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Evolve til PS4, Xbox One og PC

Per SPer SSkrevet 14/01-14 20:03, rettet 14/01-14 20:14 
Presseteskt fra 2K:

2K and Turtle Rock Studios Announce Evolve™

Upcoming shooter from the creators of Left 4 Dead to offer evolution of multiplayer gaming; first details available exclusively in Game Informer magazine.

Windsor, UK – January 14, 2014 – 2K and Turtle Rock Studios, creators of the cooperative shooter classic Left 4 Dead, today officially announced Evolve™, an all-new multiplayer shooter experience. First revealed exclusively on the cover of Game Informer magazine’s current February issue, Evolve will be available this fall for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, and Windows PC.

Evolve expertly blends cooperative and competitive multiplayer experiences as a team of four hunters face off against a single, player-controlled monster. Set on an alien planet in the distant future, gamers hunt their prey in adrenaline-pumping 4V1 matches. Players experience Evolve as a first-person shooter when playing cooperatively as the four hunters, while they control the monster in the third-person perspective, providing a gameplay experience unique to Evolve. In addition to revealing Evolve, Game Informer details Goliath, the first monster included in the game, and the first squad of four hunters, each with their own unique classes and abilities.

“Our philosophy is to build incredibly fun game experiences that we can’t find anywhere else,” said Chris Ashton, co-founder and design director at Turtle Rock Studios. “Evolve’s co-op vs. lone wolf formula has created some of the most intense multiplayer matches we’ve ever experienced.”

“Evolve will be a generation-defining multiplayer experience,” said Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K. “As our first new IP for next-gen systems, 2K is working with Turtle Rock Studios to deliver a game that’s instantly entertaining and impossible to put down.”

Evolve is available for pre-order beginning today at participating retailers. Those who pre-order the game from participating retailers will be rewarded with the Monster Expansion Pack, which includes the Savage Goliath skin at launch and a new monster character as soon as it becomes available after Evolve is released.
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slk486slk486Skrevet 14/01-14 22:16 
Spillet, hvor de allerede udlover pre-order bonus downloads, før nogen overhovedet har set gameplay.

Pre-order pre-cancelled.
Per SPer SSkrevet 15/01-14 01:52, rettet 15/01-14 01:53 
Ja, jeg studsede også over at der ingen gameplay video er tilgængelig. Men de kan jo så være sikker på at de får ekstraomtale igen.

Men det er stadigvæk tåbeligt, for nu undrer man sig bare over om det er fordi der skal dækkes over noget middelmådigt bras.
Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per SPer SSkrevet 11/02-14 15:07 
Så kom der endelig en trailer.

Evolve - Happy Hunting trailer
Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
slk486slk486Skrevet 11/02-14 15:11 
Fin animation. God musik. Helt utroligt, hvor mange der revolutionerer multiplayer i år...
Per SPer SSkrevet 11/02-14 15:14 
Ja, det var måske mere rammende at kalde den en teaser trailer. :)
Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
slk486slk486Skrevet 11/02-14 15:20 
Det tror jeg :)
BeanoBeanoSkrevet 11/02-14 15:42 


HeroldHeroldSkrevet 11/02-14 16:10 
Jeg spillede det i går. Det var ret sjovt. :)
This isn't life in the fast lane. This is life in oncoming traffic.Spiller nu: Left 4 Dead 2
SuperMikkelSuperMikkelSkrevet 11/02-14 21:36 
Fortæl fortæl ;-)
HeroldHeroldSkrevet 12/02-14 12:00 
Tænk L4D, men uden samme panik-følelse og med mere taktik. :D

Der er en sjov dynamik i spillet - de fire forskellige hunters skal virkelig arbejde sammen for at nedlægge monsteret - og jo større det bliver, jo mere svært er det at nedlægge (der er tre faser). På den bane der var tilgængelig, skulle jeg som monsteret dodge gennem junglen og undgå at sætte spor og skræmme fuglene, så jeg var nem at spore, mens jeg frådede på det lokale dyreliv til jeg var stor nok til at smadre en shield-generator og spise et par klo-fulde civile på en fabrik. Jeg vandt som monstret på trods af inverted controls (jeg kiggede meget op i luften D: ).

Der er et godt sammenspil mellem de fire hunters, hvor Medic'en fx kan skyde hul i monsterets panser og lave åbninger de andre kan udnytte, mens Trapper'en kan afgrænse et område, så monsteret ikke kan stikke af.

