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Per SPer SSkrevet 28/11-13 22:56 
Pressetekst, inklusive svulstige postulater, fra Digital Frame:

November 28, 2013 – London, ON, Canada – Digital Extremes, the independent developer and now, publisher, announced today that Warframe®, the fastest growing Free-to-Play action game this year on PC, is available on Day 1 for the new PS4™ system beginning with Midnight launch events on November 29th throughout Europe. With a simple download via the PlayStation® Store, all PS4™ system owners can play the highly stylized sci-fi third-person action co-op game for free. Warframe does not require a PlayStation®Plus membership.

Warframe was announced for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system earlier this year and has quickly become one of the top Day 1 launch titles to watch; primarily due to the rapid success of the title on PC when it went Open Beta in March. In addition to enjoying a Triple-A gaming experience for free, PS4™ system owners can expect to see frequent free content and feature updates that will continue to broaden the scope and depth of the game over time. To help influence future content and features, players are encouraged to join the dedicated, passionate community found in the official Warframe forums at Warframe.com.

“Warframe offers an incredibly rich gaming experience for the low, low price of Free,” said Steve Sinclair, creative director at Digital Extremes. “It’s a win-win situation for everyone. The Free-to-Play model allows independent developers like us the opportunity to take risks on new ideas that otherwise would never see the light of day in a traditional retail scenario; and the low price-point barrier for gamers gives them the opportunity to experience the game, provide us feedback and then choose to support the game and its continued development.”

Players are introduced to Warframe as Tenno warriors, who have discovered an ancient exo-skeletal technology only they can operate. These Warframes bring unimaginable power and skill to the Tenno and provide unique offensive and defensive powers to explore and master. Players go solo or band together in squads of 4 to complete co-op based raids to locate ancient artifacts that will help customize and upgrade their Warframe and weapons and win the war against the genocidal Grineer, Corpus and Infested enemies.

A special cinematic trailer that expands on the Lore of the game was released on the Warframe YouTube channel to commemorate the launch. Warframe is rated PEGI 18 and USK 16 and can be downloaded for free via the PlayStation® Store on the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system starting November 29th. For more information on the game, visit the official website at Warframe.com.

About Digital Extremes
Founded in 1993 by James Schmalz, Digital Extremes ranks as one of the world’s top independent development studios in the interactive entertainment industry. The Canadian-based developer has a rich history in developing some of the industry’s top first-person shooter and action games. Originating with the co-creation of Epic Games’ multi-million unit selling Unreal® franchise including Unreal, Unreal Tournament – and all its iterations -- and continuing with such hits as Dark Sector®, BioShock® for the PlayStation®3 and the multi-player campaign of BioShock 2. Most recently, Digital Extremes earned critical acclaim for the development of first-person shooter, The Darkness® II, based on the comic book series of the same name and the use of its proprietary technology, the Evolution Engine™. The studio is currently developing the Free-To-Play action game, Warframe®. For more information about Digital Extremes, visit the company website at www.digitalextremes.com. To sign up for Warframe, visit www.warframe.com.
Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
BeanoBeanoSkrevet 01/12-13 18:41, rettet 01/12-13 18:50 
Har spillet det et par timer i dag - overraskende underholdende hvis man er til noget hurtig rum-ninja/TPS online co-op halløj :)

Man skal lige være opmærksom på at respawns koster platinum som man tjener i spillet og kan købe for menneskepenge, naturligvis. Jeg øslede mine starter respawn væk fordi jeg ikke lige havde forstået det inden.

Jeg twitch-streamer det lige nu...
AmbyAmbySkrevet 01/12-13 18:59 
Så hvis man dør, og ikke vil respawne? Spillede en enkel level, var også positiv overrasket. Og kom lige fra Killzone.
Have no thing I'd rather see, Since I found Serenity.Spiller nu: Mirror's Edge, Resistance 2
BeanoBeanoSkrevet 01/12-13 19:03 
Du vælger selv om du vil respawne.
AmbyAmbySkrevet 01/12-13 19:16 
Hvis ikke, hopper man så bare ud af missionen?
Have no thing I'd rather see, Since I found Serenity.Spiller nu: Mirror's Edge, Resistance 2
BeanoBeanoSkrevet 01/12-13 19:17 
Nej så er du tilskuer svjv.
BeanoBeanoSkrevet 01/12-13 20:15, rettet 01/12-13 20:19 
Jeg vrøvler vist. Platinum er den valuta man køber for menneskepenge, og ikke optjener ellers. Man får 4 revives pr. dag gratis, efter hvad jeg kan læse mig til.
Man optjener alm. credits som man kan købe ting for, bl.a. blueprints til at crafte våben ud fra.

Each Warframe has the power to self-revive 4 times every 24 hours. If you run out of revives, you can wait until the next day for them to automatically recharge or consume Platinum to receive them right away. If you choose not to revive in a mission, your Warframe is not destroyed and will still survive to play other missions. Learning when to use revives and when it’s worth simply forfeiting a mission is all part of playing Warframe!

