Da IGN anmeldelsen begyndte at snakke om det der med, at det har sit eget sprog og en NES lignende Zelda manual, man skal konsultere for hints, mens næsten ingenting forklares direkte, vidste jeg også, at det var noget, der skulle spilles. Jeg kan også godt lide der i Eurogamer anmeldelsen, hvor man får indtrykket af, at det ikke kun er en imitation af Zelda og Dark Souls, men også en bearbejdning eller sit eget take på ideerne i spillene, ligesom BotW var på Zelda:
Tunic takes lessons from A Link to the Past - about how to build a world and layer its puzzles until they become a kind of strata of secrets and possibilities. Just as it takes lessons from Souls games, both lessons you learn juddering through your shield arm as you block and then time a strike in the Soulsy combat, and lessons you learn in that moment of gleaming recognition as you kick a ladder down from its mount on a wall and realise that a long journey through unknown lands has lead you back here. Back to a place you already knew very well - or thought you knew, at least.
Zelda and Souls combined - not merely the iconography or the main beats. Rather, Tunic is the understanding gained by playing both and really thinking about why they are the way they are - how they create, as a magician might put it, their particular effects. Zelda and Souls and those few other games - to name them would be a spoiler - are used almost as writing prompts, as a creative shove into new territory. This is a game that borrows, then, but it reworks what it borrows. It's Conan Doyle filtered through Ellen Raskin: inspiration internalised and transformed. Alchemy I guess.
Oh, to put it another way: the success of Zelda means it got codified. You'd approach each new game asking: what's the overworld this time? When do I get the boomerang? Breath of the Wild is one response to that problem. Maybe Dark Souls was in part a response to that too, actually. This game is another response.
Det burde øge chancerne for, at det formår at finde sin egen identitet og ikke bare føles som en nymoderne genindspilning.
Ville forvente at det udkommer på Switch (og PS), så snart Microsofts tidseksklusive periode udløber. De burde lave en fysisk udgave med manualen :)
Apropos håndholdte så skulle det virke godt på Steam Deck:
Det har ikke fået Deck Verified status på Steam Store, da Valve ikke har testet det endnu. Var Elden Ring ikke så pokkers opslugende, havde jeg kastet mig over Tunic allerede. Glæder mig til at komme frem til det. |