Sonic | Skrevet 20/03-14 12:43 | Hvad er egentligt folks holdning til Metal Gear Risings længde? Jeg syntes f.eks. det var ekstremt kort. Like, really! Jeg følte ligeledes, at jeg betalte for meget for det, i forhold til osv.. Det er selvfølgeligt også af den grund, at jeg ikke kaster penge efter et to timers spil igen. Jeg kan godt lide MGS, og det er da flot det manden laver... men come on. | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
slk486 | Skrevet 20/03-14 12:44 | Jo længere et spil ligger i min pile, jo mere får jeg ud af forventningens glæde ;) | j/k
Sonic | Skrevet 20/03-14 12:45 | Så du har ikke lallet igennem Rising endnu? :P | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
slk486 | Skrevet 20/03-14 12:49 | Nej, det er for langt :D | j/k
Sumez | Skrevet 20/03-14 13:01 | Men er Rising ikke sådan et spil man kan spille igennem igen og igen fordi det er godt?
Må indrømme at jeg heller ikke har taget mig sammen til at spille det færdigt pga. det er så langt :P | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
slk486 | Skrevet 22/03-14 17:20 | Han siger jo netop også at spillet i sig selv er fantastisk - omend kort. Om man vil betale nuværende pris er så spørgsmålet. | j/k
Olimar | Skrevet 22/03-14 17:38, rettet 22/03-14 17:39 | Og jeg har ingen steder skrevet at det var et dårligt spil :) Jeg har bare samme holdning som Joe og andre reviewers, det er for kort til at retfærdiggøre prisen! Derfor fortjener det ikke 9/10 osv. ( Netop pga manglende indhold ) |
slk486 | Skrevet 22/03-14 17:45, rettet 22/03-14 17:46 | Og en score på et spil må på ingen måde afspejle prisen, da det er et øjebliksbillede. Joe bruger heller ikke prisen som argument for at det ikke helt er 9/10 værdigt, men manglen på kontekst. | j/k
Olimar | Skrevet 22/03-14 17:50 | Joe bruger netop prisen pga manglende indhold, til at retfærdiggøre scoren. Final verdict 5/10 Poor value - great game. Der er ingen grund til at blive ved med at omformulere det, i bund og grund ved du hvad jeg mener. |
ChronoSousa | Skrevet 22/03-14 17:58 | Alle viste at det ville være et kort spil! (2-4 timer)
Så er det op til dig at stemme med din pung!
Personlig har jeg gjort det med resident evil mercenaries.
(dog skal jeg ha' købt det ind snart, da capcom nu har lovet at de ikke vil smide kun 1 save file på deres spil mere)
Jeg har intet imod at spillet ikke er lang, da jeg ved det er en smags prøve på det store spil.
DOG ville 150kr været bedre end de 200kr (uk pris) | Spiller nu: Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
slk486 | Skrevet 22/03-14 18:01, rettet 22/03-14 18:16 | Jeg refererede til hans bemærkning tidligere - at han selv vælger at score efter MSRP er hans beslutning, men gør den også ubrugelig som referance - som han i øvrigt også selv siger.
Et godt review bør give indsigt og beslutningsgrundlag for om man vil nyde spillet. Derfra skal man være gammel nok til selv at vurdere om man synes det er den gældende pris værd. I dette tilfælde bruger Joe desværre 3/4 af tiden til at belære om hvorfor det er et cashgrab i stedet.
@ChronoSousa: Vi kan sagtens være enige om at det er for dyrt på nuværende tidspunkt og hvis man vælger at tænde en fakkel samtidigt er der masser af argumenter for det :) | j/k
Beano | Skrevet 22/03-14 18:35 | Jeg er lidt splittet over GZ da jeg syntes det er tydeligt at det er et kynisk prolog-spil for at få penge i kassen før PP. Men omvendt, hvis jeg kan få 6-8 timers kvalitets undholdning for mine kr 220,- er jeg tilfreds. At man kan rushe igennem hovedmissionen på 15 min ved at ignorere alle side-missions, er ligegyldigt for mig. |
Sonic | Skrevet 22/03-14 19:02 | Stop lige. Hvor kommer 6-8 timer fra? | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
Beano | Skrevet 22/03-14 19:18, rettet 23/03-14 10:43 | Mine forventninger efter forkellige udmeldninger om spillet - nogle siger mindre, andre siger mere. Jeg har ikke modtaget mit eksemplar endnu. |
Jmog | Skrevet 23/03-14 10:43 | Digital Foundry har lavet en sammenligning. PS4 og Xbox One kører begge med perfekt 60fps konstant. PS4 er 1080p mens Xbox One er 720p. Derudover er billedkvalitet (effekter, AA etc) stort set ens.