Der er flere varianter af de forskellige hunters og der er også flere monstertyper, men de vil ikke sige mere om det lige nu. :(
This isn't life in the fast lane. This is life in oncoming traffic.Spiller nu: Left 4 Dead 2
spectrespectreSkrevet 12/02-14 13:17 
You had me at "tænk L4D"
Keep it simpleSpiller nu: Fallout 4
Per SPer SSkrevet 24/04-14 15:35 
Ny 52 minutter in-game video fra spillet.



The hunt is on in Evolve! Experience 4v1 combat featuring commentary by Aaron "Ayesee" Chambers and Chris Ashton, co-founder and design director at Turtle Rock Studios.

To experience the full 4v1 hunt from all five perspectives, visit (se linket) for multichannel trailer.

You can switch perspectives at any time just by clicking the buttons at the bottom of the video to see how the game plays as each class.


Ny 52 min. Evolve video
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Per SPer SSkrevet 22/05-14 16:43 
Pressetekst inklusiv oplysninger om E3 messe-placering til alle dem som kigger forbi:

Join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag#4v1

Windsor, UK – May 22, 2014 –2K and Turtle Rock Studios, creators of the cooperative shooter classic Left 4 Dead, today announced that their upcoming multiplayer shooter experience Evolve™ will be released globally on October 21, 2014 for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and PC.

Everyone who pre-orders Evolve from participating retailers will receive the Monster Expansion Pack, which includes the Savage Goliath skin at launch, and a new monster character when available after Evolve is released. Players who pre-order from selected retailers will also receive the Exterminator Weapon Skin Pack or the Instant Hunter Pack.

Evolve will be playable at E3 from June 10-12, 2014, at 2K’s booth (#1301) located in the South Hall of the Los Angeles Convention Center. Evolve is available now for pre-order at participating retailers.
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Per SPer SSkrevet 21/08-14 13:02 

Evolve Wins Gamescom 2014 ‘Best of Show’ Award

Highly anticipated 4v1 shooter wins a total of five official Gamescom 2014 awards

2K and Turtle Rock Studios announced today that Evolve, the highly anticipated 4v1 cooperative and competitive multiplayer shooter coming to next-gen consoles and PC on February 10, 2015, has won the prestigious “Best of Gamescom” award as well as the awards for “Best Console Game Microsoft Xbox,” “Best PC Game,” “Best Action Game,” and “Best Online Multiplayer Game.” Evolve dominated Gamescom 2014, winning five of the thirteen award categories, the most official awards any game has ever won at Gamescom.

“We are blown away by the positive reception for Evolve from both the critics and the consumers here at Gamescom,” said Phil Robb, co-founder and creative director at Turtle Rock Studios. “Winning the ‘Best of Show’ award at both E3 and Gamescom in the same year is humbling and exhilarating.”

Join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #4v1
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WehnerWehnerSkrevet 02/09-14 19:21 
"If you don't like co-op, you can always play the monster."

>>Here's some boots and a sandwich<<Spiller nu: Assassin's Creed: Revel..., Elder Scrolls V, The: S...
Per SPer SSkrevet 09/10-14 15:30 
Ny trailer:

Evolve Big Alpha Trailer
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Per SPer SSkrevet 17/10-14 09:34 
Ny trailer:

EVOLVE - Savage Goliath Trailer
Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
WikzoWikzoSkrevet 28/10-14 22:02 
Alpha-testen begynder lige om lidt. Her er et link, som garanterer adgang til pc-alpha'en.

HankyHankySkrevet 30/10-14 18:54, rettet 30/10-14 19:56 
Jeg har en ekstra key til Xbox One-alpha'en, som kører fra i dag til søndag, hvis nogen mangler :)
Spiller nu: Astro Bot: Rescue Missi..., Travis Strikes Again: N..., Wonder Boy: The Dragon'...
JmogJmogSkrevet 31/10-14 08:55 
Hvis du stadig har den, så er jeg i hvert fald interesseret :-)
HankyHankySkrevet 31/10-14 18:08 
Har sendt dig en PB :)
Spiller nu: Astro Bot: Rescue Missi..., Travis Strikes Again: N..., Wonder Boy: The Dragon'...
WikzoWikzoSkrevet 01/11-14 13:05 
Jeg har fået nogle ekstra pc-koder til alpha'en. De indløses via Steam:

Per SPer SSkrevet 03/12-14 14:16 
Ny trailer:

Evolve –– Evacuation Story Trailer
Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per SPer SSkrevet 19/12-14 09:53 
Ny trailer:

Evolve - Stalker Trailer
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Per SPer SSkrevet 19/12-14 09:58 

From the moment the exclusive Xbox One Open Beta begins at 6AM ET on Thursday, January 15, players can experience EVOLVE’s core “Hunt” mode, while unlocking new Monsters and Hunters as they play. New Hunter and Monster characters unlocked in the Xbox One Open Beta will carry over to the final retail version of the game.

