Herold | Skrevet 15/04-13 20:00 | Nej, ikke siden Bad Company. :P | This isn't life in the fast lane. This is life in oncoming traffic.Spiller nu: Left 4 Dead 2
Herold | Skrevet 15/04-13 23:42 | Det lød bare som om du snakkede om at det var multiplayer med bots - det var det trods alt ikke i BF3 :D | This isn't life in the fast lane. This is life in oncoming traffic.Spiller nu: Left 4 Dead 2
slk486 | Skrevet 16/04-13 08:29 | Single player i Battlefield er bare en tutorial og ganske forfærdelig, men hvorfor også påklistre en campaign mode til et spil der er udviklet til multiplayer (og vice versa). | j/k
Herold | Skrevet 16/04-13 11:09 | De skulle have mere fokus på singleplayer denne gang end de har haft tidligere. Jeg er ligeglad, jeg kommer alligevel kun til at spille det online. :D | This isn't life in the fast lane. This is life in oncoming traffic.Spiller nu: Left 4 Dead 2
slk486 | Skrevet 16/04-13 12:00 | Jeg er også ligeglad, jeg kommer slet ikke til at spille det :D | j/k
Per S | Skrevet 30/01-14 07:27 | Pressetekst fra EA:
To thank you for your dedication and support, I’d like to announce the Battlefield 4 Player Appreciation Month. Starting on Saturday, February 1, DICE is saying THANK YOU to all players by hosting a month filled with fun community missions and daily giveaways that you get just for jumping into a match.
We appreciate all of the great feedback you continue to provide about all aspects of Battlefield 4. We take this very seriously, and hearing directly from you has helped to make the experience better. The latest information on our game updates can always be found in theBF4 Control Room, including a few new additions that I'm pleased to say are coming soon. First, we are further improving a number of items commonly referred to as “netcode”.
This will tighten the overall multiplayer experience, and we will be able to share these items with you in detail soon. In February, we’re also re-introducing the fan favorite feature Platoons in its first iteration. In this added social layer, you can team up with your friends to create your own social space and accumulate stats together. We’re also working on other feature additions that you’ve been asking for – stay tuned for more.
Now, let me walk you through some of the initiatives that we will be launching during Player Appreciation Month. We will have more announcements to make in the upcoming weeks, but below are some of the highlights.
A Battlepack a Day:
Every day that you log into the game in February, you’ll receive a Bronze or Silver Battlepack. For those of you who haven’t started opening your earned packs yet, these Battlepacks contain bonuses like XP Boosts and soldier camos. Normally, it would take approximately 30 hours gameplay to earn that many packs. Every day that you log a multiplayer game during the month of February, you will receive a new Battlepack. During weekdays, these will be Bronze, and during Saturdays and Sundays we will give away Silver Battlepacks. Remember to activate your earned XP boosts in the in-game menu to accelerate your progress.
Shortcut Bundles:
We are preparing two shortcut bundles for Battlefield 4 that we will make available for download at no cost during the Player Appreciation Month. These voluntary shortcut bundles will unlock all grenades and handguns for Battlefield 4 (the base game) so you can make up for lost time. Or if you’re new to the game, they will help you catch up with players who have been on the Battlefield since launch. We will get back to you with more details once we have set release dates for these items.
For all of our Battlefield 4 Premium users, we’re adding two additional weapon shortcuts, unlocking DMR’s and shotguns. That way, if you like, you can quickly get your hands on a large portion of the weapons available in Battlefield 4.
Double XP Weekend:
During the Player Appreciation Month, we’ll be running a double XP weekend for all players. If you’re one of our many Battlefield 4 Premium members, you’ll also get an additional double XP weekend during the Player Appreciation Month as an added bonus.
Community Missions:
You will be able to participate in global DICE Community Missions where you will work together to unlock Gold Battlepacks. During the first of these Community-wide challenges, we will ask you to grab a set number of dog tags during a specified time. More details on this first Community Mission in Battlefield 4 to follow.
DICE Developer Talks:
Increased developer interaction and transparency on how we work is frequently requested from our fans. During Player Appreciation Month, we will host a number of interviews with some of the core developers of Battlefield 4. In these interviews, you can ask them about their line of work, the effort they’ve put into Battlefield 4, or in the case of our core gameplay designer, what the balancing process of Battlefield 4 looks like. We will announce the dates and channels for these developer interviews as the Player Appreciation Month kicks off.
