll know us by our lack of hygiene.

Sketch and I are now fully swamped with PR and marketing stuff, as the wave of publicity and promotion enters its main phase. We'll be traveling to places good and bad, and basically being used, abused and spat out by the dainty PR ladies (yes, that includes you Shon).

We're also entering our busiest phase of site development. The sadly neglected Bungie.net is about to emerge like a butterfly from a chrysalis as we work towards the full integration of Halo 2 and bungie.net. This, for example, is where you need to come to build, maintain and track your clan, although clan creation is built into the game.

The guys have been playing enough variants of the myriad gametypes that I'm starting to settle on some favorites. I LOVE Assault, but only on certain maps, and I love Fiesta King of the Hill (we'll reveal what Fiesta means later) on ANY map. And Fiesta Crazy King is totally mental. But where on Halo one, my fave event was CTF on Blood Gulch – this time it's leaning towards Swords on Lockout. I can't get enough, although Sketch has a homemade variant he calls pistols that's pretty fun.

As for single player, I am getting my ass handed to me by Legendary. I got to a spot, about ten minutes into the game normally, and have spent three hours trying to beat it. I am not kidding. I foolishly wasted some weapons early on, and now am paying the price. I may start again, take a deep breath and hit it more strategically. Or get someone to coop with me…maybe even Jen from PR or Alta, who actually learned how to play. Finally.

Next week's update will be kinda special, so keep an eye out for it, and in the meantime, we'll keep you posted with every granular detail of what to expect from Halo 2. And it wouldn't be an update without the Mister.

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