Per S | Skrevet 30/04-14 23:58, rettet 01/05-14 00:08 | Pressetekst:
New Chapter in Best-Selling Disney Infinity Franchise Delivers More than 20 Marvel Super Heroes
Including Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Thor and More
Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo, Stockholm – April 30, 2014 – Today, Disney Interactive and Marvel Entertainment confirmed that the world’s most iconic Super Heroes are assembling for Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes - the 2.0 edition of the #1 best-selling new hybrid toy / video game of 2013, according to the NPD Group’s video games retail sales data.
Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes features more than 20 new interactive figures from across the Marvel universe, original storylines penned by award-wining Marvel comic writer Brian Michael Bendis, and an all-new Toy Box mode that makes it easier for players to create and share their one-of-a-kind levels and mini-games with family and friends. In addition, all characters and power discs from last year’s release of Disney Infinity will be compatible with the Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes Toy Box.
“Disney Infinity was, from the start, built to be an interactive experience where players could bring together their favourite Disney characters and stories to create new Disney memories. With the introduction of Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes, we’re ushering in a new chapter of adventures, featuring a cast of the world’s most popular Super Heroes,” said Jimmy Pitaro, President of Disney Interactive. “Bringing popular and iconic Marvel characters to the Disney Infinity platform truly takes this game to the next level.”
“We’ve worked closely with the Disney Interactive team to deliver an incredible line-up of Marvel characters and great storytelling for the next chapter of Disney Infinity,” said Peter Phillips, EVP and General Manager, Interactive & Digital Distribution at Marvel Entertainment. “The 2.0 edition will allow Marvel fans around the world to interact with their favourite Marvel Super Heroes in entirely new ways, including compelling gameplay and a new line of collectible interactive figures.”
The Avengers’ Iron Man, Black Widow, Thor, Captain America, Hulk and Hawkeye will debut when the game launches this fall, along with additional Play Sets and characters from other popular Marvel and Disney franchises, which will be announced in the coming months. Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes will be available for the PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment systems, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system and Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft, the Wii U™ system from Nintendo, PC and iOS tablets and smart phones.
“Marvel Super Heroes fit perfectly into Disney Infinity, and with them we are pushing the platform’s limits of creativity and imagination,” said John Blackburn, VP and General Manager of Avalanche Software. “We’ve enhanced and redesigned the gameplay to match the Marvel characters, while also making it easier than ever for players to express and share their own creativity.”
Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes trailer | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
millennium | Skrevet 01/05-14 06:51 | Min søn var über-tosset med Skylanders, men han prøvede Disney Infinity én gang og sagde "jeg synes faktisk det er ret kedeligt".
Desuden er hans Marvel-fix mere end rigeligt dækket med LEGO Marvel heroes. Tror ikke der bliver købt Infinity figurer herhjemme. | The medium is the message.
King Chaos | Skrevet 01/05-14 07:18 | Sån har jeg det også ... :P ... men jeg er fristet. :D |
Prozel | Skrevet 01/05-14 15:01 | Det ser faktisk meget skægt ud! :D |
Xiwana | Skrevet 01/05-14 21:04 | Det var måske snart på tide for mig at få et par børn... | [inspirational quote here]
Darkbeat | Skrevet 01/05-14 21:25 | Så skal du være rap på legepladsen fordi forældre er SÅ paranoide nu om dage at det næsten er umuligt at slippe afsted med. |
SuperMikkel | Skrevet 01/05-14 22:01 | Jamen, det er skisme også kedeligt det Infinity. Det er SUPER begrænset, idet jeg ikke kan bruge alle mine figurer i den verden jeg ønsker ;-/ . Jeg kunne frygte det samme gør sig gældende mef Marvel Superheroes. |
millennium | Skrevet 01/05-14 23:23, rettet 01/05-14 23:25 | Det er PRÆCIST den kritik jeg har hørt af Infinity. Begrænsninger. Alt for meget "du kan ikke gøre A før du har købt figur B".
