Per S | Skrevet 14/02-14 16:36, rettet 14/02-14 16:38 | Pressetekst fra Bethesda:
We’re pleased to announce The Evil Within, the new survival horror game from legendary director, Shinji Mikami, will be available in North America on August 26, 2014 and throughout Europe on August 29, 2014. The Evil Within is in development for the Xbox One, Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, and PC.
Developed by Shinji Mikami and the talented team at Tango Gameworks, The Evil Within embodies the meaning of pure survival horror. Highly-crafted environments, horrifying anxiety, and an intricate story are combined to create an immersive world that will bring you to the height of tension. With limited resources at your disposal, you’ll fight for survival and experience profound fear in this perfect blend of horror and action.
While investigating the scene of a gruesome mass murder, Detective Sebastian Castellanos and his partners encounter a mysterious and powerful force. After seeing the slaughter of fellow officers, Sebastian is ambushed and knocked unconscious. When he awakens, he finds himself in a deranged world where hideous creatures wander among the dead. Facing unimaginable terror, and fighting for survival, Sebastian embarks on a frightening journey to unravel what’s behind this evil force.
The Evil Within extended gameplay | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Camous | Skrevet 14/02-14 16:48, rettet 14/02-14 16:49 | Svært at vænne sig til at man nu har en slags form for mild intresse for en Bethesda spil. |
slk486 | Skrevet 14/02-14 16:49 | At de udgiver det gør det vel ikke til et Bethesda spil. | j/k
Per S | Skrevet 14/02-14 16:52, rettet 14/02-14 16:54 | Pjat med dig Camous. :)
Som udgiver har de set et marked og det skal de have ros for. Hvis kvaliteten holder, rammer de der hvor Resident Evil har svigtet. Crapcom har skuffet fælt meget længe. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
slk486 | Skrevet 14/02-14 16:53 | No doubt. | j/k
Camous | Skrevet 14/02-14 18:19, rettet 14/02-14 18:21 | Tango Games er ejet af samme paraply som ejer Bethesda ikke? Zenimax, eller hvad det nu hedder.
Det hele er meget mærkeligt. Men hvis det eneste de giver Tango er penge til udvikling, og ikke råd, så kan jeg vel være ligeglad.
Jeg var dog ikke for glad for den første trailer af spillet og har ikke rigtigt fulgt med siden. Men jeg skylder Shinji Mikami the benefit of the doubt. Han har ikke fejlet mig før. |
Per S | Skrevet 09/04-14 18:16, rettet 09/04-14 18:19 | Pressetekst fra Bethesda:
We’ve just released a new gameplay trailer for The Evil Within, the new survival horror game from legendary game director, Shinji Mikami. The Evil Within is in development for the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PC and will be available in North America on August 26, 2014, and throughout Europe on August 29, 2014.
Developed by Shinji Mikami and the talented team at Tango Gameworks, The Evil Within embodies the meaning of pure survival horror. Highly-crafted environments, horrifying anxiety, and an intricate story are combined to create an immersive world that will bring you to the height of tension. With limited resources at your disposal, you’ll fight for survival and experience profound fear in this perfect blend of horror and action.
While investigating the scene of a gruesome mass murder, Detective Sebastian Castellanos and his partners encounter a mysterious and powerful force. After seeing the slaughter of fellow officers, Sebastian is ambushed and knocked unconscious. When he awakens, he finds himself in a deranged world where hideous creatures wander among the dead. Facing unimaginable terror, and fighting for survival, Sebastian embarks on a frightening journey to unravel what’s behind this evil force.
For more information on The Evil Within, visit or recently updated site at
The Evil Within - PAX East Gameplay Trailer | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
SkyblazeR | Skrevet 09/04-14 21:17, rettet 09/04-14 21:19 | Tango Gameworks = "Team Silent is back"? :)
Eller nok nærmere, Mikami er tilbage i lige så god (men noget mere makaber?) form som altid.
Tjekker sjældent gameplay-videoer af kommende spil - som er sikre køb for mig - men faldt over Bethesdas tidligere "Extended Gameplay Video" for nogen tid siden.
Det vækker vel - gameplaymæssigt - minder om RE4, så jeg er game. :)
The Evil Within - Extended Gameplay Video | »In my restless dreams, I see that town... Silent Hill«Spiller nu: Fallout 3: Game Of The ..., Berserk And The Band Of..., Atomic Heart
Per S | Skrevet 27/05-14 16:32, rettet 27/05-14 16:32 | Pressetekst:
Today we revealed that The Evil Within will be available in North America on October 21, 2014, in Australia on October 23, 2014, and throughout Europe on October 24, 2014. Shinji Mikami and his team at Tango Gameworks have asked for additional time to further balance and refine the game in order to deliver the polished, terrifying pure survival horror experience they set out to create.