FancyPantsFancyPantsSkrevet 01/12-13 20:47 
^ Man skal dog være opmærksom på, at hvis man køber et blueprint til en ny frame, så skal man stadig finde blueprints for hver del af framen som drops, og herefter crafte dem.
Tvivler i hvert fald på det er ændret fra PC versionen. :)
PEW PEW PEWSpiller nu: StarCraft II: Legacy Of..., Monster Hunter: World, Warframe
BeanoBeanoSkrevet 01/12-13 21:19 
Det tror jeg også, helt samme principper som på PC.
NaieraNaieraSkrevet 01/12-13 21:32 
Jeg havde i hvert fald fire revives de to gange jeg prøvede, på to forskellige dage. Det ér jo F2P, så det må vi vel leve med.
THERE... ARE... FOUR... LIGHTS!Spiller nu: Octopath Traveler
FancyPantsFancyPantsSkrevet 01/12-13 21:34 
Man kan trods alt revive hinanden, inden for den "bleed out" periode man har.
Det forudsætter selvfølgelig at man ikke spiller solo, og heller ikke er endt i random gruppe med en flok idioter.
PEW PEW PEWSpiller nu: StarCraft II: Legacy Of..., Monster Hunter: World, Warframe
BeanoBeanoSkrevet 01/12-13 21:54, rettet 01/12-13 21:55 
Jeps, og ikke hoppe ind i missioner over ens skill-level ;)

Spiller man med idioter, så lad være med at spilde self-revives.
BeanoBeanoSkrevet 04/12-13 18:24 
Jeg streamer lidt Warframe på www.twitch.tv/beandk ...
Per SPer SSkrevet 13/12-13 12:09, rettet 13/12-13 12:57 
Nye (gratis) opdateringer til Warframe.

December 13, 2013 – London, ON, Canada – Warframe is now available on PS4 in Europe and "Update 11" has just released on the PS4 across Europe and North America. “Update 11": Valkyr unleashed, is loaded with new environments, Warframes, weapons, and more – including the introduction of the new Berserker Warframe - Valkyr.

We have listened to the Warframe community at large and implemented tons of their feedback into this update. Below is the full list of what's new in this update.

New Warframe: Valkyr
Female Berserker Class, Cosmetic Bastet Helmet & Cosmetic Restraints!

New Weapons:
“Tigris” Tenno Double-Barrel Shotgun (Primary)
“Cestra” Corpus Mini-gun (Secondary)
“Lecta” Corpus Whip (Melee)

New Prime Gear:
Ember, Glaive, and Sicarus!
Find it all in the Void Today or through Prime Access (coming soon)

Sprint is no longer needed to initiate a Wall-Run
New Customizations: Warframe Skins for the first 8 Warframes!
New Decorations for the Dojo (Including a Trading Kiosk!)
New Tile Set: Corpus Gas City
New Enemies: 3 Corpus enemy types to seek and destroy!
New Boss: Sargus Ruk (Grineer)
New Boss: Alad V & Zanuka (Corpus)
New System: Trading 1.0! Build the Trading Kiosk in your Dojo to begin!
New System: Codex and Scanner (Scan enemies to unlock entries & details in the Codex)
New Damage Model 2.0! More information here: https://forums.warfr...n-on-damage-20/
New Mods for Slash (Health) Damage, Toxic (Poison) Damage, Impact (Shield) Damage, and Status (Proc Chance) Effects!
New Resource Drone: collects crafting materials from planetary systems!
Added option to opt-in to Nightmare nodes
Added new icon for Boss nodes on the star chart
Players can now copy other players' mission votes by clicking on the squad info panel.

-Removed the Railgun MOAs from the Mastery Rank 1 Challenge
-Players can now mark Waypoints in game with the DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller
-Players can turn Transmission Messages ON/OFF for the DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller in the Options Menu
-Full on-screen map: During gameplay to view the overall level map as you uncover it through exploration by pressing the touch pad button
-Improved Main Menu navigation to include the Codex and Inbox
-Players can now access the Arsenal when in a lobby
-Remote Play control bindings are now displayed in game
-Players can now toggle crouch/slide to hold
-Capture targets are now more dynamic and mobile: there are a range of tougher Corpus and Grineer targets with varying abilities and weapons will flee at the first sign of danger. Stop them from boarding a shuttle and escaping!
-Star Chart progress, Sentinel and Sentinel-Weapon rank now contribute to Mastery level
-Sentinels now come with a default amount of armor
-Removed co-op doors from survival missions
-Time between Defense waves has been reduced to 6 seconds
-Updated Dojo room art for the following rooms (visual update will be automatic, no rebuild necessary):
- Oracle
- Barracks (Moon, Mountain, Storm, Shadow)
- Research Labs (Bio, Energy, Chem)
-Star Chart: added effects & colorization to further distinguish available nodes from completed/locked nodes, and highlight boss nodes.
-Stun Chance mods (Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Melee) are now Status Effect mods in accordance with new damage system
-2D and 3D weapons duck ambience by 2 dB less and duck music by 1 dB less. 2D weapons duck 3D weapons by 2dB less
-Improved sound-ducking mixes
-Changed Europa planet description so that it wasn't the same as Eris
-Added new icons for Sentinel weapons
-Switched the Prova to use Machete animations and finishers
-New space skybox added to the Grineer Galleon tile set
-Improved the sound for the Heavy Impact mod
-Audio improvements to some stealth finishers
-Rebalanced some mod types for Conclave battles (Stun mods, Crit mods, and Corrupted mods)
-Tuned conclave values for Brakk, Machete Wraith, and Obex
-Added sound for Galleon air lifts in Conclave map
-Stalker has been improving his melee combo techniques
-NPCs will no longer target Rescue agents