Infinity? Som om. | The medium is the message.
SuperMikkel | Skrevet 02/05-14 07:12 | Det virker meget som at købe spil i lukkede kapitler, der er låst til specifikke figurer. Modsat Skylanders hvor hele historien købes ig du selv bestemmer hvilken karakter og hvordan du spiller den, og DET føles bare bedre. |
millennium | Skrevet 02/05-14 08:41, rettet 02/05-14 08:41 | Strider imod hele forventningen til spillets potentiale. Jeg VIL gerne styre Captain Sparrow i Monster Inc byen, men MÅ ikke før jeg køber ét eller andet. Er det ikke sådan det fungerer? | The medium is the message.
SuperMikkel | Skrevet 02/05-14 09:40 | Nix. Sparrow kan IKKE bruges i Monsters verdenen. De kan kun interagere i toybox verdenen. Derfor giver karakterer uden verden som Jack Skellington heller ikke meget mening. |
slk486 | Skrevet 02/05-14 09:44, rettet 02/05-14 09:44 | Ikke udover at karakteren i sig selv regler :) Har ingen interesse i spillet, men har købt Jack. Tosset :D | j/k
millennium | Skrevet 02/05-14 09:47 | Disney, you f***ed it all up. | The medium is the message.
Beano | Skrevet 02/05-14 11:23 | Bare vent til Infinity 3.0 i 2015 med Star Wars.... :D |
millennium | Skrevet 02/05-14 12:48 | Disney you f... arrrrrr .... force ... is .. too ... strong ......
These are not the opstacles we're looking for. Move on. | The medium is the message.
Per S | Skrevet 22/05-14 16:49, rettet 22/05-14 16:57 | Pressetekst (se traileren HELT færdig, eller bare de sidste 15 sek.):
Disney Interactive today released additional details and a new trailer for Marvel’s The Avengers Play Set which will be available for Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes. Slated for release this fall, gamers will be invited to take part in a brand new true-to-property storyline crafted with the help of award-winning Marvel comic writer Brian Michael Bendis and featuring The Avengers Super Heroes Iron Man, Black Widow, Thor, Captain America, Hulk and Hawkeye.
Key highlights include:
- Play Set: The Avengers Play Set is the first play set to be announced for Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes and features Iron Man, Thor and Black Widow, with Captain America, Hawkeye and Hulk sold separately. Players will take the role of earth’s mightiest heroes as they try to put an end to Loki’s cold-hearted plans to invade New York City. Along the way, they will learn that Loki isn’t working alone and that this is but the first step in a villainous plot that threatens the entire planet. The Avengers will need not only their strength and wits, but also the technology and insight of S.H.I.E.L.D. to have any chance of saving the world.
- Toy Box: In the all-new Toy Box 2.0, players will be able to use Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow and all of The Avengers characters, plus hundreds of Marvel-themed items, locations, props and vehicles, to create new and exciting adventures in customized worlds.
- The Avengers Play Set and new Toy Box mode will be included in the Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes Starter Pack. Additional Play Sets and characters will be announced in the coming months.
To view the new gameplay trailer, please click here:
Ny gameplay trailer | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per S | Skrevet 10/06-14 17:22, rettet 10/06-14 17:23 | Spider-Man til Disney Infinity 2.0
With the 2014 Electronic Entertainment Expo beginning today, Disney Interactive is officially announcing the latest Play Set to appear in Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes (2.0 Edition) – Marvel’s Spider-Man Play Set. Please check out the new gameplay trailer for a first look at new characters coming to the Play Set and Toy Box 2.0.
In addition to the Spider-Man Play Set trailer, a new batch of assets featuring new screenshots, art, images, gameplay broll and more, is also available today and can be downloaded here
The Spider-Man Play Set will feature a storyline which follows the Green Goblin as he tries to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. once and for all. After capturing Venom to extract and clone symbiotes from him, he hires Mysterio to be his second in command and wreak havoc on the Marvel universe. Players will fight the spreading symbiotes and face Mysterio and Green Goblin in in the sewers, labs and skies above Manhattan.
