Born2Play | Skrevet 13/11-03 15:16 | Yuna owned!
Jeg er igen hot på en videospilschick - hmmm...Jeg må noget mere ud?! | Swine flu for me and you!Spiller nu: Batman: Arkham Asylum
Chrono | Skrevet 13/11-03 15:34 | Hvis jeg ikke kunne læse romertal, ville jeg næsten tro at det var billeder fra X-2, og ikke XII. Stilen minder godt nok meget om den fra X'eren. Og personligt er det ikke noget jeg umiddelbart er begejstret for.. | I can't go fighting evil on an empty stomach, you know!
Sephiroth | Skrevet 13/11-03 15:40 | Ja, umiddelbart minder det meget om FFX/X-2 mht. til farvelægningen, lokationer (strand og jungle) osv., men det er svært at bedømme ud fra så få (og små) screenshots.
Vi må vel vente til Squenix officielt afslører spillet på onsdag. | Spiller nu: Catherine, Beyond Good & Evil HD
JAA | Skrevet 13/11-03 15:55, rettet 13/11-03 15:57 | Karaktererne lugter godt nok af FFX, men umiddelbart generer hunkønsvæsenet mig ikke så meget, som Yuna gør. Er dog ikke særligt glad for den FFX lignende påklædning.
Til sidst: Er der andre end mig, der er ved at have fået nok af tropiske-strande-og-palmetræer temaet? Der har godt nok været brugt i mange spil i de seneste år. Jeg havde sådan håbet på et FF i lidt mere traditionelle omgivelser.
Nå, jeg håber på, at den fulde afsløring fjerner min skepsis! |
Born2Play | Skrevet 13/11-03 16:07 | JAA >
Karaktererne lugter godt nok af FFX, men umiddelbart generer hunkønsvæsenet mig ikke så meget, som Yuna gør.
Er det ikke 2 kvinder?! | Swine flu for me and you!Spiller nu: Batman: Arkham Asylum
Chrono | Skrevet 13/11-03 16:17 | JAA >
Er der andre end mig, der er ved at have fået nok af tropiske-strande-og-palmetræer temaet? Der har godt nok været brugt i mange spil i de seneste år.
Det er nok nemt for dem at genbruge palmerne fra FFX og Kingdom Hearts ;) | I can't go fighting evil on an empty stomach, you know!
JAA | Skrevet 13/11-03 16:55, rettet 13/11-03 16:59 | Born2Play: Jeg greb faktisk mig selv i at kigge efter bryster på den lyshårede starut for at være sikker :/
Chrono: Man får næsten lyst til at sende FF designerne på ferie i Thailand, så de kan få trangen til det tropiske ud af kroppen og lave noget nyt :P |
Kilroy | Skrevet 13/11-03 17:06 | Ser ham "manden" ikke lidt for Kuja-agtig ud?
Lidt... Svanset måske? | Kilroy Was Here
JAA | Skrevet 13/11-03 17:09, rettet 13/11-03 17:13 | Jeg synes faktisk ikke, at han ser svanset ud, bare meget feminin og påfugleagtig. Der er forskel. |
jaes | Skrevet 13/11-03 18:00 | Er der ikke en der kan japansk, og vil tjekke om der er noget interessant info i teksten? |
JAA | Skrevet 13/11-03 18:29, rettet 13/11-03 18:39 | Jo, klart! Hun hedder Ash(e) og han hedder Van.
Der! Dybdegående info :P |
Naiera | Skrevet 13/11-03 18:41 | Før I går totalt i selvsving over et par palmer, så prøv at kigge på billedet af byen, soldaterne ude til venstre og baggrunden ovre til højre med det store "dyr" der går en tur i byen. | THERE... ARE... FOUR... LIGHTS!Spiller nu: Octopath Traveler
JAA | Skrevet 13/11-03 18:44, rettet 13/11-03 18:45 | Rådne palmer ...
Jeg har skam set billederne, men den slags var der jo også i starten af FFX, og kigger man på billederne med gameplay, ser der ret palmeagtige ud.
Men altså, herfra krydses der fingre for en masse byture :) |
jaes | Skrevet 13/11-03 18:45 | JAA >
og han hedder Van.
Jeg er egentlig ligeglad med hvad han hedder, men hvis han har den vest på i spillet nægter jeg at købe det >;) |
JAA | Skrevet 13/11-03 18:46 | Van the Man. Du elsker ham og hans nuttede lille Sinbad Søfareren vest, og du ved det :D |
Sephiroth | Skrevet 14/11-03 13:49 | Naiera >
Før I går totalt i selvsving over et par palmer, så prøv at kigge på billedet af byen, soldaterne ude til venstre og baggrunden ovre til højre med det store "dyr" der går en tur i byen.