-Fixes put in to address severe cases of texture popping
-Fixed the Shield Damage Indicator will no longer flicker in the opening tutorial
-Fixed Log-In Rewards not appearing
-Fixed selling multiple instances of an item not working
-Fixed the Clan Message of the Day not appearing until returning from a mission
-Fixed the AI occasionally shooting their weapon after death
-Experimental camera fixes – camera does not collide with enemies or players to avoid annoying jitter.
-Fixed issue where only host could invite players into a Dojo
-Fixed more instances of enemy AI spawning or falling into unreachable areas in Exterminate missions
-Fixed falling out of level in Mastery Challenge 7 costing a revive
-Fixed some navigation/design issues in new level connectors
-Fixed some issues related to Nyx’s Mind Control ability where brainwashed AI didn’t always attack enemies as intended
-Fixed various teleport issues that would result in “out of world” experiences
-Fixed Corpus Energy Rifle firing animation to match Clan Tech Tenno Energy Rifle (alternate between top and bottom barrels when firing)
-Fixed some missing materials identified in Corpus ship levels
-Fixed a case where you are unable to melee/block sometimes after being knocked down during melee swings
-Fixed a case where the player would stay in the melee charge anim sometimes if knocked down during melee attack
-Fixed missing respawn volume in Dojo obstacle course
-Fixed some reported issues of flickering textures
-Fixed missing jump actions required by enemies in certain levels
-Fixed Jackal robot missile seeking offset
-Fixed Security Camera sounds not playing for clients
-Fixed names of Gradivus Dilemma trophies
-Fixed Grineer Scorpion to have proper in-game description
-Fixed issue with Kestrel and Glaive animations for holstering
-Fixed all reported/known issues of players falling through elevators
-Fixed ledge-mantling mid wall-jump causing you to keep your push velocity
-Fixed Rhino’s Iron Skin ability that granted invulnerability during oxygen loss
-Fixed weapon attachments to now play the fire animation according to their respective fire rate (with any upgrade mods)
-Fixed broken weapon recoil behaviour; it now works as intended
-Fixed Roller idle animation jittering
-Fixed “power in use” issue after using Banshee’s Sonic Boom ability
-Fixed Acrid weapon not doing damage over time
-Fixed Saryn’s Miasma ability to apply damage over time
-Fixed issue where Ciphers were being consumed twice on a single hack
-Fixed Nekros Soul Punch ability to ragdoll target NPCs
-Fixed Trinity’s Energy Vampire in Conclave which caused enemies on the opposite team to regenerate energy as well
-Fixed issue that allowed spectators to fire the Ignis and Flux rifle while spectating in Conclave
-Fixed enemies not getting auto-killed if they ragdoll in the middle of a death animation
-Fixed multiple issues with Infested enemy types related to map navigation
-Fixed high level enemies spawning in low-level defense missions
-Fixed private session countdown not starting after friend joins/selects mission

What is the nature of the Zanuka Project? Has Alad V finally developed technology that can defeat a Tenno? If this technology gets out, who will stop him?

We are thrilled to share The Profit – our brand new Warframe PS4™ Launch Trailer!

Ny Warframe PS4 launch trailer
Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per SPer SSkrevet 28/01-14 11:51 

Nordic - 2014.01.28 - After much anticipation, the second major update to Warframe on PlayStation®4 is here! Update 11.5: The Cicero Crisis is live and loaded with new additions to the game.

PS4™ players can now explore a new environment, plenty of new weapons and a new Paladin Warframe -Oberon! Players will also be happy to know that PlayStation Trophies are now available. Twenty in-game rewards that recognize Warframe accomplishments are ready and waiting to be earned!

New Warframe
Oberon - Equally adept at healing friends or striking down the enemy, Oberon embodies the balance Tenno are sworn to uphold.

The Cicero Crisis Event - The Forests of Earth have evolved. Centuries of manipulation by the Orokin have created breeds of super plants that grow tougher and faster than anything seen before. Until now the Grineer have been unable to conquer these unruly forests, but Councilor Vay Hek plans to use his Cicero Toxin to clear the land and make way for Grineer settlements. Visit Earth and sabotage Councilor Vay Hek's plans!

