Jmog | Skrevet 07/10-14 17:28, rettet 07/10-14 17:29 | Så Gametrailers videoreview. De argumenterede meget fornuftigt for de 8,5 så jeg glæder mig. |
Jmog | Skrevet 07/10-14 17:29 | Hehe, to sjæle een tanke :-) |
Beano | Skrevet 07/10-14 18:01 | :)
Mine indtryk fra ca. 8 timer med betaen (kun baner fra Indien som i PS+ versionen), nu hvor NDAen er forduftet.
Kunne li':
- Hurtig og tilgængeligt arcade racing, men stadig dybde og udfordring at finde.
- Overraskende lækker styring. Sammenligning med PGR er ikke helt gal, men bare strammere og føles stadig livlig.
- Lækker fartfornemmelse, en ren fornøjelse.
- De små face-offs under løbene giver konstant udfordring og variation. De kan også bare ignoreres.
- Meget korte load tider og elegante menuer.
- Super grafik, lækkert lys, masser af detaljer og generelt enormt poleret. Oplevede ingen framedrops, tearing eller draw-in på Indien banerne.
- Motorlyde er helt i top.
Ikke så vild med, eller ukendt:
- Næsten konstant kamera-ryst fart-effekt. Bevidst lavet men distraherede mig lidt i starten.
- Nogle steder virker banerne lige smalle nok. Muligvis bedre i de andre lokationer.
- Ingen replay-mode endnu. Er tilsyneladende på vej men burde være en dag 1 ting, specielt med den fede grafik.
- Ingen regn og sne, endnu.
- Ingen private online lobbies, endnu.
- Antallet af unikke baner er måske (!) lige i underkanten. Der kommer heldigvis 11 gratis baner senere men ikke alle er gratis for PS+ versionen.
- Drifting har jeg ikke mestret endnu, virker ret tricky. Ikke nødvendigvis skidt.
- Kun Europæiske biler. Det generer mig ikke personligt men for dumt ikke at have brede udvalg fra dag 1.
Fik aldrig prøvet klub-delen (ingen venner i spillet) og career delen var låst af.
Som sagt var jeg rigtig glad for spillet vurderet udelukkende på betaen (PS+ indhold) og der er høj fun-faktor i køre-spillet men efter 1 års forsinkelse burde det være mere modent mht. replay-mode, vejr og online muligheder fra dag 1. |
Beano | Skrevet 08/10-14 10:46 | Flot... PS+ versionen udsat pga. "uforudset" serverbelastning? Elendig planlægning.
Hi Everyone,
With DRIVECLUB, we are dedicated to delivering a dynamic and socially connected racing game that everyone can enjoy, and along the way we're facing new challenges which we haven’t encountered as a development team before. We are seeing a lot of activity and new social behaviours right now, but unfortunately this is pushing the servers to their absolute limits.
We are sorry if you are having a hard time getting online as we know many of you are. Please be aware that the game will automatically keep trying to connect you. Once you're online, you should have no further problems during your session.
Everyone at the studio is now working hard to get new updates ready for the game servers to improve connectivity. We will be rolling out these updates day by day and will keep you informed.
In order to help all DRIVECLUB players who have the game already, we're temporarily holding back the PS Plus Edition and the My DRIVECLUB app to ease the load and traffic to the servers. This should give players a better chance of connecting to the game servers and, once the servers are operating well, we’ll be sure to let you know when the PS Plus Edition and My DRIVECLUB app will be available to download.
To our PS Plus fans, we're sorry you're having to wait longer to play, but we want to ensure that when you come on board, you get the best experience possible. Rest assured, if you've pre-ordered the full game upgrade from the PS Plus Edition, you will still get the full version of DRIVECLUB digitally, and if you can't get online you'll be able to get started offline like everybody else with single player mode as you start your DRIVECLUB tour. You’ll still be able to earn fame, unlock cars and get to grips with all of the options for playing and creating your own events and challenges - and everything you do will be synchronised with the servers when you do get connected, so you can set-up a bunch of challenges to send out to your friends as soon as you are able to join each other online.
We fully appreciate how frustrating this is for everyone. We want you to get online with your club because racing, challenging and having fun together is what the game is all about. We know that racing with your friends online is what you’ve been waiting for and we are doing everything we can to deliver that experience to you as soon as possible.
Sorry again for the difficult start. We’ll keep you regularly updated on our progress as we work round the clock to improve connectivity. We want everyone to know what's happening so please tag your DRIVECLUB friends or SHARE this message to let them know.