We’ve also announced The Evil Within’s pre-order incentive – The Fighting Chance Pack. The Fighting Chance Pack provides players with a handful of additional items that may help them stave off death for a moment longer.
The Fighting Chance Pack includes:
· Medical Kit – A vital health enhancement to enable Sebastian to fight on.
· Green Gel – Used to upgrade Sebastian’s attributes.
· Double Barrel Shotgun and Three Shells - A larger and more formidable shotgun than the regular shotgun, it’s useful for tight situations with multiple encroaching enemies.
· An Incendiary Agony Bolt – Capable of showering nearby enemies with damaging fire sparks.
· A Poison Agony Bolt – Will draw enemies towards it and poison them, allowing Sebastian time for a quick escape.
Both the new release date and pre-order incentive are highlighted in our latest video for The Evil Within, which is available in the link below.
Terrified by 'The Evil Within' | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per S | Skrevet 16/08-14 17:17 | Pressetekst:
We’re pleased to announce that we’ll be offering a Season Pass for The Evil Within, the upcoming survival horror game from legendary director, Shinji Mikami.
The Evil Within Season Pass will allow you to experience survival horror from a new perspective. In the first add-on, assume the role of The Keeper (aka Boxman) in a sadistic collection of mission-based maps. The second and third add-ons take you further down a path of madness in a two-part, story-driven experience in the role of Juli Kidman -- Sebastian Castellanos' mysterious partner from The Evil Within. Encounter unthinkable enemies and new areas that reveal hidden motives and harrowing evil.
Priced at €19.99 the Season Pass offers savings on three planned add-ons for the game and will be available soon at select game retailers, PSN, Xbox LIVE, and other digital retailers. Season Pass and DLC content may not be available on all platforms or in all territories. Pricing and release dates may vary by territory and/or platform.
The Evil Within releases on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PC on Tuesday, October 14th in North America and Friday, October 17th in Europe. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per S | Skrevet 26/08-14 16:39 | Pressetekst trimmet for fyld:
Bethesda Softworks, today revealed the talented cast lending their voices to The Evil Within, a survival horror game developed at Tango Gameworks under the direction of legendary game designer and studio head, Shinji Mikami. The Evil Within cast includes Academy Award nominee Jackie Earle Haley ("Lincoln," "Watchmen," “A Nightmare on Elm Street”), Screen Actors Guild Award nominee Jennifer Carpenter ("Dexter," “Quarantine,” “The Exorcism of Emily Rose”), and film and television star Anson Mount ("Hell on Wheels,” "Safe”).
Academy Award nominee Jackie Earle Haley, who is no stranger to horror, having recently played Freddy Krueger in the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street, lends his voice to The Evil Within’s main antagonist, Ruvik. Making his video game debut, Anson Mount, best known for his role as Cullen Bohannon in AMC’s Hell on Wheels, assumes the role of lead protagonist Sebastian Castellanos. Players assume the role of Sebastian, a veteran police detective, throughout the game.
Rounding off the cast is Jennifer Carpenter, well-known for her role as Debra Morgan in the hit Showtime series Dexter, who plays Juli Kidman, Sebastian’s Junior Detective partner. As part of recently announced Season Pass plans, players will be able to assume the role of Juli Kidman in post-launch content to experience The Evil Within from an entirely new perspective.
"One of the most crucial elements to any successful survival horror game is the setting and sound, which includes the depth and authenticity of the voice acting," said Mikami. "We brought together a great cast of experienced actors to help ensure that players really believe our characters’ emotions and the tension they feel in every scene." | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
slk486 | Skrevet 26/08-14 16:43 | *like* til alle tre. | j/k
Camous | Skrevet 26/08-14 16:54 | I dont know man. Residet Evil havde noget af det mest latterlige voice talent og den var stadig en god Survival Horror. Tror atmosfære og gameplay tæller meget mere end narrative og voice talent i sådanne spil.
Shinji Mikami har tjent en benifit of the doubt for life cart fra mig efter RE4, så jeg køber Evil Within uanset hvad og bedømmer den selv. Er bare bange for hvilken negative effect Bethesda/Zenimax's indblanding måske har haft på den projekt.
