Beano | Skrevet 25/08-14 08:08 | Begge dele er vist ham selv, og vel ikke sikkert han skider i bukserne :) |
slk486 | Skrevet 25/08-14 08:48 | ^ Lyseslukker ;) | j/k
Beano | Skrevet 25/08-14 09:14 | Sorry, det kan også være noget som Kojima for sjovt har plantet i videoen... udelukkende for at trolle fans :D |
slk486 | Skrevet 25/08-14 09:23 | Så vidt jeg ved er det hesten man kan få til det, men det kan selvfølgelig være eccentriske Kojima har spredt glæden lidt :D | j/k
Beano | Skrevet 25/08-14 09:47 | Ja det virker mere sandsynligt at det er hesten :D |
Darkbeat | Skrevet 25/08-14 13:27 | Muligheden er ihvertfald ikke blocked i situationerne, ligesom nogen af de andre ting er... Så hvem ved hvad det gør :) |
Per S | Skrevet 06/10-14 18:35 | STEAM dato for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes:
Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. has announced it will release the PC version of METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES via Steam on December 18th, 2014. The company also confirmed that it will be 4K compatible and will feature an increase in the number of simultaneous light sources, the number of models that can be displayed on-screen, and increased shadow resolution.
METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES takes place in 1975 and sets in motion a series of events that culminate in the stunning plotlines of METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN. GROUND ZEROES centers on Big Boss - legendary hero and mercenary - as he infiltrates a sprawling secret prison base called ‘Camp Omega’ in Cuba on a rescue mission. He soon finds himself alone behind enemy lines with a truly non-linear mission that showcases key advances to the series made possible by its use of Kojima Productions’ FOX Engine.
GROUND ZEROES is centered on a large open environment, with missions where time of day and weather have a dynamic effect on the game and its content. The game offers a total freedom of movement within its missions, with users choosing how they engage guards, the route they pick, and who they rescue. As such, it offers incredible replay value and encourages the player to revisit its content in order to find more of its many secrets. Furthermore, the game features an online global ranking system where players can compete in unique in-game and mission challenges and achievements to see how they compare against others around the world. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per S | Skrevet 08/12-14 11:24, rettet 08/12-14 11:24 | Pressetekst:
KONAMI shows first METAL GEAR ONLINE footage, confirms multi-player mode will be part of METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN
Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. has premiered the first footage of METAL GEAR ONLINE, while also confirming that the multi-player content will be released with all copies of the highly anticipated METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN.
METAL GEAR ONLINE is a dedicated multi-player mode that segues into elements of the main game and will be included with the single player campaign in METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN at no extra cost. KONAMI showed METAL GEAR ONLINE in a four-minute debut trailer, aired during The Game Awards show held in Las Vegas and streamed online on December 5th.
KONAMI used the online event to debut the first glimpse of METAL GEAR ONLINE, which will go live alongside THE PHANTOM PAIN’s launch. METAL GEAR ONLINE represents the third iteration of the popular multiplayer game, newly redesigned with the familiar gameplay and aesthetic styling of its companion single-player campaign METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN. With a focus on Tactical Team Operations, the game features a ‘class system’ that more uniquely defines the strengths and abilities of player characters on the battle field. Key characters from the series including Venom Snake and Ocelot will also make appearances in the anticipated multiplayer feature.
Further information regarding the development and content of METAL GEAR ONLINE will be unveiled approaching launch. Fans can also follow twitter.com/metalgearonline and facebook.com/mgs for more information.
World Premiere - Metal Gear Online | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Amby | Skrevet 09/12-14 15:21 | Mener dedikeret MP, at det er Team Vs Team? Synes mere traileren bære præg af det er et coop mod PvE? | Have no thing I'd rather see, Since I found Serenity.Spiller nu: Mirror's Edge, Resistance 2
Darkbeat | Skrevet 03/03-15 19:22 | Datoen for spillets release er leaket til 1. September. Det er egentlig meningen at det skulle annonceres om 19 timers tid... Måske kan man bruge Phantom Cigar'en for at få tiden til at gå hurtigere? ;)
http://www.konami.jp/mgs5/ |
Per S | Skrevet 04/03-15 16:20 | Her er den officielle pressetekst med mere info:
Konami announced today that the highly anticipated conclusion to the METAL GEAR SOLID V experience, METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN, will be released worldwide starting September 1st, 2015.
METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN is the series’ largest and most ambitious edition to date, expanding upon themes and content seen in its predecessor: METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES. Set within huge open-world environments, METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN is brought to vivid life with realistic weather patterns and day/night cycles.
Thus, players can adapt their tactics to match the changing environment, creating an intuitive and non-linear gameplay experience. Similarly, a host of acclaimed METAL GEAR SOLID troops return in hugely advanced forms, including expanded CQC (Close-Quarter Combat) skills, vastly improved enemy AI, online elements that complement the single player campaign, and an all-new version of METAL GEAR ONLINE, a competitive multiplayer mode, included within the main game.
Hideo Kojima’s groundbreaking title sets a new standard in stealth-action, with the series’ famed sneaking elements greatly expanded within the sprawling play area. A host of new characters – both allies and enemies – tell a story driven by revenge, as franchise protagonist Big Boss enters a series of battlefields following the deaths of his colleagues. Central to the game is a hideously disfigured adversary known as Skull Face, while the ongoing conflict also introduces the new, iconic characters, such as the mysterious Quiet – a mute female warrior with incredible abilities.
Tactical elements are also added to the game via METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN’s new Mother Base system. Players begin with a small-scale off-shore rig, which can be customized and expanded using liberated items and personnel. Players use an enhanced version of the innovative Fulton system pioneered in METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER to airlift guards, vehicles, weapons, raw materials and kit to their base, where the staff will use these resources to develop the base to the user’s specifications.
An accompanying iDROID app will allow players to manage their Mother Base and its development, using staff to develop new weapons, carry out missions and implement defense systems. The latter becomes vital as the Mother Base is focal to the multiplayer online elements of the game’s campaign, where players can raid each others’ Mother Bases to wreak havoc and steal essential items.
Additionally, METAL GEAR ONLINE - the game’s dedicated competitive multiplayer mode - will go live at the launch of METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN. The online element represents the third iteration of the popular multiplayer game, newly redesigned with the familiar gameplay and aesthetic styling of its companion single-player campaign. METAL GEAR ONLINE features a “class system” that more uniquely defines the strengths and abilities of player characters on the battlefield. Key characters from the series including Venom Snake and Ocelot will also make appearances in the anticipated multiplayer feature.
The September window will see a number of product options available to passionate fans of the series, with METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN releasing both a special ‘Day 1 Edition’ and a limited ‘Collector’s Edition’.
‘Day 1 Edition’ Content:
- MAP (Physical Version Only)
DLC items
- Adam-ska Special Handgun
- Personal Ballistic Shield (Silver)
- Cardboard Box (Wetland)
- Fatigues (Blue Urban Snake Costume)
*Steam version will include the above DLC content at launch
‘Collector’s Edition’ Content:
- Half Scale Replica of Snake’s Bionic Arm
- Collectible SteelBook
- Behind the Scenes Documentary & Trailers Blu-ray Disc
- Exclusive Packaging
DLC items
- Windurger S333 Combat Special Revolver
- Adam-ska Special Handgun
- Maschinen aktische Pistole 5 Weiss Special Handgun
- Rasp Short-Barreled Shotgun Gold
- Personal Ballistic Shield (Olive Drab)
- Personal Ballistic Shield (Silver)
- Personal Ballistic Shield (White)
- Personal Ballistic Shield (Gold)
- Cardboard Box (Rocky Terrain)
- Cardboard Box (All-Purpose Dryland)
- Cardboard Box (Wetland)
- Fatigues (Black Ocelot)
- Fatigues (Gray Urban)
- Fatigues (Blue Urban)
- Fatigues (All-Purpose Dryland)
- ‘VENOM SNAKE’ Emblem
MGO Items
- Metal Gear Rex Helmet
- AM MRS-4 GOLD Assault Rifle
METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN including METAL GEAR ONLINE, will retail with an SRP of £59.99 for the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One and Steam; and £49.99 for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, and Xbox 360. SRP of ‘Collector’s Edition’ will be £99.99 for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and the Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft. The Steam version of METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN will be released on September 15th, 2015. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Darkbeat | Skrevet 19/04-15 18:10, rettet 19/04-15 18:11 | Can't stop the Kojima!