New Forest Tile Set - Within the Cicero Crisis Event node on Earth is a first look at the new Forest tileset.

Trophies - Warframe on PS4™ now supports Trophies! A total of 20 are available, encouraging players to rank up their equipment, build items in the Foundry with collected resources and participate in co-operative play.

New weapons - A number of new weapons are now available including the Burston Prime, Karak rifle, Stug gel gun, Magistar mace and Scoliac whip.

Gas City Expansion - New areas of the Corpus Gas City on Jupiter are ready for exploration.

Controller Layout - Players can now fully customize their PS4™ controller layout.

New Weapon Skin Pack - The new Forest Camo Skin Pack features 13 new Forest camouflage weapon skins and a Dethcube Sentinel Skin.
Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per SPer SSkrevet 10/02-14 12:18, rettet 10/02-14 12:20 


The latest update for the PC version of Warframe.

Zephyr - Specializing in air attacks and mobility, Zephyr dominates from above. Begin building her in the new Tenno Research Lab in your Dojo! See Zephyr in action here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KurbStEIqrQ

Save Darvo - The Ties That Bind Alert Mission has players working to save the infamous Darvo once again. To participate, players can click on the in-game Alert and follow Darvo's guidance.

New game mode - The new Interception game mode has players trying to intercept an interplanetary communication that is being beamed to four towers on the map. The more towers captured and held, the faster the message can be decoded. Players must also keep the enemy from decoding the message for themselves. Once the message is decoded by either side, the round is over.

New weapons - A number of new weapons are now available including the Phage Shotgun, Jat Kittag Jet Powered Polearm, Dual Cestra Sidearms and the Akstiletto Dual UZI.

Level expansion - The Forest Tileset has been expanded to include all of Earth.

Mod stacking - Mods will now be organized in stacks in the Arsenal to improve duplicate Mod management.

New Tenbno lab - The new Tenno Research Lab allows players to construct Warframes in a new way - in the Dojo!

New in-game HUD - An updated Heads Up Display provides a refreshed and simplified playing experience.

Alternate helmet - A Paladin has never looked so good! Give Oberon a fresh look with a new Alternate Helmet - Oryx.

New Warframe skins - Customize your Warframe with four new Warframe Immortal Skins!

Warframe Update 12.0 - Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQnoRneRCZU

Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per SPer SSkrevet 12/05-14 13:09 
Pressetekst vedr. PS4 versionen:

The PS4™ player base has spoken – Warframe® is the 2nd most downloaded App on PS4™!

This particular update is a true testament to the community-driven game development, Digital Extremes has become known for with Warframe. After several months of refining key systems in the game, based on fan feedback, Update 13 delivers what they’ve been waiting for including PS4 specific optimizations and customizations.

With incredible new fighting styles in Melee 2.0, an end-game system that pays homage to Warframe’s predecessor, Dark Sector along with a new water-based Warframe, new enemies, new weapons and customizations, this update is a game changer.

Our players have asked and we continue to deliver.
See what our Devs have to say about this huge update here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfXZ5nzU2cs

Here are a few of the top line Highlights of Update 13: Dark Sectors.

PS4 Exclusives – Custom controller scheme for PS Vita Remote Play feature, Exclusive PS4 color picker to customize your Warframe and the vitally important performance optimizations!

NEW WARFRAME – Rising from the ocean depths, HYDROID harnesses the power of water with a devastating effect.

HYDROID 's powers include:
Tempest Barrage - Calls down a barrage of liquid fury
Undertow - Become a water trap and drown unsuspecting enemies
Tidal Surge - Crash through enemies in a ferocious wall of water
Tentacle Swarm - Summon a watery creature from the deep to wreak total havoc

MELEE 2.0 - Your melee weapons have never been so powerful and your Warframe never so agile! Fully equip your melee weapon, add Combo Chaining, Equip State and Stance Mods and realize an entirely new melee system for your Warframe. Block attacks, combine moves, become more ninja!

DARK SECTORS – End game is in the lost outposts of the Solar System. Ready your Clan and build Solar Rails to lay claim to these Dark Sectors on the Star Map. Collect Tribute, a form of transit fare, from everyone who uses your rail but stay alert, Tenno -- other Clans can try to overtake your Sector.

ATTICA - Quickly fire off a volley of deadly bolts with the Attica Repeating Crossbow.
NAMI SKYLA - Like the surge and crash of storm waves, a master of the Nami Cutlass and Skyla Dagger turns these two separate weapons into one fluid attack.
NIKANA - The Nikana Katana reintroduces a lost Tenno blade and with it another fragment of the old ways.

NEW PRIME WEAPON - Lex Prime joins the ranks of elite Prime weapons.

MELEE WEAPON ATTACHMENTS - Four new Sugatra Melee Weapon Attachments display the martial finesse and skill of its master.

NEW WEAPON SKINS - The Shock Camo Skins' bold patterns are designed to confuse the optical processing of both robotic and organic enemies.