Hvis spillet er alt andet end fantastisk kommer Zenibeth på mit permenante shit liste. Efter Vanquish ved jeg med 100% sikkerhed at Shinji ikke kan fucke et projekt op hvis han har fuld kreativ kontrol. |
slk486 | Skrevet 26/08-14 16:55, rettet 26/08-14 16:55 | Der er absolut ingen garanti for at hverken spil eller voice-acting bliver godt, bare fordi det er AAA skuespilleren, jeg *liker* bare alle tre - som skuespillere ;) | j/k
Camous | Skrevet 26/08-14 17:00, rettet 26/08-14 19:46 | Jeg reffede faktisk bare til Shinji's quote i presseteksten. Den er lidt ironisk når man husker Residen Evil som han også arbejdede på.
"One of the most crucial elements to any successful survival horror game is the setting and sound, which includes the depth and authenticity of the voice acting," said Mikami. "We brought together a great cast of experienced actors to help ensure that players really believe our characters’ emotions and the tension they feel in every scene." |
slk486 | Skrevet 26/08-14 19:13 | Ah, gotcha :) | j/k
slk486 | Skrevet 04/09-14 10:15 | Ikke så tit det er den vej, men cool nok de matcher den USianske release dato. | j/k
Sonic | Skrevet 04/09-14 10:36 | Tror jeg napper det :) | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
Sumez | Skrevet 12/09-14 11:51 | Lyder ikke som et gyserspil, men ok det virker heller ikke som om det nogensinde har været gyser-kvaliteterne der har gjort folk så glade for RE serien. | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
Sonic | Skrevet 12/09-14 12:01 | Forklar endeligt hvordan det ikke er et gyserspil?
 | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
slk486 | Skrevet 12/09-14 12:07 | Det lyder ikke som et gyser spil, fordi der fokuseres på shooting i de write-ups. | j/k
Sonic | Skrevet 12/09-14 12:09, rettet 12/09-14 12:10 | In my honest opinion, there is no shortage of reasons why The Evil Within might be a tense and unsettling experience judging from the demo. The themes are dark, the enemies are disturbing, the traps keep players on their toes, and the fear of the unknown (and the unexpected) serves to amplify all of this.
The demo for The Evil Within seemed to take the best from some of my favorite survival horror video games and make it its own. It did this while keeping its own identity and it moved forward with newer and darker themes and concepts. I think the final product will have something to offer people who enjoyed the older Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Dead Space video games.
Come on now. | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
Sumez | Skrevet 12/09-14 12:26 | Stemning og decideret gys kan underbygge hinanden, men det ene medfører ikke nødvendigvis det andet. Umiddelbart lyder det som om der er så meget fokus på taktik og "gunplay" at der ikke er meget tid til at "være bange".
Man kan håbe det også bliver et godt gyserspil - som de også skriver i tråden, er det dårlige omstændigheder at spille den slags spil i - men for mig lyder det ikke som nogen nødvendighed, og at det sagtens kan være et godt spil trods dette. | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
Sonic | Skrevet 12/09-14 12:29 | Så det at de beskriver hvordan combat virker i spillet, gør det ikke til et gyserspil? Allright then. | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
slk486 | Skrevet 12/09-14 13:01 | De fokuserer på at beskrive combat, hvilket tyder på, at det er spillets fokus, men forhåbentlig er det ikke tilfældet. RE4 er jo heller ikke et gyser spil, selvom stemning ville kunne bære det. | j/k
Sonic | Skrevet 12/09-14 13:59 | Skal vi ikke være enige om, at de i visse dele snakker om, hvordan combat føles, i forhold til RE4?
De beskriver f.eks. et sted, at der er nogle semi usynlige fjender, som du enten skal snige dig uden om, eller dræbe.
Mit indtryk er, at man skal snige sig meget rundt, ikke larme for meget, og være forsigtig.
Eller læser i kun den første post? | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
slk486 | Skrevet 12/09-14 14:08 | Jeg må indrømme at mit liv er for kort til at læse en 14 sider tråd på gaf;) Jeg skimmede da et par sider, men det er da første indlæg, der må være udgangspunktet. Under alle omstændigheder er det måske lidt omsonst at diskutere om nogen ikke synes det luder som et horror spil og nogen gør? Bedre at sætte lave forventninger og blive positivt overrasket i min bog. | j/k
Sumez | Skrevet 12/09-14 14:19 | Sonic>
Eller læser i kun den første post?