- Rushy |
Jmog | Skrevet 08/10-14 12:06 | Møg. Det må satme have solgt godt, siden de ikke kan følge med. |
Jmog | Skrevet 08/10-14 21:13 | Har læst nogle sider af tråden ovre på Neogaf. På trods af serverissues som forhindrer multiplayer og de sociale features... så ser folk ud til at være ret begejstrede for det. Stort set alle er positive og hygger sig virkelig med det. |
Naiera | Skrevet 08/10-14 21:18 | Noget nyt om hvornår PS Plus-fattigrøvene får lov til at prøve? | THERE... ARE... FOUR... LIGHTS!Spiller nu: Octopath Traveler
Jmog | Skrevet 08/10-14 21:25 | Nope. Desværre ikke. |
3of19 | Skrevet 08/10-14 22:50 | Så PS Plus må ikke engang spille singleplayer? |
Jmog | Skrevet 08/10-14 23:21 | Nope. Multiplayer er pt åbent for alle der har spillet. Evolution kan åbenbart ikke finde ud af at differentiere mellem PS Plus pøbeledition og PS Plus full edition mht. onlineserverne, så de har blokeret for at pøbeledition overhovedet kan hentes. |
Beano | Skrevet 09/10-14 07:04 | Er servers overhovet kommet op?
Ikke lykkedes for mig endnu - alle online features er slukket. Driveclub uden klubber... Bummer! |
Beano | Skrevet 09/10-14 08:28 | Jeg checkede lige og nej, alle online/sociale features er stadig lukket land i spillet, og så længe det er tilfældet, kommer PS+ versionen ikke op i PSN Store.
De har lovet en opdatering/annoncering her til morgen så lad os se, dog sjældent et godt tegn når man annoncerer en annoncering om den slags :P |
fum | Skrevet 09/10-14 09:31 | Jeg blev grebet af foromtalen og bestilte det fulde spil. Jeg hygger mig også, med de 4-5 løb jeg nåede i går aftes. | I used to jog, but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.
Beano | Skrevet 09/10-14 09:47, rettet 09/10-14 09:49 |
We're just as frustrated as you about the server performance issues right now. We want you to be racing with clubs and having fun playing challenges, not checking facebook updates from us to see if the servers are updated yet.
We'll have more info for you later today (Thursday) so please bear with us while we work through this.
In case you don't already know, the servers are up and running but they are hitting their performance limits, so they won't accept new connections until one of the current online players frees up their space (allowing another to join in their place, which happens automatically and player selection is random).
If and when you get online, you should not have any connectivity issues during the remainder of your session. When you finish and disconnect, you'll free up a space for someone else. This is obviously not ideal, especially given that there are a lot of players waiting to connect, but that's how it's working right now.
The whole team here at Evolution Studios have got their shoulders to the wheel working hard to improve this situation: developing updates and upgrades to the servers - and testing these updates around the clock so that we can get them live. We hope you can enjoy the game offline while we work to improve the server performance and get you connected - and we're sorry that you're having to wait to play the game online as we intended for it to be played.
Gad vide hvor mange gratis biler de kommer til at give væk? :O |
Beano | Skrevet 11/10-14 13:37 | Nogen som vil være med i min klub?
Har et par slots åben.... |
fum | Skrevet 12/10-14 10:31 | Ja tak, hvis jeg kan komme online. | I used to jog, but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.
Beano | Skrevet 12/10-14 10:57, rettet 12/10-14 10:58 | Held og lykke med det. Gårsdagens klient update hjalp ikke meget, tværtimod har jeg ikke haft kontakt med min klub siden. Flot lancering. |
Jmog | Skrevet 20/10-14 21:57 | Har kun spillet tre løb indtil videre, men synes det virker meget solidt. At ræse på et bjerg mens solen går ned er fantastisk.
Streamer det lige nu: |
Jmog | Skrevet 20/10-14 22:53 | Meget tilfredsstillende styring. Grafikken er skøn, loadetider ved restart af et løb er ikke-eksisterende og nye løb loades på fem sekunder.
Stor fornøjelse blot at barbere tider ned. |
Jmog | Skrevet 21/10-14 00:46 | Beano>
Nogen som vil være med i min klub?
Har et par slots åben....
Gerne. Hermed joined. |
Beano | Skrevet 21/10-14 18:50, rettet 21/10-14 18:52 | Har desværre ikke flere ledige slots :P
Ja fantastisk god racer - meget bedre end oprindeligt forventet - men online er stadig numse to uger efter launch. Pinligt. |
fum | Skrevet 21/10-14 19:10 | Det er lykkedes mig at deltage i et onlineløb. Og sry beano, men jeg fik et bedre tilbud fra GeekCulture klubben. :-) | I used to jog, but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.