Starting on January 17, Xbox One Open Beta players will gain exclusive access to Evacuation, EVOLVE’s dynamic campaign that combines the full array of maps and modes into a unique and highly replayable experience. Full details about the Xbox One Open Beta can be found on the official EVOLVE blog here: http://evolvegame.com/news/the-evolve-xbox-one-open-beta-is-coming.

EVOLVE Game Modes:
We have now announced the details for each of the EVOLVE games modes and they are as follows:

- HUNT: Hunters are called in to eliminate a single Monster. The Monster flees, kills wildlife, and eats to gain energy and stage up. The Hunters aim to track, trap and kill the monster before it gets too big. The round ends when one team is eliminated, or the Monster evolves to Stage Three and destroys the power relay.

- NEST: The Hunters have been called in to destroy Monster eggs that have been discovered in the area. The Alpha Monster must defend the eggs and can even hatch one to gain a Goliath minion to fight at its side. The round ends when one team is eliminated, or all of the eggs and minion are destroyed.

- RESCUE: The Hunters are called in for a search and rescue mission. A Monster has attacked the facility and is still in the area, and groups of colonists have fled into the wilderness. Hunters need to locate, revive and lead each group of survivors to a rescue shuttle. The round ends when the majority of survivors have been either rescued or killed.

- DEFEND: The transport ship is loaded with civilians and fueling up. A horde of Goliath minions led by a Stage 3 Alpha Monster attempts to destroy the fuel pad, which is protected by two reinforced walls, each powered by a generator. The hunters defend the generators and fuel pad until the ship can finish fueling. If the ship finishes fueling or the Alpha Monster is killed, the Hunters win. If the generators and fuel pad are destroyed, the Monster wins.

EVOLVE Evacuation Mode:
We have now announced the details for the EVOLVE Evacuation mode and they are as follows:

From Turtle Rock Studios, creators of Left 4 Dead, comes Evolve, a unique 4v1 shooter where four Hunters face off against a single, player-controlled Monster in adrenaline-pumping matches. Play as the Monster to use savage abilities and an animalistic sense to kill your human enemies, or choose one of four Hunter classes (Trapper, Support, Assault, and Medic) and team up to take down the beast on the planet Shear, where flora and fauna act as an adversary to Hunter and Monster alike. Evolve includes three Monsters, 12 Hunters, 16 maps, and four game modes: Hunt, Nest, Rescue, and Defend.

Evolve also features Evacuation, an experience that uniquely combines the full array of maps, modes, Hunters, and Monsters in a dynamic experience that is different every time you play. Players choose a side, Monster or Hunter, and play through a series of five matches across all maps and modes in the game, with each victory or loss directly impacting the remaining matches in Evacuation with benefits to either the hunter or monster side.

Each additional play through of Evacuation results in different combinations of mission types, environments, and map affects, totaling over 800,000 possible combinations. Because Evacuation includes every element of Evolve in one dynamic, unique package, it is highly replayable as a multiplayer, cooperative, and solo experience.
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Per SPer SSkrevet 09/01-15 11:51, rettet 09/01-15 11:52 
EVOLVE er gået guld:


Der er også en ny intro cinema trailer klar:

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DarkbeatDarkbeatSkrevet 13/01-15 22:21 
Ved Odin's skæg...
Der kommer en "PC Master Race" version af spillet. Jeg fik ikke læst det meste af presseteksten fordi jeg havde travlt med at rulle med øjnene, men den kan læses her.

jaesjaesSkrevet 14/01-15 00:18 
"PC Monster Race Edition" - stadig lidt plat, men noget lidt andet ;)
DarkbeatDarkbeatSkrevet 14/01-15 07:33 
Ah... Det er det dér med øjnene efter 14 timers arbejde :D
Per SPer SSkrevet 04/02-15 18:00 
Ny EVOLVE "Ready or Not" trailer

Klar eller ej trailer
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Per SPer SSkrevet 10/02-15 15:44 
Spillet er ude i dag, og der er en launch trailer klar.