NEW ENEMIES - Vay Hek's Prosecutors and Guardsmen pose new threats. Find the elemental damage type they're vulnerable to and take them down!

NEW SENTINEL SKIN - Add the Para Skin to your Carrier! The perfect companion for the new Hydroid Warframe.

EXPANDED TILESET - Explore this new Grineer Shipyard Tileset in the Ceres planetary region.

DOJO CUSTOMIZATION - Ten new Dojo Rooms are now available!
Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per SPer SSkrevet 10/06-14 11:26, rettet 10/06-14 11:28 
Warframe kommer til Xbox;

Digital Extremes announced today that Warframe®, the fastest growing AAA Free-to-Play game, is coming to the Xbox One console in 2014. This will be one of the first titles released through ID@Xbox, which allows independent developers to self-publish their games on Xbox One and will be Free-to-Play with Gold*. The sci-fi third-person action game that challenges players to release their inner ninja can be seen in a new trailer released today in conjunction with the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) held in Los Angeles this week.

“Bringing Warframe to Xbox One is a no-brainer,” said Steve Sinclair, creative director at Digital Extremes. “Our players have been asking for Warframe since the debut of the console and with the ID@Xbox Program, now we can make it happen. Having the freedom to develop and publish Warframe on our own terms is the true definition of independence to us. Warframe is a passion project for our team and building it alongside our players is a reality now with digital distribution.”

Players are introduced to Warframe as newly awoken Tenno warriors, thrust into a universe at war and armed with ancient exo-skeletal technology only they can operate. These Warframes bring unimaginable power and skill to the Tenno and provide players with unique offensive and defensive powers to explore and master. Players go solo or band together in squads of 4 to complete co-op based raids to locate ancient artifacts that will help customize and upgrade their Warframe and weapons.

Often described as MMO-lite with an emphasis on cooperative play and clan-building, Warframe will take advantage of the social connectivity and community building features Xbox One offers at launch and in subsequent game updates. First up is Game DVR where players can capture their greatest Warframe moments and share them with friends. Players looking for bragging rights will find them with the many Xbox Achievements and Hero Stats. Second screen functionality through Xbox One SmartGlass will be utilized with the Warframe Nexus App for Windows Phone, iOS and Android. This companion app provides players with pertinent real-time game information and stats such as Alerts to critical missions and the Codex, which provides key data on all the Warframes, weapons, Mods and more to help players strategize their play.

E3 2014 trailer
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Per SPer SSkrevet 15/07-14 20:40 

Symbiote Studios LLC, a leading manufacturer and distributor of a broad range of toys and high-end collectibles, has obtained the rights to create stylized vinyl toys and high-end statues based on Digital Extremes’ hit video game franchise, Warframe.

"As big fans of the game we are excited to bring the Tenno warriors of Warframe alive with toys and statues," said Joseph Reiter, CEO of Symbiote Studios. "Warframe is the future of gaming and we are honored to be able to create products fans will love."

“The character design in Warframe begs to be made into collectible statues and toys,” said Meridith Braun, VP Publishing at Digital Extremes. “The team at Symbiote approached us with such passion for Warframe that we knew they would be the perfect choice to start a line of high-quality collectible statues for us and they have certainly delivered. The Excalibur statue is impressively detailed and will certainly be a standout on any collector’s shelf.”

First in the line is a Limited Edition Collector’s Statue of the very popular Warframe -- Excalibur. Made of high-quality poly-resin and hand painted to the finest detail, Excalibur stands over eight inches tall and is fully equipped with his signature Skana Blade in hand, an Aklato Pistol on each hip and the Latron Rifle holstered on his back.

Fans attending QuakeCon 2014 (July 17-20) and San Diego Comic-Con 2014 (July 24-27) will have the first chance to own Excalibur in this Limited Edition run of only 1000. Visit the Symbiote Studios booth at either show to purchase the statue at the special conference price of $69.99.

Those unable to attend the shows may pre-order the statue for $79.99 online now while quantities last via the Official Warframe Merch Store at http://store.warframe.com. Expected ship date for the statues is late August.
Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per SPer SSkrevet 18/08-14 14:33 

Space Battles to Warframe

Taking Warframe’s high-energy, skilled ninja battles into the depths of Space, Archwing – an entirely new Warframe game mode – is coming in Update 15!

This huge addition to the game was announced during TennoLive 2014: Gamescom – Warframe’s first live version of the wildly popular Devstream. An energetic audience of 200 of the game’s most devoted players along with more than 14,000 players viewing the livestream from home watched as their favorite Warframe Developers interacted with fans, celebrated their community and offered major reveals to the game.

Warframe - Archwing teaser
Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
BeanoBeanoSkrevet 18/08-14 14:48 
Spændende udvidelse, vil jeg checke ud når den kommer til PS4 :)
Per SPer SSkrevet 21/08-14 16:01 

The new PS4 update titled – Update 14: The Mad Cephalon focuses on simplifying the new user experience and immersing the player further into the universe of Warframe.