Beano | Skrevet 21/10-14 19:17 | Åh ... no problem :)
Jeg har også spillet mange online løb, men får tit matchmaking-fejl. Challenges er konsekvent nede - skidt fordi det faktisk er en stor del af spillet, ud over klubber. |
enfen | Skrevet 21/10-14 19:38 | Spillets karakterer siger vel også meget godt historien. | What is the Matrix?
Beano | Skrevet 21/10-14 19:40 | Nej |
enfen | Skrevet 21/10-14 21:11 | Jamen, så er alt jo godt. Hyg dig med det ;) | What is the Matrix?
Beano | Skrevet 21/10-14 21:58, rettet 21/10-14 21:59 | Langt de fleste anmeldelser er givet ud fra at online features virker, derfor mit korte "nej". |
Beano | Skrevet 30/10-14 17:17 | Ikke gode tegn...
Message from Shuhei Yoshida - President of World Wide Studios
Hi everyone,
I wanted to provide you with the latest update on DRIVECLUB. Unfortunately, the road to launch has been a little rocky, and we are truly sorry that so many of you have not been able to enjoy everything that we had hoped DRIVECLUB would deliver.
We have been listening to your feedback and realize that patience understandably is running out. Evo is working around the clock to close the gap, and we have deployed additional engineering resources to help resolve the remaining issues as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the time frames required to roll out the fully connected experience will be longer than anticipated and we do not have an exact time frame for when they will be resolved. We will continue to update you on progress and you can find the latest info on the DRIVECLUB Facebook page.
We are also very conscious that we have disappointed so many of you who were looking forward to playing the promised PS Plus Edition. Our first priority is to provide you with the best possible experience while playing DRIVECLUB. With the high volume of new players and additional server load the PS Plus Edition is anticipated to bring, we are currently not confident that we can guarantee the best online experience. Until we can ensure that everyone can enjoy the full social connected online experience, we will be postponing the release of the PS Plus Edition until further notice.
On behalf of WWS we are enormously grateful for your patience and we thank you for the continued support and encouragement. Again, we sincerely apologize for the delay. We are committed to giving you the best racing experience on PS4 – it’s taking a little longer than we hoped.
Shu |
enfen | Skrevet 30/10-14 22:12 | Det spil ender snart med at blive foræret væk. Det fandeme en ommer. | What is the Matrix?
Jmog | Skrevet 30/10-14 22:43 | Hvis man primært spiller den type spil i single player, så er det faktisk en fremragende racer. |
Beano | Skrevet 30/10-14 22:44, rettet 30/10-14 22:45 | Ja, det spiller skidegodt, langt overgået mine forventninger på det punkt, men online situationen er en skandale. De bliver nødt til forære en pæn stak DLC væk til betalende kunder for at blive nogenlunde tilgivet. Evt. season pass til den fulde version og noget til PS+ "gratisterne" også.
Ekstra trist at de næppe tør lancere de nye features og indhold før PS+ udgaven er i luften. |
Beano | Skrevet 30/10-14 22:52 | Ikke hvad jeg ved af. |
Beano | Skrevet 30/10-14 23:05, rettet 30/10-14 23:07 | Det lyder ret teoretisk, at købe PS+ i en måned i forvejen for at spille det i een måned. Men kan godt følge dig og hvem ved, måske kommer der noget PS+ kompensation. De har slet ikke talt om noget specifikt og vil næppe gøre det før situationen er løst. |
Beano | Skrevet 18/11-14 13:48, rettet 18/11-14 13:50 | Patch 1.07
- Adds Photo Mode to the game. You can enable Photo Mode during gameplay by pressing the right side of the Touch Pad and share your favourite pictures with the Share button.
- Adds three new tracks - all including reverse variants: Yedapalli in India, Los Pelambres in Chile and Wester Ross in Scotland.
- Adds support for the Renault DeZir DriveClub Edition and BMW M5, 2013 to PlayStation Store (available as free download to full game owners from Nov 25-SCEA, 26-SCEE, 27-SCEJ).
- Adds support for the Ignition Expansion Pack - which includes the Ignition Car Pack and Ignition
Tour Pack - to PlayStation Store (free download available from Nov 25-SCEA, 26-SCEE, 27-SCEJ).
The Ignition Car Pack includes five new cars: W Motors Lykan Hypersport, Caterham SP/ 300.R, KTM X-Bow R, BMW M4, Renault Twin'Run Concept. The Ignition Tour Pack includes 11 new Events and five new Trophies.
- Adds support for the Photo-Finish Tour Pack to PlayStation Store (free download available from Nov 25-SCEA, 26-SCEE, 27-SCEJ). The Photo-Finish Tour Pack includes 11 new Events and five new Trophies.