Key highlights for the Spider-Man Play Set include:
Play Set: Playable characters include Spider-Man, Nick Fury, Iron Fist, Nova and Venom with additional appearances by White Tiger, Black Cat and Luke Cage. Players will be tasked to destroy the cloned symbiotes and advance to fight Mysterio.
Toy Box: Spider-Man, Nick Fury, Iron Fist, Nova and Venom will be playable in the all-new Toy Box 2.0 mode of the game, along with all characters previously released for Disney Infinity. Players will be able to use these characters, plus hundreds of Marvel and Disney-themed items, locations, props and vehicles, to create new adventures in customized worlds. Once players complete the Spider-Man Play Set, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Hover Car, S.H.I.E.L.D. Sky Cycle, Daily Bugle Building and more will be unlocked and can be used in Toy Box.
The Spider-Man Play Set will be available in retail stores this fall. Additional Play Sets and characters will be announced in the coming months.
New Spider-Man Play Set Trailer: | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per S | Skrevet 24/07-14 14:03, rettet 24/07-14 14:06 | Pressetekst fra Disney:
Disney Interactive officially announced the latest Play Set for Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes (2.0 Edition) –Guardians of the Galaxy, inspired by the upcoming film Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, in theaters August 1.
The Guardians of the Galaxy Play Set follows Star-Lord and his fellow Guardians as they arrive at Knowhere, having just stolen a powerful cosmic object from the villainous Ronan the Accuser. Players will guide the team as they race to protect Knowhere from Ronan and his attacking Sakaaran fleet while keeping their newly liberated item safe from the villain’s evil grasp.
Playable characters for the Play Set include Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Drax, Gamora and Groot, as well as crossover characters Iron Man (from The Avengers Play Set) and Nova (from The Spider-Man Play Set). Mission givers will include Cosmo, The Collector and Yondu.
Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Drax, Gamora and Groot will be also playable in the all-new Toy Box 2.0, along with all characters previously released for Disney Infinity. Players will be able to use these characters, plus hundreds of Marvel and Disney-themed items, locations, props and vehicles to create new adventures in customized worlds. Additionally, the Guardians of the Galaxy characters will partake in one of the new structured Toy Box Games now offered in Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes. The Toy Box Game, called Attack on Asgard has Loki opening a series of portals that allow an army of Frost Giants to invade Odin’s Palace at Loki’s command. The Giants threaten to lay waste to Asgard, rob Odin’s Palace and ultimately grant control of the throne to Loki.
In addition, there will be Guardians of the Galaxy themed Power Discs that will enable players to customize their Play Set and Toy Box experiences. The Power Discs include:
1. Space Armor - Unlock Gamora's out of this world Space Armor costume for added protection against enemies. Who says fashion can't be functional too?
2. Marvel Team-Up: Yondu - Fight alongside this powerful, arrow shooting ally and send enemies running for their lives.
3. Groot’s Roots - Theme out your Toy Box world with Groot’s Roots. It’s sure to grow on you!
4. Groot's View - Embrace your inner green thumb and theme Toy Box skies out Groot-style.
5. Star-Lord’s Galaxy - Turn your Toy Box into Knowhere - Star-Lord’s home base in the Galaxy.
6. The Rip - Turn Toy Box skies into the skies of Knowhere with this Power Disc and transport yourself to the outer edge of all space and time.
The Guardians of the Galaxy Play Set will be available in retail stores this fall. Additional characters will be announced in the coming months. Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes is being developed by Avalanche Software. Disney Infinity 2.0 Marvel Super Heroes will be fully localised in Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish.
Guardians of the Galaxy Play Set Trailer | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per S | Skrevet 24/07-14 19:21 | Releasedato:
Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes will be available at Nordic retailers on Friday, September 19th, 2014.