The community-driven interactive approach to development has paid off for the team as Warframe has just reached 10 million registered users worldwide on PC and PS4 in just over a year into its Open Beta. The Kickstarter-style development and community passion for the game has helped it become the most downloaded game on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and will release on Xbox One on September 2nd.

Primary highlights of this impressive update include:

• NEW PLAYER EXPERIENCE – Immerse yourself into the re-imagined user interface and menus aboard your personal spacecraft, The Liset. A meaningful Quest walks new players through Warframe, providing essential information on gameplay, lore, game modes and menus and introduces players to Ordis, the ship’s Cephalon, a guiding voice on The Liset.

• PET COMPANIONS – A new Quest unlocks a Genetic Foundry used for breeding biological specimens on your ship! Breed a Kubrow by collecting a Kubrow egg and incubating it in the Genetic Foundry. Different Kubrow personality types have different combat and non-combat abilities. Make your Kubrow more combat effective by caring for it and equipping powerful link mods. Create genetic imprints of your Kubrow that you can trade with fellow Tenno and combine to create your perfect pet!

• NEW WARFRAME – A master of illusion, Mirage confounds the enemy in a spectacle of style and power. MIRAGE's powers include:
Hall of Mirrors - Mirage creates an entourage of doppelgangers to distract and confuse the enemy.
Sleight of Hand - A natural prankster, Mirage booby-traps nearby objects.
Eclipse - Standing in light, Mirage becomes the main attraction, dealing heavy damage. While the shadows make Mirage difficult to track and even harder to hurt.
Prism - Fires an energy orb that shoots lasers in all directions. Activating again detonates the orb, blinding nearby foes.

• QUESTS – Explore re-playable Quests with unlockable difficulty selection. This new Warframe experience opens with the debut Quest, Vor’s Prize.

• NEW DARK SECTORS CONFLICTS – Introducing a new player-versus-player game mode to replace the existing Dark Sectors Solar Rails conflict game mode. Choose which Clan or Alliance you wish to support and play the role of Attacker or Defender on a multi-staged objective mission! Up to four human players per side, with empty player slots auto-filled by Spectres.

AKZANI – The choice weapons of Mirage, these fast-firing dual pistols deliver a deadly performance.
SILVA AND AEGIS – a Sword and Board style weapon created from the concept of the community Melee Design Contest Winner – SilverBones.

• EXPANDED GAME MODES – The Infested have overtaken Eris. Hive Sabotage, Exterminate, and Survival Game Modes now available!

Update 14 is released today on PS4 and can be downloaded for free through the PlayStation Store.
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BeanoBeanoSkrevet 21/08-14 21:04, rettet 22/08-14 08:25 
Lidt mere info om update 14 og billeder:


EDIT: Og video...
nerosnerosSkrevet 31/08-14 21:27 
Har spillet det et par timer i dag - overraskende underholdende hvis man er til noget hurtig rum-ninja/TPS online co-op halløj :)

Havde jeg en PS4 blev det her nok min lunch-titel. Har set det i action i dag, og det ser og føles virkelig godt. Designet i selve spillet er også lige mig.
Bashful Neophyte
KonsolkongenKonsolkongenSkrevet 31/08-14 21:44 
Og det er gratis :)
Spiller nu: Phantasy Star IV
nerosnerosSkrevet 31/08-14 22:06 
Ja free to play som det jo kaldes. Jeg er ved at lære lidt om moderne tider ;D
Bashful Neophyte
BeanoBeanoSkrevet 02/09-14 11:04 
Warframe skulle være at hente på Xbox One nu. Hvis den ikke vises på forsiden i butikken, skal man søge efter den - siges der ude på indernættet.
Per SPer SSkrevet 29/10-14 14:19, rettet 29/10-14 14:20 

Digital Extremes continues to set the example for quality in Free-to-Play with the release of an extensive new update for its hit sci-fi action game, Warframe.

The new PC update titled ‘Archwing’ takes players to an entirely new world within Warframe. Putting the ‘space’ in ‘space ninja’, new Archwing technology allows players to fly freely through space without the use of a ship. The update also includes colossal new weapons to accompany the Archwing, new player Quests to deepen the lore of the game, challenging new enemies, Syndicates – a new reputation system, the release of a new Warframe – Limbo, and much more.

As Warframe continues to grow so does its legions of players recently surpassing 12 million registered users worldwide on all platforms. It is the most downloaded game on the PlayStation4 computer entertainment system and has had a strong presence on the Xbox One since the game’s release on the console in early September.

Highlights of this impressive update include
ARCHWING – Take Warframe’s high-energy, skilled ninja combat into the depths of space in the new game mode that puts the ‘space’ into space ninjas! Archwing technology allowing for space combat sans spacecraft, contains unique new weapons and abilities to unleash against the enemy.

NEW QUESTS – Two new quests expand the Warframe universe. Unlock the new Archwing technology along with the new Warframe in a set of interlinked missions.