- Adds support for two new livery packs to PlayStation Store (free download available from Nov 25-SCEA, 26-SCEE, 27-SCEJ). Each Livery Pack contains five new livery patterns to customise your cars with.
- Changes have be made to corner cutting, corner penalties & collision penalties for balancing purposes.
- Improves the Server Announcements functionality and implements a restyled screen. |
Beano | Skrevet 08/12-14 12:16 | Update 1.08 er oppe...
New Features:
* Adds weather to the game, for online and offline play.
* Adds two new tracks, both including reverse variants: Atlanterhavsvegen in Norway and Sinclair Pass in Canada.
* Adds the option to configure Throttle/Brake controls onto Up/Down on Right Stick.
* Adds the ability to access Club Cars when offline.
* Adds the ability to access Club Paint Jobs when offline.
* Adds track maps and stats to each track card in Single Event.
* Adds player statistics to various panels within Single Event and Challenges.
* Includes more minor bug fixes, performance improvements and usability tweaks.
Add-ons (coming later in December):
* Adds support for the Mazzanti Evantra, coming to PlayStation®Store as a free download later in December.
* Adds support for the Redline Expansion Pack, coming to PlayStation®Store as a premium download later in December. This Expansion Pack includes the Redline Car Pack and Redline Tour Pack.
* The Redline Car Pack includes 5 new cars: Mercedes SLS AMG E-Drive, McLaren F1 LM, Renault Alpine A110-50, Ferrari 458 Speciale, and Chevrolet Corvette Stingray.
* The Redline Tour Pack includes 11 new Events and 5 new Trophies.
* Adds support for the Elements Tour Pack, coming to PlayStation®Store as a premium download later in December.
* The Elements Tour Pack includes 11 new Events and 5 new Trophies.
Sonic | Skrevet 10/12-14 12:26 | Kan PS+ medlemmer stadig ikke hente det?
Jeg kan huske jeg købte en røvfuld PS+ tid da jeg fik min PS4, netop pga. dette spil, men det kom aldrig, og min PS+ tid er vist udløbet :/ | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
Beano | Skrevet 10/12-14 12:36, rettet 10/12-14 12:36 | Stadig ikke :(
Men tror vi nærmer os challenges endeligt virker nu.
Spillet er dog 100% de kr 315,- værd for den fulde udgave. |
Beano | Skrevet 11/12-14 17:09 | DF kigger på spillet igen ifm. weather-update...
DriveClub revisited: the Digital Foundry verdict
It's hard not to rave about what we're seeing here with this latest patch. We love looking closely at game visuals and picking apart the fine detail, and it's rare to come across something so startlingly impressive - but here it is. The weather effects in DriveClub are, without a doubt, some of the most realistic we've seen in any game to date. Combining these effects with the already excellent lighting model and realistic materials elevates Evolution's racer to the top of the pack from a visual perspective and in combination with the other features added to the game, it definitely deserves another look.
In a declining genre where open world sandbox gameplay comes as standard with virtually every racing title, it actually feels rather refreshing to return to a classic track-based game like DriveClub. We had a soft spot for the Evolution racer since our pre-launch testing (before things went horribly wrong) and this stunning dynamic weather patch in combination with the other new features adds a new sheen of polish and a definite wow factor. Opinion is divided of course, but in our view, there's a great game in here with some of the finest visuals you'll see in a racing title. |
Jmog | Skrevet 14/12-14 02:59 | Det var et af de flotteste bilspil nogensinde før updaten. Det er bestemt ikke blevet grimmere:
Synd at spillet havde så mange onlineproblemer til at starte med. Nu hvor challenges virker er det enormt vanedannende. Jeg brugte lige en time på at prøve at slå en tid på et enkelt track i stormvejr. Jeg morede mig storartet. |
Beano | Skrevet 18/01-15 19:45, rettet 18/01-15 19:49 | Det var kun de nye bane(r) til PS+ lokationen (Indien) som var lovet som gratis. Men forstår godt hvad du mener :)
Edit: Jeg ser at full-game upgrade er nede i kr 189,- nu, så har man PS+ abbo er det en billig måde at få spillet på. |
Konsolkongen | Skrevet 18/01-15 19:51 | Jeg hentydede (dårligt) til E3 præsentationen hvor vi blev lovet en gratis udgave af spillet :) | Spiller nu: Phantasy Star IV
Beano | Skrevet 18/01-15 19:54 | Jeg er helt med ;)
Mon ikke PS+ udgaven kommer inden E3... (år ukendt)? :D |