Jeg havde faktisk fornemmelsen af at du kun havde læst første post. :)
Jeg læste de to første sider, og der er flere indlæg der underbygger det jeg skrev, eller direkte påstår det samme. | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
Sonic | Skrevet 12/09-14 14:21 | Javel ja.
Jeg glæder mig ihvertfald :) | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
slk486 | Skrevet 12/09-14 14:24 | Ditto ;) | j/k
Dunwich | Skrevet 12/09-14 14:39 | slk486>
RE4 er jo heller ikke et gyser spil[...]
Stop nu dig selv. |
slk486 | Skrevet 12/09-14 15:00 | Noget siger mig du er konfronterende uenig? | j/k
Dunwich | Skrevet 12/09-14 15:05 | Jeg er i hvertfald uenig. |
Sumez | Skrevet 12/09-14 16:21, rettet 12/09-14 16:21 | Umiddelbart synes jeg The Evil Within lyder fantastisk, og jeg glæder mig til at prøve det. At det ikke lyder som et decideret gyserspil (tænk SH1 og Project Zero), var på ingen måder tænkt som et kritikpunkt. Jeg synes spillet lyder meget mere interessant nu end det gjorde før. Resident Evil spillene har alligevel aldrig været særlig uhyggelige, beklager. :) | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
Sonic | Skrevet 12/09-14 17:41 | Ok, vi syntes ellers RE var ret spooky da det kom til ps1 dengang. Sorry. | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
Camous | Skrevet 12/09-14 17:52 | Haha. Jeg skrev selv en indlæg hvor jeg sagde det samme, altså at RE spillene aldrig var ægte gyser som Silent Hill f.eks. men trykkede ikke på "opret svar" knappen og den gik tabt. |
Sonic | Skrevet 12/09-14 18:25 | Eye of the beholder ;) | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
Per S | Skrevet 17/09-14 12:38, rettet 17/09-14 12:40 | Her er presseteksten der fulgte med den nye trailer (se svaret for oven):
To celebrate Tokyo Game Show, we’ve just released a new gameplay trailer for The Evil Within, the upcoming survival horror game from legendary game director, Shinji Mikami.
Developed by Shinji Mikami and the talented team at Tango Gameworks, The Evil Within embodies the meaning of pure survival horror. Highly-crafted environments, horrifying anxiety, and an intricate story are combined to create an immersive world that will bring you to the height of tension. With limited resources at your disposal, you’ll fight for survival and experience profound fear in this perfect blend of horror and action.
While investigating the scene of a gruesome mass murder, Detective Sebastian Castellanos and his partners encounter a mysterious and powerful force. After seeing the slaughter of fellow officers, Sebastian is ambushed and knocked unconscious. When he awakens, he finds himself in a deranged world where hideous creatures wander among the dead. Facing unimaginable terror, and fighting for survival, Sebastian embarks on a frightening journey to unravel what’s behind this evil force. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Sonic | Skrevet 25/09-14 21:58 | Det er gået golden idag. Cannot wait :) | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
Olimar | Skrevet 26/09-14 12:17 | De pc anbefalinger som bethesda har smidt ud, er de højeste jeg har set pt. Når man tænker på hvordan spillet ser ud, tyder det på dårlig programmering. Ellers er det blot fordi det er Id tech 5, spillet kører på.
Recommended PC System Specifications
64-bit Windows 7/Windows 8
i7 with four plus cores
50 GB of hard drive space*
GeForce GTX 670 or equivalent with 4GBs of VRAM
High Speed Internet Connection
Steam account and activation
*It’s worth noting that the 50 GB of space required is for the PC install. When the installation is complete, the game will take up ~41 GB of HDD space.
Speaking of space (and by your request), here are the install sizes for the console versions of the game.
Xbox One — 40 GB HDD Space
PlayStation 4 — 40 GB HDD Space
PlayStation 3 — 7 GB HDD Space
Xbox 360 — 7 GB
Note: The Evil Within requires a mandatory install to the Xbox 360’s HDD or a USB 2.0 (or higher) flash drive. |
Sonic | Skrevet 30/09-14 21:46 | Oktober bliver god da :) | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
RaGa | Skrevet 01/10-14 09:44 | Fy.............for.....................satan, hvor jeg glæder mig! Jeg kan dog ikke se ret mange puzzles, som der er i de gode gamle survival horror spil. Det håber jeg virkelig på, der er inkluderet masser af!
Er der nogle udtalelser af det rundt omkring på nettet nogle steder? |