Bangaa'en, som osse er med i FF Tactics Advance =)
Man aner også en cool Sephiroth lignende person på det lille billede nede i venstre hjørne. | Spiller nu: Catherine, Beyond Good & Evil HD
Rites | Skrevet 14/11-03 17:18 | Kuja er ikke svanset :(
Måske lidt for overdrevet Sephi-stil, men whatever... if it works for him ;) | » a winner is you «
Sephiroth | Skrevet 17/11-03 14:41 | Interessant.... fra the MagicBox:
In an interview with the Final Fantasy XII developer Yasumi Matsuno, a few new tidbits are revealed about the game:
The game will be in 2 DVDs
Very little love elements in the game
The game style resembles Vagrant Story
Huge world map
Many people will be surprised: "Is this Final Fantasy?"
Tight controls | Spiller nu: Catherine, Beyond Good & Evil HD
Naiera | Skrevet 17/11-03 15:15 | OK, godt jeg for nylig lige prøvede Vagrant Story kort, så jeg ved hvad jeg kan forvente. | THERE... ARE... FOUR... LIGHTS!Spiller nu: Octopath Traveler
JAA | Skrevet 17/11-03 15:34, rettet 17/11-03 15:35 | Det lyder umiddelbart ret godt. Vagrant Story er fedt om end lige en anelse for kampfikseret for mig, men jeg forventer ikke, at FFXII bliver det i samme grad. En kæmpe world map lyder også rigtigt lovende. |
Born2Play | Skrevet 17/11-03 15:55 | JAA >
Chrono: Man får næsten lyst til at sende FF designerne på ferie i Thailand...
Yay! Endnu flere she-males i vores FF spil...Nej tak! :-) | Swine flu for me and you!Spiller nu: Batman: Arkham Asylum
JAA | Skrevet 17/11-03 15:57 | Hehe, det kan du selvfølgelig have ret i. |
Sephiroth | Skrevet 17/11-03 16:00, rettet 17/11-03 16:00 | Japanerne kan åbentbart godt lide she-males eller i hvert fald halv-feminine fyre. De er jo osse helt vilde med Beckham ;) | Spiller nu: Catherine, Beyond Good & Evil HD
Sephiroth | Skrevet 19/11-03 15:59, rettet 19/11-03 15:59 | Jeg er helt oppe at køre :P
UPDATE 6:19 AM PST: Our Japanese correspondent, Andrew Vestal, has reported in with all the details from the conference. Take a seat, cause there's lots to pore over:
You've seen Final Fantasy XII before, and you haven't. If you played Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and wondered which "Final Fantasy" it was that the kids in that game were such big fans of, it was FFXII: that world was based on the world Matsuno was already working on for the main series' twelfth installment. So if you want to know a little about the world and its inhabitants, FFTA is a good place to start, though the two games are completely independent.
But beyond that, everything here is new to FF. When 1UP asked if FFXII would have the same dark style that his previous games (Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy Tactics) were known for, director Matsuno said that "What is mainstream is in the eye of the beholder, and in the preconceptions the player brings to the game. For example, the movie Gladiator won the Academy Award for Best Picture and was quite popular ... some people see the darkness in the message and setting of the movie, while others just enjoy it for gladiator fights and action. FFXII is the same way. Players who just want to play and enjoy it will enjoy it, whereas players who are familiar with my past games, who are looking for that darkness, will find hints of the tone throughout."
The "darkness" he speaks of is already evident in a lot of the game's setup. The warlike empire of Arcadia has already seized the country of Dalmasca, resulting in displaced princess Ashe and easygoing citizen Vaan to form a nascent rebellion against Arcadia. Their main adversary in this are the Judges of Arcadia -- though these are not the Judges you know from FFTA. Matsuno explains, "In FFTA, the Judges served the purpose of a sort of impartial police court. In FFXII, hey are depicted as a group of knights who use terror and fear for their aims." Some CG cutscenes shown support this, displaying the Judges terrorizing one of their own Bangaa henchmen.
More CG cutscenes showed off other aspects of the game: large battle scene, comparable to Helm's Deep from Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, except with the addition of airships. (The main airship in the game is a whopping 340 meters long, by the way, a little over half the length of the Enterprise from Star Trek.) An unnamed character appeared in the CG; the apparent leader of a vast army, she has short-cropped grey hair and is very thin, wearing white armor and a cape. Other characters introduced besides Ashe and Vaan were an unnamed party member who looks something like Hardin from Vagrant Story, as well as Fran, a Viera archer shown in many of the battle scenes.
Speaking of the battle scenes, though no specific details were offered at the conference, we can make a few guesses: the Active Time Battle system would appear to be returning. Enemies can now apparently guard players' attacks, so a timing-based battle system similar to Vagrant Story's may be in effect. There also seems to be combo-based manuvers possible between party members, judging by icons that light up simultaneously next to character names.
That's all we know about the gameplay so far, but Matsuno did have one more thing to say: Final Fantasy XII is not a movie, he stressed. It's an interactive game, and hence "the wishes and preconceptions of the player will affect what they find out of the story." There won't be any branching-path system in place; rather, the scenario has been designed such that the players have a wide breadth of possibilities within the scenario, giving them the opportunity to choose their focus within the wider scope of the story. If true, this would be a large (and welcome) step away from the very linear scenario design of past Final Fantasies. Whatever the game flow ends up being, Matsuno mentioned that a key themes in the story would be "diversity," as represented by the different races -- of which moogles will again be a part. The moogles seen in the game are actually the 10th design, Matsuno joked, noting that the first attempt at FFXII-style moogles was "scary."