The sequel to the successful new family IP of 2013 expands the platform with the introduction of all new super-powered Marvel Play Sets and characters that players can experience exclusively inside of the new version of the game. The popular Toy Box mode also returns with enhanced features where users can create their own adventures and share them online with friends.
Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes has a PEGI rating of 7+. All characters and power discs from last year’s release of Disney Infinity will be compatible with the Disney Infinity 2.0 Video Game Software. The game will be available for pre-order from this week. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per S | Skrevet 04/08-14 16:17 | Pressetekst:
Super Villains
Disney Nordic officially announced that a trio of popular Super Villains will be entering the world of Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes - Ronan the Accuser from Guardians of the Galaxy, Green Goblin from Spider-Man and the infamous Loki, God of Mischief from The Avengers. Whether it’s flexing their unstoppable powers for all things evil in their respective Play Sets, the updated Toy Box 2.0, or the newly added structured Toy Box Games, these Super Villains are forces to be reckoned with.
Key highlights include:
Ronan: Wielding the Universal Weapon, the ruthless Ronan the Accuser is an unstoppable force in both the Guardians of the Galaxy universe and in the Toy Box mode. Cloaking, energy blasts and super human strength are all part of the powerful arsenal at Ronan’s disposal as he vies to become the mightiest villain in the galaxy.
Green Goblin: Armed with Pumpkin Bombs, the brilliantly nefarious Goblin uses his Electro Shock Gauntlet to dispatch opponents handily in the world of Spider-Man. Super human strength, spectacular super jumps and the ability to charge his bombs into more powerful bolas all make him a villainous force to be reckoned with for both symbiotes and Super Heroes alike.
Loki: The God of Mischief is at your command when you play as Loki in Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes. Whether hassling Thor and Hulk in the Avengers Play Set or exploring the treasures found in the Toy Box mode, Loki’s sure to have a few tricks up his sleeve. From defeating his opponents with a powerful scepter to projecting decoy versions that bewilder even the cleverest of heroes, Loki is the villain you’ll love to hate. Creating mischief has never been so fun!
Disney Infinity 2.0: Villains trailer | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
King Chaos | Skrevet 04/08-14 19:02 | Forfærdelig Green Goblin. |
Per S | Skrevet 18/08-14 15:52 | Pressetekst:
Disney Interactive today announced that a special Disney-themed Toy Box Combo Pack is set to launch this November, just in time for Christmas. The Disney Infinity 2.0: Toy Box Combo Pack gives Disney fans the chance to experience the new and improved 2.0 Toy Box, set in the wonderful world of Disney..
Players can create unique stories featuring Combo Pack characters Merida and Stitch, utilise newly announced Disney and Marvel characters, as well as bring all of their existing characters from Disney Infinity into the 2.0 Toy Box. The Disney Infinity 2.0 Video Game Software that is included in your Toy Box Combo Pack is compatible with all Disney Infinity content, including Marvel Play sets, figures and Power Discs. With it, fans new and old can experience the most popular mode of Disney Infinity, the Toy Box, unlock Disney-themed content and can elect to purchase additional figures and Play sets separately.
“Disney Infinity fans spend the majority of their time inside the Toy Box mode, and with our new Toy Box Combo Pack, we’re giving Disney fans an alternative entry point to the Disney Infinity sequel,” said John Blackburn, Vice President and General Manager of Avalanche Software. “We’ve completely re-tooled the Toy Box for this year’s version of Disney Infinity, and we want every Disney fan to experience it using their favorite Disney or Marvel characters.”
The Disney Infinity 2.0: Toy Box Combo Pack includes:
• The Disney Infinity 2.0 Video Game Software (The Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes Starter Pack and the Disney Infinity 2.0: Toy Box Combo Pack include the same Video Game Software.)