NEW REPUTATION SYSTEM – Represent one of six Syndicates to unique rewards as your reputation increases! Wear your Syndicate’s Sigil with pride in missions to earn reputation and proclaim your loyalty.

NEW WARFRAME – Bring honor to the Solar System with a magician-like Warframe whose hat wields exceptional powers including displacing enemies into other dimensions and more.

NEW WEAPONS -- Devastate opponents with the OPTICOR, a powerful new laser cannon. Bludgeon enemies with the HALIKAR, a jet-powered throwing mace that always returns to its master.

NEW TILESET – Explore the Corpus Ice Planet!

NEW CUSTOMIZATIONS – Adorn your Warframe with intricate body art with all-new Sigils. Customize your Archwing with Mods and colors. Give your Soma a new look with the Huntsman Soma Weapon Skin!

NEW ENEMIES – New types of enemies equipped to fly in space present new challenges in Archwing combat. The Grineer have also emerged with a new enemy to tame your pet Kubrow.

Archwing just released today on PC and can be downloaded for free at www.warframe.com. PS4 and Xbox One players will receive the update in a few more weeks.

Warframe Archwing | Highlights
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Per SPer SSkrevet 01/12-14 16:28, rettet 01/12-14 16:30 
Pressetekst, trimmet:

The new console (PS4, Xbox One) update titled ‘Archwing’ gives players a whole new way to play Warframe. Players will also notice a distinct new look to Warframe upon download.

Putting the ‘space’ in ‘space ninja’, new Archwing technology allows players to fly freely through space without the use of a ship. The update also includes colossal new weapons to accompany Archwing, new player Quests to deepen the lore of the game, challenging new enemies, Syndicates – a new reputation system, the release of a new Warframe – Limbo, and much more.

As Warframe continues to expand so does its legions of players recently surpassing 12 million registered users worldwide on all platforms. It is the most downloaded game on the PlayStation 4 and has had a strong presence on the Xbox One since the game’s release on the console in early September.

Today, an updated clean, new look and feel to the Warframe brand can be experienced on Warframe.com and in-game with a newly designed game launcher and refreshed logo to accompany the Archwing update.

Take Warframe’s high-energy, skilled ninja combat into the depths of space in the new game mode that puts the ‘space’ into space ninjas! Archwing technology allowing for space combat sans spacecraft, contains unique new weapons and abilities to unleash against the enemy.

Two new quests expand the Warframe universe. Unlock the new Archwing technology along with the new Warframe in a set of interlinked missions.

Represent one of six Syndicates to unique rewards as your reputation increases! Wear your Syndicate’s Sigil with pride in missions to earn reputation and proclaim your loyalty.

Bring honor to the Solar System with a magician-like Warframe whose hat wields exceptional powers including displacing enemies into other dimensions and more.

Devastate opponents with the OPTICOR, a powerful new laser cannon. Bludgeon enemies with the HALIKAR, a jet-powered throwing mace that always returns to its master.

Explore the Corpus Ice Planet!

Adorn your Warframe with intricate body art with all-new Sigils. Customize your Archwing with Mods and colors. Give your Soma a new look with the Huntsman Soma Weapon Skin!

- NEW ENEMIES – New types of enemies equipped to fly in space present new challenges in Archwing combat. The Grineer have also emerged with a new enemy to tame your pet Kubrow.
Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per SPer SSkrevet 03/03-15 20:44 

Calling All Tenno! Join Digital Extremes For a Live Audience Livestream at
TennoLive 2015: PAX East at the Show or on Twitch

Digital Extremes announced today it will be hosting a community fan event at PAX East to show off what's soon to come in the blockbuster Free-to-Play title in the near future. Coined, TennoLive 2015, the live-audience live stream kicks off at 8:00 p.m on March 6th at PAX East in Boston.

Fans of Warframe recently entered a random draw to win a chance to be in the audience at TennoLive 2015. With up to 250 fans joining them live, the Dev team at Digital Extremes will reveal upcoming new gameplay, new content and the future direction of Warframe.

Those not attending in person won't miss out, they can join the rest of the Warframe community online as they watch the events unfold live on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/warframe.

More information on TennoLive can be found here: https://www.warframe.com/tennolive
To learn more about Warframe, download the game and join the community today. Visit the official website at: www.warframe.com
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Per SPer SSkrevet 10/03-15 09:30, rettet 10/03-15 09:31 

Digital Extremes revealed numerous exciting changes and additions coming to Warframe in 2015 during its recent PAX East after-dark livestream on March 6th. TennoLive 2015, the live-audience livestream was chock full of new announcements for the Free-to-Play blockbuster, Warframe.

Fans who missed the event can watch it on the official Warframe YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/PlayWarframe

TennoLive is an exclusive live community event hosted by the Warframe Development team to reveal details of upcoming content and gameplay plus, have fun getting to know their fellow Tenno in real life.