Imens hans navn stødt er forsvundet fra alle Konami's produkter, men ingen vil indrømme om han stopper eller ej, så er en læge i gang med verdens første hoved transplantation.
Hvad har det med Metal Gear Solid 5 at gøre? Har det måske for MEGET med Metal Gear Solid 5 at gøre?
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1031440 |
Sumez | Skrevet 19/04-15 21:58, rettet 19/04-15 21:59 | Hvor er det sindssygt. Det bliver ikke meget mere Kojima end det.
Nyhedsmedier over hele verden har haft historien oppe, inkl. adskillige i Danmark, og professionelle læger har udtalt sig om operationen (de fleste enige i at det er vanvittigt og ikke kan lade sig gøre). Det er meget svært at tro at det hele bare skulle være et marketingsstunt.
Men på den anden side er situationen også bare så absurd, og sammenfaldende så ekstreme, at der virkelig er meget der peger på det. Den her artikel, som er linket i NeoGAF tråden, lugter virkelig langt væk af at det hele er et fupnummer: http://www.techtimes.com/articles/45574/20150411/terminally-ill-russian-volunteers-for-first-human-head-transplant-called-heaven.htm
Men i sidste ende er det nok bare mere sandsynligt at figuren i MGS5 er designet efter den rigtige person pga. hans gale projekt.
Jeg håber virkelig at det viser sig at være et mediestunt fra Kojima's side, det ville nok være det største i verdenshistorien :) | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
Sumez | Skrevet 19/04-15 22:32 | Jeg sidder stadig og læser gennem tråden. Hvor er det vildt som alt bare adder op...
Hvis det IKKE er viral marketing, så er det den sejeste conspiracy theory nogensinde.
Et af de første argumenter om at lægen er legit, er at han har holdt en TED talk.
Det er så konkluderet at det er en "TEDx" talk, fuldstændig uafhængigt af de officielle kanaler, og hjemmesiden for værten ser noget mistænkeligt ud:
Der er dog en fra TED involveret, men: https://www.ted.com/profiles/1710076
Bemærk hendes specialer. Reklame og social media, osv. Og så lige en kommentar om at hun gerne vil bo i Japan.
Limassol er iøvrigt efter sigende en lokation, eller i nærheden af en lokation, i MGS5. | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
Jmog | Skrevet 19/04-15 22:47, rettet 19/04-15 22:47 | Kapiteltitlerne i lægens bog lyder endda også som MGS referencer:
Sumez | Skrevet 19/04-15 22:49 | Det eneste videnskabelige dokument han har udgivet er et (fra 2015 tror jeg?) om fantomsmerter. | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
Per S | Skrevet 01/06-15 12:19, rettet 01/06-15 12:20 | Pressetekst:
Triumph unveils bespoke ‘Venom’ custom bike based on KONAMI’s
Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. has announced a special creative partnership with Triumph, which has seen the motorcycle specialists produce a stunning bespoke ‘Venom’ bike thematically linked to KONAMI’s forthcoming METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN title.
METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN is scheduled to be release on PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, and XboxOne on September 1st. To celebrate the game’s launch – and continuing a relationship that has seen Triumph bikes featured in METAL GEAR SOLID 3: SNAKE EATER, METAL GEAR SOLID 4: GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS and METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER – Triumph’s bespoke VTB:1/Venom unit reflects the hard-edged and stripped-back edge of the broken but unbowed hero that returns for the new game.
The ‘Venom’ bike is inspired by the legendary Triumph Bonneville T100 ridden by Snake in METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN, and is a custom build, created by the Triumph team. Their brief was to bring to life Snake’s stripped back edge via unique styling and detailing, including game-inspired graphics and the renowned Diamond Dogs logo. The resulting ‘Venom’ is a mission-ready bike tailored to the wilds of Afghanistan and Africa.
METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN’s Diamond Dogs pack leader has little need for civil niceties, so mirrors, speedometer, and rev counter were quickly stripped off with function defining form. From there on in, this stock T100 Bonneville has evolved to become the ultimate hot rod.
Off-road duties are handled with ease thanks to custom rims fitted with dirt-focused rubber in the form of Continental TKC80 tyres. The stock saddle has been cut down and refinished in Sneaking Suit neoprene and carbon Kevlar leather inspired by Snake’s iconic combat wear. A heavy duty ammo rack loops around the back of the saddle, offering both protection and somewhere secure to bolt down an extra case or two of .50 cal.
A yellowed-out JVB Rumbler headlight and external heavy-duty fork springs give an aggressive dimension to the front end, while the profile is exaggerated by the lack of front mudguard. At the rear, the cut-down rear guard and an exclamation mark-shaped tail-light add to the individuality of the machine. Colour-matched callipers and cam cover are additional stand-out details, whilst the custom slash-cut exhausts deliver a soundtrack that lives up to the looks.
Details such as Triumph Tiger off-road foot pegs, Renthal performance sprocket, machined throttle body caps and Triumph sport levers all contribute to making this bike as unique as it’s rider. Finally a hard-wearing stencilled matte black Diamond Dogs livery clearly links bike and owner – creating a Bonneville fit for Snake.
The VTB:1/ Venom Triumph Bonneville was unveiled at the MCM London Comic Con, May 22-24, and then will tour a number of events throughout the year.
Metal Gear Solid Diamond Dogs Triumph Bike Unveiling - London MCM Comic Con 22nd may 2015 | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Amby | Skrevet 19/06-15 13:55 | Ser fedt ud. Kunne være godt med noget coop i den setting. | Have no thing I'd rather see, Since I found Serenity.Spiller nu: Mirror's Edge, Resistance 2
Sumez | Skrevet 20/07-15 10:23 | Fack jeg elsker alle de skøre fanteorier til det her spil. Jeg tror efterhånden at det er 100% sikkert at Kojima har lavet en eller anden form for mediestunt, twist eller bait-and-switch i stil med MGS2 (såfremt det lader sig gøre nu hvor han er blevet fyret...), men hvad det bliver, er naturligvis kun spekulation.
Jeg synes den her video opsummerer nogle af de gode: Selvom der selvfølgelig ikke er nogen af dem der er helt på højde med den med ham hoved-lægen.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJFxfc1uCbI | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
Konsolkongen | Skrevet 20/07-15 10:31 | Er det med hoved-lægen blevet bekræftet? Jeg tror og håber virkelig det bare er et mediestunt, for det er alt for uhyggeligt ellers :O | Spiller nu: Phantasy Star IV
Sumez | Skrevet 20/07-15 10:44, rettet 20/07-15 10:46 | Sådan har jeg det også lidt.
Jeg tror nok det med hovedlægen er lige søgt nok til at være sandt (altså relationen til MGS5), og tråden på NeoGAF blev låst fordi det tog overhånd med folk der kontaktede ham personligt osv. Men du har helt ret, at det rent faktisk er virkelighed, og IKKE et mediestunt for MGS5 er faktisk mere uhyggeligt.
Det er dog ikke urealistisk at Kojima er blevet stærkt inspireret af ham! Mysteriet omkring "Ishmael" figuren hvis ansigt vi ikke må se, og som har været opereret på samme stue som Big Boss, og samme stemmeskuespiller, gør det ikke usandsynligt at vi har en Face/Off situation kørende. | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
Greaseball | Skrevet 04/08-15 12:49, rettet 04/08-15 12:49 | Så at Ground Zero er Gratis på XboxOne i denne måned.