• Disney Infinity 2.0 base
• (2) Disney Originals Figures (Merida and Stitch)
• (2) Disney Originals “Toy Box Game Discs” – Stitch’s Tropical Rescue and Brave Forest Siege
• (1) Web code card
• (1) poster | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per S | Skrevet 19/09-14 12:38, rettet 19/09-14 12:40 | Sidste pressetekst, trimmet:
Disney Interactive and Marvel today launched the follow up to last year’s hybrid toy / video game – Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes.
The Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes Starter Pack features the 2.0 game software, the Disney Infinity 2.0 Base, Marvel’s The Avengers Play Set with three character figures (Iron Man, Black Widow and Thor), two Toy Box Game Discs, and a web code card. Marvel’s Spider-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy Play Sets, along with additional figures from those worlds, will be sold separately.
All characters and Power Discs from last year’s release of Disney Infinity are compatible with Toy Box 2.0.
The new game introduces interactive Super Hero figures from across the Marvel universe with original Play Set storylines written with the help of award-winning Marvel comic writer Brian Michael Bendis. Each new character brings a variety of super-powered and unique gameplay mechanics such as flying, web slinging, wall crawling, wall smashing and more.
A newly improved 2.0 Toy Box mode makes it easier for players to create and share their one-of-a-kind levels and mini-games with family and friends using their favorite Marvel and Disney characters, vehicles, settings and items. New and enhanced Toy Box tools and toys will make the game mode even more accessible for players of all ages. Toy Box Game Discs will deliver new structured gameplay modes to the Toy Box where players can engage in classic Dungeon Crawler and Tower Defense gameplay using any character from across the Disney Infinity universe.
Community continues to play an important role in Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes, with the availability of new Toy Boxes created by the recently hired Avalanche Software Community Team. These super-fans turned level designers were brought on to build immersive, themed Toy Boxes for the players to download for free at launch and beyond. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
millennium | Skrevet 25/09-14 08:45 | Så kan man sikkert få Infinity 1.0 for en lille pris, så det kan testes på hjemmets yngeste. Måske er fascinationen for det forduftet efter en uge. | The medium is the message.
Beano | Skrevet 25/09-14 08:52, rettet 25/09-14 08:53 | Darkbeat>
Det ser mega pænt ud. Det måtte gerne være lidt mere "snappy", men jeg kan ikke garrantere at jeg kan holde mig fra det når de begynder at få Star Wars ting i et fremtidigt 3.0.
Begynd at spare op - det kommer 99% sikkert næste år pga den nye SW film :P |
Per S | Skrevet 10/10-14 14:31 | Pressetekst:
PC version features full connectivity with console game, allowing players to create and edit Toy Boxes across platforms:
Disney Interactive and Marvel announced that the Disney Infinity 2.0 PC game is available now globally for players to download for free. The free game allows players access to demo versions of Marvels’ The Avengers, Spider-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy Play Sets and 2.0 Toy Box, where online multiplayer is now available for the first time. In the 2.0 Toy Box 2.0, players can continue to create, edit and share their Toy Box creations across console and PC platforms, making it a truly connected gaming experience.
Fans can also experience Daily Challenges, which are randomly generated levels that can be played with any available character. Three characters are always free to play at any one time and will rotate often. Console players who already own Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes and last year’s Disney Infinity can use web code cards that come with their physical retail Play Sets and character figures to unlock those Play Sets and characters in the PC game. More than 45 Disney and Marvel characters from both games are now playable.
Building on last year’s PC release, players can create one-of-a-kind Toy Boxes in the improved 2.0 Toy Box using their favorite Marvel and Disney characters, vehicles, settings and items. Those Toy Boxes can then be shared and played with friends on any platform, regardless of the one it was created on, including the upcoming app for iOS which is launching soon. In-game currency, known as Sparks, can be earned once challenges are completed and can be used to purchase new toys, costumes and upgrades.