Even if that design had stayed, though, the moogles would be the only ugly thing about Final Fantasy XII's visuals. Akihiko Yoshida (Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy Tactics) is handling the character design and map direction, while Hideo Minaba (Final Fantasy IX) is the overall art director. Yoshida commented that the focus of his design was the real-time characters first and the CG ones second, which is evident in the final product. The team (known as Production Development Division 4) is using a new engine rather than stick with FFX's; it uses half the number of polygons with an increased focus on textures and lighting. Which is not to say they didn't beef up the polygon count where it mattered: to help in the new, improved animation system, Ashe's face has 1479 polygons and Vaan's has 1487.
The third important staffer in terms of visuals is Isamu Kamikokuryou, who handles background art. The overall look of the game is of a real world: very detailed brickwork with visible decay and vegetation growing over it, to create the impression of a place that lives and breathes. Matsuno commented that the theme of the visuals is a Mediterranean style, drawing from the clash of European and Arabian cultures. Unlike FFX or X-2, players will be better able to appreciate the world with the inclusion of a first-person look-around mode.
In keeping with the general "new" approach to the franchise, longtime series composer Nobuo Uematsu will only be involved in creating the key theme song this time. The rest of the music will be composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto, who worked with Matsuno on (say it with us) Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy Tactics. Curiously, the sound team mentioned that ever since Final Fantasy VIII's "Eyes on Me" song, the vocal theme of the game has been emphasized, but with FFXII they want to try something "more than just the song." Just what that might be, though, is a mystery.
Various Square Enix staffers were on hand to give their comments on FFXII, many of them having longtime connections to the series. Yoichi Wada, CEO of Square, talked about being a fan of Final Fantasy even before becoming the company bigwig; he related the trouble he got into once after overwriting his wife's game save. Yoshinori Kitase, producer of FFVII, VIII, X, and X-2, talked about the need for competition within Square Enix and how that benefits the Final Fantasy series.
Surprisingly, even Hironobu Sakaguchi, the series originator, showed up for the first public appearance in a couple of years. Speaking of Matsuno, he told the audience "I love him ... welll, that may sound odd to say, but I love his products, and I love the way he works, and these two things together mean that I love him."
Currently, Final Fantasy XII is due to be release in Japan in summer 2004. The staff cautioned to "please let us finish the game, we don't want to disappoint you," but given that the game is reportedly already 70% finished, Matsuno was pretty confident that there would be "about six more months until release." After all this, we're pretty excited.
... og en fræk poster | Spiller nu: Catherine, Beyond Good & Evil HD
JAA | Skrevet 19/11-03 16:14 | Jeg nærer omtrent de samme følelser. |
Chrono | Skrevet 20/11-03 07:23 | Det lyder jo fantastisk! Et Final Fantasy der forlader den ret lineære opbygning er meget velkomment. Og at det foregår i FFTA universet (eller et der ligner) er kun en god ting - kunne være sjovt at møde Montblanc, Ezel og de andre igen (har lige gennemført FFTA)... De skulle bare have lavet spillet til GameCube, så jeg kunne få mine FFTA figurer med over i det :)
Sjovt at de har brugt 10 forsøg på at få Mooglerne til at ligne Moogler. Kunne godt være de skulle have brugt et par forsøg mere i FFTA også - Moogler har jo ikke kaninører! | I can't go fighting evil on an empty stomach, you know!
jaes | Skrevet 20/11-03 17:27 | Det er den samme... |
JAA | Skrevet 21/11-03 20:53 | Her er endnu et billede af Van.
Van |
jaes | Skrevet 21/11-03 21:06 | Haha :)
Ja, så fik vi svaret på, hvad der gemmer sig bag den frække vest... |
jaes | Skrevet 20/12-03 19:50 | Wow, wup ass in-game grafik.
Bare lidt tårefremkaldende, at det sikkert først udkommer om tidligst et år - eller, i bedste fald, om 9 måneders tid ved import :/ |
Sephiroth | Skrevet 20/12-03 20:35 | Udkommer sikkert sidst på 2004 i USA og starten af 2005 i Europa. Nå, jeg har vel osse fået mig taget sammen til at få min PS2 chippet til den tid.. ;) | Spiller nu: Catherine, Beyond Good & Evil HD
dRxL | Skrevet 20/12-03 23:23 | ...the very linear scenario design of past Final Fantasies. Det var alt jeg behøvede at læse ;-)
Spøg til side så ville det da være fint hvis de endelig kan finde ud af at lave deres værker mere som et maleri man kan udforske på sin egen måde i stedet for at være tvunget ind at se tingene på en bestemt måde som i en film. | SIMDSpiller nu: Pokémon Ultra Moon, Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon HeartGold