Evolve launch trailer
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Per SPer SSkrevet 05/03-15 09:59 
Den kommende observer mode.

Evolve — Observer Mode Gameplay
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Per SPer SSkrevet 20/03-15 23:20 

Evolve™ DLC Expands the Hunt on March 31, 2015

New ‘Behemoth’ Monster, four new playable Hunters, two free maps, a free Observer Mode, and more expand the 4v1 monster hunting experience

Join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #4v1

New York, NY – March 19, 2015 – 2K and Turtle Rock Studios announced today that the Evolve™ experience is expanding on March 31, 2015 with the launch of a host of downloadable content* including the fourth playable Monster, Behemoth, four new playable Hunters, two free maps, a free Observer Mode, and more. Those who own Evolve but do not purchase Behemoth or the four new Hunters can still play against or alongside these new characters online and against them offline, adding depth and replayability for the entire Evolve community without dividing players based on what additional content they own.

And, two free maps and a free Observer Mode means more new content for all Evolve players to enjoy, whether they choose to play with one of the new characters, or stay with their existing favorites.

Evolve’s new Monster and Hunters are unique in appearance and abilities. Behemoth is a tank of a Monster that becomes a giant, destructive boulder and rolls through the environment for quick traversal. Behemoth is free for those who pre-ordered Evolve from participating retailers as part of the Monster Expansion Pack, and is available separately for $14.99. For complete details on Behemoth, visit: http://evolvegame.com/news/evolve-fourth-monster-behemoth.

Four new Hunters also join the Evolve lineup: Torvald, a cyborg Assault character with a mortar cannon for an arm; Crow, a Trapper with a pet Batray for tracking Monsters; Slim, a genetically modified combat Medic; and Sunny, a Support character equipped with a mininuke grenade launcher. Each new Hunter expands the Evolve experience with new weapons, equipment, and abilities. The four Hunters are available as part of the Evolve Hunting Season Pass along with three Monster skins** for $24.99. Each Hunter can also be purchased separately for $7.49. For complete details on these four new Hunters, visit: http://evolvegame.com/news/introducing-evolves-next-four-hunters.

Two new maps bring additional depth and replayability to the entire Evolve community free of charge. The Broken Hill Mine and Broken Hill Foundry maps introduce two distinct environments and add exciting new campaign effects to Evacuation, a unique experience that combines the full array of maps, modes, Hunters, and Monsters into a single dynamic campaign, offering near-limitless variety. The free Broken Hill Mine and Broken Hill Foundry maps will be available first for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, on March 31, 2015, and will be available for Windows PC and PlayStation®4 system on April 30, 2015. For complete details on these new maps, visit: http://evolvegame.com/news/two-new-free-maps-coming-to-evolve.

Observer Mode is a free feature designed to provide the Evolve community with the tools to observe and add commentary to Evolve. Observer Mode allows a sixth user to passively enter a custom game in Evolve, enhancing any live streaming by seamlessly switching to view any of the five players. Observer Mode includes an informative HUD that updates in real time throughout the match, showcasing player health, survival odds, perks, the mini-map, and more. For complete details on Observer Mode, visit: http://evolvegame.com/news/observer-mode-coming-soon-to-evolve.

Evolve is now available worldwide for Xbox One, PlayStation®4 system, and Windows PC. Evolve is rated M for Mature by the ESRB. For more information on Evolve, follow us on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, subscribe on YouTube and visit http://www.Evolvegame.com.

*Xbox Live, PlayStation®Network, or Steam account and Internet connection required. Copy of Evolve required to play. On Xbox One, Xbox Live Gold membership required for some game modes. On PlayStation®4 system, PlayStation®Plus membership required for some game modes. Additional in-game content available (sold separately).

**Evolve Hunting Season Pass includes three Monster skins available now: Magma Goliath, Magma Kraken, and Magma Wraith.
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DunwichDunwichSkrevet 21/03-15 00:20 
Et meget populært spil herinde. Eller noget.
SumezSumezSkrevet 21/03-15 01:10 
Det må det være med alle de pressetekster :)
Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
FancyPantsFancyPantsSkrevet 21/03-15 01:16 
Jeg tror nu det kunne være meget sjovt... Hvis jeg havde et fast team at spille det med, og jeg ikke skulle betale for spillet to gange for at få det meste ud af det.

Det ryger måske med når der kommer en komplet udgave på et Steam sale engang. :P
PEW PEW PEWSpiller nu: StarCraft II: Legacy Of..., Monster Hunter: World, Warframe
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