Additionally, the PC version introduces a new Friend Recruitment program. Players can send invitation requests to friends, and if their friend accepts and plays for a certain amount of time, a free character will be unlocked for use in-game for the person sending the invite.
Digital Starter Packs and other content can be purchased separately to enhance the gameplay experience. As new characters become available at retail, they will also become available digitally in the PC Shop.
The Disney Infinity 2.0 PC game can be downloaded at and additional content can be purchased on the website shop at Details of the content offerings are listed below:
Disney Infinity 2.0 PC Game – Free Download
Players who download the free game for the first time on PC will receive various starter toys and access to a rotating roster of playable characters, Daily Challenges and demo versions of the Marvel Play Sets and Toy Box 2.0 mode.
Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes Starter Pack
· Starter Pack comes with:
o Marvel’s The Avengers Play Set with Thor, Iron Man and Black Widow characters
o Full access to the Toy Box 2.0 mode
o Two Marvel Toy Box Games – Assault on Asgard and Escape from the Kyln
Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes Mega Starter Pack
· The Mega Starter Pack comes with:
o All three Marvel Super Heroes Play Sets
o 16 Marvel Super Hero characters
o Full access to the Toy Box 2.0 mode
o Two Marvel Toy Box Games – Assault on Asgard and Escape from the Kyln
Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes Play Sets
· Each Play Set comes with two characters:
o Marvel’s Spider-Man Play Set
- Spider-Man
- Nova
o Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Play Set
- Star-Lord
- Gamora
Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes Single Characters
· Single Characters available:
o Thor
o Iron Man
o Black Widow
o Captain America
o Hulk
o Hawkeye
o Spider-Man
o Nick Fury
o Venom
o Nova
o Iron Fist
o Star-Lord
o Gamora
o Rocket Raccoon
o Groot
o Drax
Disney Infinity Single Characters
· Single Characters available:
o Sorcerer’s Apprentice Mickey
o Wreck-It Ralph
o Vanellope
o Rapunzel
o Phineas
o Agent P
o Anna
o Elsa
o Jack Skellington
o Buzz Lightyear
o Jesse
o Woody
o The Lone Ranger
o Tonto
o Jack Sparrow
o Davy Jones
o Barbossa
o Sulley
o Mike
o Randy
o Mr. Incredible
o Mrs. Incredible
o Violet
o Dash
o Syndrome
o Lightning McQueen
o Francesco
o Holley
o Mater
Marvel Toy Box Games
· Assault on Asgard - Stop Loki and his army of Frost Giants from destroying Asgard and taking over Odin’s Palace in this replayable Toy Box Game.
· Escape from the Kyln - Battle ferocious inmates to escape from an intergalactic prison station, before Ronan the Accuser finds you in this replayable Toy Box Game.
Marvel Super Heroes Toy Box Game Pack
· Includes both Toy Box Games – Assault on Asgard and Escape from the Kyln
Sparks Packs
· In game currency used to purchase new toys, costumes and upgrades.
o Small Sparks Pack - 20,000
o Medium Sparks Pack – 75,000
o Large Sparks Pack – 250,000
o Huge Sparks Pack – 750,000
Hexagonal Marvel Power Discs
· Hex Disc 2 Pack
· Hex Disc 3 Pack
· Marvel Complete Disc Pack
To view PC walkthrough videos, please visit:
Link... | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
SuperMikkel | Skrevet 11/10-14 08:39 | Nu har vi lige fået Skylanders Trap Team herhjemme. Det er laaangt foran Disney Infinity, også når man kikker på ver 2.0. Toys for Bob er simpelthen meget dygtige til denne her spil/legetøjs udvikling. Hvis Infinity skal have en chance, så skal de skæve noget kraftigere til Skylanders næste gang. |
Naiera | Skrevet 14/10-14 06:42 | 
OK, det her er måske ikke den helt rigtige tråd, men alligevel ;) | THERE... ARE... FOUR... LIGHTS!Spiller nu: Octopath Traveler