Greaseball | Skrevet 25/07-03 22:36, rettet 25/07-03 22:37 | Jeg har lagt mærke til en irriterene ting når man bruger CS, i MM3, hver gang man begynder på et nyt løb eller genstarter det, så begynder det altid at spille det sidste valgte nr på ens playliste. Undtagen når man spiller det første løb (læs: når man lige har startet makinen) så kan den godt blande nr. Dette bliver meget irreterne efter 3-4 løb med det samme nr. De fleste spil tager bare det næste nr. på listen når man begynder på et nyt løb, som f.eks. Projekt Ghotham Racing og Burn Out2 osv.
Er der ander der kender til dette eller er det bare min Xbox der lider af mangel på variation? |
APH | Skrevet 25/07-03 22:57, rettet 25/07-03 22:57 | Der er en soundtrack bug i mm3, så nej det er ikke kun dig der har det problem
Problemet kan løses ved at indsætte en "blank" lydfil på 1 sec, som det første nummer i soundtracket, så bliver numrene afspillet i en tilfældig rættefølge | Spiller nu: Civilization IV, Halo 3, Everybody's Golf: World...
jaes | Skrevet 25/07-03 23:02 | Det virker desværre ikke altid.
Her er tre løsninger jeg har opsnappet på det off. Xbox Live forum for nylig - har dog ikke prøvet dem endnu...
The one second thing works in multi-player too, well for me anyways. I've created a simple page with a blank 3 second song for people to download with instructions on how to put it into the game.
Alright, I did some tinkering. I've definitely got a way to get it working. Put all the songs you want in a separate playlist on your hard drive. Put the blank one at the beginning and end of that list. Whenever you put the MM3 disc in, go directly to the "Edit Playlist" menu. Pick your sountrack, whatever you called it. and select "Add All." This way, the blank song will be at the beginning and end of the list. Then just play.
I found myself a solution to this problem. Make of this information what you will, but all I know is EVERY TIME it is working as it should (for me).
1) Originally I had 258 tracks that I copied from another soundtrack into a new soundtrack called "Midtown Madness 3". I just sent them over with a tiny blank track in the beginning and in the end.
2) Didn't do sh*t. My second song that played was the one that would then repeat 90% of the time. When I had enough, I went into the music menu (on the Xbox dashboard) and I went and found out which track number that was.
3) Interestingly, it was track number 200. I had been playing the game for an hour, and I noticed that none of the songs that had already played besides the one that plays over and over came after track 200. I didn't make much of it, so what I did is I made a copy of the blank track and put it in spot 200, deleting the track that was being annoying completely. Note that I still had tracks up to 258.
4) I went and played some more (another hour) and what ended up happening was it worked pretty well for a little, then track 199 started repeating itself over and over and over. I got pissed. The next thing I did fixed the problem for good.
5) I went back in, clearing some tracks I could do with out to where I had 190 tracks left. I left the last 10 to be blank. I probably didn't need to do that many, but who cares. It worked. Since then I have only gotten maybe 5 seconds at most worth of silence between tracks (with that only happening every once in a while), but besides that, it's picking tracks from every part of that soundtrack.
I didn't use the blank track that the other guy here posted up. I made my own which ws only 1/5 of a second long. For some odd reason it ended up being a full 4 seconds long when I got it ripped onto the Xbox HD, but oh well. This was what I used, and now the custom soundtrack is working great.
Now I'm sure most of you aren't in the same situation I'm in with the amount of tracks and soundtracks or whatever, but I think if you tinker with it like I did, you can get it to work. Since step 5 I've been playing for a good 2 hours and track 189 hasn't played one time yet. ^_^ |
Greaseball | Skrevet 27/07-03 22:17 | Takker, så må jeg se om det om jeg finde ud af det. Men det er da utroligt at de ikke kan finde ud sådan en lille ting som soundtracket. Hmm, lad os håbe de retter det MM4:) |
Greaseball | Skrevet 28/07-03 21:39 | Når man ikke er online er det lidt svært, og jeg tivler på at de kommer det på en af OXM´s Demodisks. |