Nok for at reklamere for MGSV. |
Amby | Skrevet 06/08-15 12:02 | Ser stadig ganske godt - og stort - ud. Håber ikke man drukner i muligheder. Og så savner jeg coop muligheder. | Have no thing I'd rather see, Since I found Serenity.Spiller nu: Mirror's Edge, Resistance 2
Sumez | Skrevet 06/08-15 12:19 | Lyder som en positiv overraskelse at de ikke prøver at presse dumme online elementer ind. | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
Darkbeat | Skrevet 06/08-15 20:50, rettet 06/08-15 20:53 | Hvad nu hvis det var sådan... at alt det her Konami halløj er et stort mediestunt og P.T. ikke er Silent Hills relateret, men i virkeligheden noget Metal Gear relateret?
Darkbeat | Skrevet 07/08-15 13:59 | Den ser mega pæn ud den PC version.
Jeg bestilte selv PS4 versionen for at få den dér robot arm, men jeg er spændt på at se om der er totalt ild i nogen af versionerne når det endelig kommer ud.
En del andre AAA releases har haft nogen ubehagelige overraskelser på det seneste... |
Darkbeat | Skrevet 07/08-15 14:44 | Det er faktisk nogenlunde det eneste der har afskrækket mig fra at pre-order AAA spil normalt. Med Mad Max venter jeg f.eks. nok lige og ser hvilken version der kommer mest fornuftig ud inden jeg tager mig en købsbeslutning dér. |
Bede-x | Skrevet 07/08-15 15:08, rettet 07/08-15 15:15 | Man kan se mange på udenlandske boards sige det samme, at de er færdige med AAA indtil spillene er blevet patched eller nogen har sagt god for det. Det går ud over brugeren, der glæder sig til at spille sit spil på dag et og skader anvendeligheden af den fysiske skive på længere sigt. Det er ikke ok. Jeg gad så godt at se, hvordan det ville se ud, hvis alle steder fik en no fuss nærmest maskinel refund sevice. Sådan at de store firmaer var klar over, at virker spillet ikke i tilstrækkelig grad, så forsvinder en del af de per-order penge, de troede de skulle have. | Spiller nu: Halo: The Master Chief ..., Dying Light, Earth Defense Force 2025
Darkbeat | Skrevet 07/08-15 16:10 | Jeps.
Fysiske spil har ingen værdi mere fordi de er så ufærdige at de kræver day-1 patches for at virke. Tragisk moderne virkelighed. |
Wehner | Skrevet 07/08-15 16:13 | Det er helt klart medvirkende til, at jeg er gået digital. Hvis et spil skal tage af min sparsomme plads i lejligheden, skal det kunne spilles. Så flotte er covers heller ikke (længere). | >>Here's some boots and a sandwich<<Spiller nu: Assassin's Creed: Revel..., Elder Scrolls V, The: S...
Beano | Skrevet 07/08-15 16:21 | Darkbeat>
Fysiske spil har ingen værdi mere fordi de er så ufærdige at de kræver day-1 patches for at virke. Tragisk moderne virkelighed.
Så langt vil jeg nu ikke gå. Stadig værdi hvis du vil sælge/bytte/udlåne spil mens de er relativt nye. Men på lang sigt (7-10+ år) for spilsamlere er det mere tvivlsomt. |
Odin | Skrevet 09/08-15 13:56 | Det gjorde det jo næsten. Indtil internettet kollektivt skreg Microsoft tilbage til tegnebordet. |
Sumez | Skrevet 09/08-15 14:06 | Ja, det er herrefedt når Steam gør den slags, men ondskab hvis Microsoft gør det :P | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
Bede-x | Skrevet 09/08-15 14:39, rettet 09/08-15 14:49 | Microsoft blev buh'et ud for at ville introducere online DRM (24 timer check-ins), ikke family sharing. Hvis de vil indføre family sharing, kan de bare gøre det med den nuværende opsætning, ligesom Steam og så kunne de måske samtidigt lade brugerne installere deres Xbox spil på alle de maskiner, de har lyst til, uden at skulle bøvle med at flytte licenser (igen, ligesom Steam).
Men da de aldrig reelt kunne forklare hvordan family sharing virkede og de insiders man hørte fra, sagde at der var tale om en times demoer, hvor efter man skulle købe spillet, for at kunne spille videre, er sandheden nok at de faktisk ikke var interesseret i regulær deling af spillene. | Spiller nu: Halo: The Master Chief ..., Dying Light, Earth Defense Force 2025