Introducing a little bit of mythical mystery; a new dragon-themed Warframe, Chroma, was introduced to the thundering approval of fans both live in the audience and watching at home on Twitch. Additionally, Volt was revealed as the latest Warframe to soon receive the gilded Prime treatment. Players will also be treated to a new enemy faction named the Sentients as well as a new PvP-focused capture-the-flag mode, ‘Capture the Cephalon’ and a new Sanctuary area.

Details revealed at TennoLive included the unveiling of Parkour 2.0, a new enemy faction, a new Dragon-themed Warframe, new Melee Weapons, and a New Prime Warframe. With the new Parkour system coming, Warframes will have new ways to navigate both new and familiar tricky areas with swag moves. There will be a trio of new weapons to wield while doing so, including the Community Concept weapon, the Mios, the Puncture Glaive and the Dark Dakra, in honor of the two year-anniversary of Warframe.
Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per SPer SSkrevet 24/04-15 12:21 
Fra pressetekst:

Sanctuary -- brings plenty of new gameplay, new weapons, a new Warframe and more to PS4 and Xbpx One. Players can get familiar with the new Chroma Warframe, do honorable battle with fellow Tenno in PvP 2.0 or take on a mysterious Quest.

Primary highlights of the update include:

NEW WARFRAME – A master of the deadly elements, Chroma can alter his damage output by changing his coloring.
See Chroma in action here: http://bit.ly/1OeJrvI

CONCLAVES 2.0 – Take on your fellow Tenno in a game of Cephalon Capture, try your hand at three new maps, conquer a variety of challenges and explore the exciting changes to the PvP Game Mode with PvP 2.0! Teshin, your new PvP guide, and the Conclave Syndicate have established their presence in the Relay. Syndicate rewards await for Tenno who compete in the Conclave, studying under Teshin’s Sigil.

NEW QUEST – THE NEW STRANGE: Work with Cephalon Simaris to find the source of a mysterious voice. Something is out there, and it is hunting. Work with Simaris to track it down and discover its true nature.

NEW TENNO REINFORCEMENTS – Load your Arsenal with these powerful new additions:
KOHMAK: Like the larger Kohm, this hand-shotgun doubles its volley with each successive shot.
RIPKAS: Tear the enemy down with these motorized saw fists.

NEW RELAY ROOM – Explore the Sanctuary and visit Cephalon Simaris. Track down unique targets to scan in a Codex shared by Tenno throughout the Solar System, and help unlock exciting new lore and Syndicate rewards.

NEW ENEMY – Designed by the Warframe community, a new enemy arrives. Dashing in for quick strikes before falling back to the shadows, the Grineer Manic is difficult to catch and deadly to ignore.

PS4 and Xbox One players can download the Sanctuary Update today! This update is also available for PC players.
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Per SPer SSkrevet 19/05-15 15:42, rettet 19/05-15 15:46 
Pressetekst, trimmet:

Ny opdatering til PC:

The new Update -- Tubemen of Regor --offers PC players a wealth of new gameplay, weapons, customizations and more. Additions to PvP Conclaves include new Game Modes, Mods and Maps. Three new weapons also add further diversity and power to the Tenno arsenal and Nightmare Trials pit players against extra challenging new enemies with gameplay tweaks and traps!

Primary highlights of update 16.5, Tubemen of Regor, include:

NEW TILESET: Explore the Sealab, hidden away in Uranus' vast ocean of helium, methane and ammonia.

- BOLTACE - An intimidating Tonfa set designed to match the design of the Boltor.
- DAIKYU - It takes great strength to draw back, but provides added power and range.
- ATOMOS - This particle cannon generates condensed beams of super-heated plasma designed to melt rock to ore, and enemies to molten slag.


- NEW GAME MODES: Players can work with fellow Tenno to shut down the enemy team in Team Annihilation, capturing Oro dropped from each player kill to earn points toward victory, or work against seven other Tenno in a deathmatch free-for-all in Annihilation.

- NEW MODS: New PvP Augment Mods are available for Valkyr Hysteria, Ember Fireblast and Oberon Reckoning.

- NEW MAPS: Canyon Settlement, Freight Line, Navigation Array and Docking Bay have been added to the Conclave Map rotation.

NEW TRIALS: Nightmare Trials are challenging encounters designed for experienced groups of Tenno looking for a new challenge. Harder hitting enemies, new traps and tweaks to each of the existing encounters in the Trials of Vay Hek push a squad's coordination to the limit.

- CAGGRO SUGATRA - Expressing the martial finesse and skill of its master, the Strekk Sugatra is based on a Grineer design.

- ADVENTUS ARROW SKIN COLLECTION - A collection of unique arrow skins compatible with any bow. Includes the Cattaril, Sylus and Meer Arrow Skins. Each Skin is also available separately for purchase.

PC players can download the Tubemen of Regor Update today! PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players will receive this Update in coming weeks.

Tubemen of Regor - Highlights
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OlimarOlimarSkrevet 08/07-18 00:29 
Lige annonceret til Switch https://youtu.be/_dUxbV0ItPE
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