We’re going to have more information available on each of the Battlefield 4 Player Appreciation Month activities throughout February. Check back herefor those details.
If you are currently playing Battlefield 4, we hope you enjoy this month-long community appreciation. If you haven’t played in a little while, it’s a great time to get back in the game. Whoever youare, we appreciate the time you spend with Battlefield 4, we thank you for your support and we hope to keep hearing from you on the Battlefield 4 forums on Battlelog. Here’s to a great 2014!
Karl Magnus Troedsson, DICE VP & GM
Det med småt:
This offer is being issued to you for promotional purposes only and does not constitute a credit, charge, debit or gift card. battlefield 4 player appreciation month is from february 1, 2014 through MARCH 06, 2014 (“promotion period”). Requires battlefield 4 (“product”) on applicable platform and internet connection to access in-game content. pc version of product also requires origin account, acceptance of the origin end user agreement and installation of the origin client software (www.origin.com/about).
You must be 13+ to register. bronze or silver battlepacks are offered daily during the promotion period from 12PM GMT/4AM PST to 11:59AM GMT/3:59 AM PST THE NEXT DAY and are automatically entitled when you log into product during the daily time period. shortcut bundles are offered for a week-long period and require download from either www.origin.com (for pc) orhttp://marketplace.xbox.com/ andhttps://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com(for applicable console versions) during that weekly period.
EA online Privacy Policy and Terms of Service are available atwww.ea.com. See applicable end user license agreement and disclosures onwww.ea.com/1/product-eulas. Valid wherever battlefield 4 is offered. Must be 13+. Code may not be substituted, exchanged, sold or redeemed for cash or other goods or services. May not be combined with any other offer, gift card, rebate or discount coupon. Void where prohibited, taxed or restricted by law. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Darken | Skrevet 30/01-14 11:04 | Tak! det må jeg lige huske, finder det lettere irriterende når man unlocker et nyt våben at man ingen dele har dertil. | "Watch your back, conserve ammo, and never cut a deal with a Dragon"
Akamiso | Skrevet 20/06-16 01:41 | Jeg har lige et dumt spørgsmål vedr. multiplayer til spillet:
Jeg blev fristet af det aktuelle tilbud på PS Store og købte spillet til 37 kr. (PS4)
Jeg har indtil nu spillet Campaign men ville så lige prøve multiplayer - det skulle så vidt jeg har læst være det bedste ved spillet.
Jeg valgte en newbie server - men blev mødt med krav om betaling for adgang (Battlefield Premium til 369 kr :(
Jeg prøvede så at komme ind på nogle af de andre servere men endte hver gang i en kø hvor der tilsyneladende intet skete selvom jeg ventede længe (min. 15 min)
Er det mig der har misforstået noget eller kan man kun spille multiplayer hvis man køber Premium-udgaven? |
Xiwana | Skrevet 20/06-16 02:22, rettet 20/06-16 02:23 | Det undrede jeg mig også over oprindeligt.
Hvis du går ind under 'quick match' skal du scrolle en god del ned, før du kommer til de almindelige servere (newbie, officelle og ranked). De første gule serveroptions er blot skamløse reklamer for premium.
Hvis du selv vælger en server under 'Server Browser', kan der godt være en del ventetid. Det er der i al fald på Xbox One - dog ikke 15 min (snarere 5-7). Men det afhænger nok af tidspunkt på dagen, serveren og din netforbindelse. | [inspirational quote here]
spectre | Skrevet 20/06-16 08:17 | Som jeg lige husker det så havde "Premium" udgaven season pass, så den indeholder alle de nye maps der er udgivet siden release og skal derfor tilkøbes (DLC) til standard udgaven. | Keep it simpleSpiller nu: Fallout 4
Akamiso | Skrevet 20/06-16 11:20 | Xiwana>
Det undrede jeg mig også over oprindeligt.
Hvis du går ind under 'quick match' skal du scrolle en god del ned, før du kommer til de almindelige servere (newbie, officelle og ranked). De første gule serveroptions er blot skamløse reklamer for premium.
Hvis du selv vælger en server under 'Server Browser', kan der godt være en del ventetid. Det er der i al fald på Xbox One - dog ikke 15 min (snarere 5-7). Men det afhænger nok af tidspunkt på dagen, serveren og din netforbindelse.
Tak for hjælpen :)
Jeg er blevet smidt af et par gange pga dårlig forbindelse men ellers ser det ud til at virke.
De har godt nok skjult de gratis servere godt :/ |