PS3 og Xbox 360 kører med max 30fps og dykker ofte under.
Digital Foundry |
slk486 | Skrevet 23/03-14 12:12 | Ironisk nok har Xbox One ingen dynamisk "Cloud" :D | j/k
Bede-x | Skrevet 23/03-14 13:34 | Digital Foundry>One of the perks of the PS4 version, as revealed earlier via a tweet, is atmospheric simulation - a real-time approach to rendering skies in the Ground Zeroes mission. This allows clouds to move dynamically and impact the sun's lighting, where by contrast the Xbox One release joins PS3 and 360 with purely static skyboxes. (..)The resolution details stand as the most dramatic difference though, with Konami happily making public the specifics of each version ahead of release. From our pixel counts, we can confirm that the PS4 does indeed push out a 1920x1080 framebuffer as promised, while on Xbox One we have just a 1280x720 window with which to work. For a game that embarks on a crusade for open-world stealth action, the lower resolution on Microsoft's platform does affect visibility when lining up long-range shots - just as it does across Battlefield 4's sandbox areas.
Jeg har virkelig svært ved at forlige mig med at XO er dyrere end PS4, hver gang jeg læser sådan noget her. Forhåbenligt æder MS på et tidspunkt selv forskellen eller smider Kinect ud, for ned skal prisen.. | Spiller nu: Halo: The Master Chief ..., Dying Light, Earth Defense Force 2025
Konsolkongen | Skrevet 25/03-14 19:15, rettet 25/03-14 19:17 | Nu er det ikke fordi jeg vil holde hånden over MS. Men man skal også huske på at Metal Gear er en Japansk-udviklet serie. Det er vel ikke utænkeligt at de har vægtet PS4-versionen højere og resultatet er derefter?
Bare se på Final Fantasy XIII der var portet helt skidt til Xbox 360. | Spiller nu: Phantasy Star IV
Sonic | Skrevet 25/03-14 20:00 | Come on now :) | Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
Bede-x | Skrevet 25/03-14 20:42, rettet 25/03-14 20:44 | Konsolkongen>
Det er vel ikke utænkeligt at de har vægtet PS4-versionen højere og resultatet er derefter?
Hvis de andre sammenligninger havde været mere til deres fordel, havde jeg måske købt den.
Hvad har jeg sagt?
Ikke noget forkert. Wehner joker bare lidt med det om at holde hånden over MS :) | Spiller nu: Halo: The Master Chief ..., Dying Light, Earth Defense Force 2025
slk486 | Skrevet 25/03-14 20:46 | Det er bare chokerende uvandt - is all :)
Du har ret i de formentligt har prioriteret PS4 udgaven, men det betyder ikke at en prioriteret XO udgave ville kunne følge med. Det er jo samme historie med de andre multiplatter. | j/k
slk486 | Skrevet 25/03-14 20:49 | Ja, du sneg dig lige ind i mellem :) | j/k
Konsolkongen | Skrevet 25/03-14 20:53 | Bede-x>
Ikke noget forkert. Wehner joker bare lidt med det om at holde hånden over MS :)
Klart, jeg forstod den bare ikke :)
Du har ret i de formentligt har prioriteret PS4 udgaven, men det betyder ikke at en prioriteret XO udgave ville kunne følge med. Det er jo samme historie med de andre multiplatter.
Nej, men måske 900p i stedet ;) | Spiller nu: Phantasy Star IV
Naiera | Skrevet 25/03-14 20:58 | Konsolkongen>
Bare se på Final Fantasy XIII der var portet helt skidt til Xbox 360.
Noget af det havde jo at gøre med at der ikke var plads nok på de små søde dvd'er man bruger på 360'eren. | THERE... ARE... FOUR... LIGHTS!Spiller nu: Octopath Traveler
Darkbeat | Skrevet 29/03-14 03:08 | Hidsigt. Jeg tror ikke jeg har fået S i nogen af missionerne endnu, men jeg fucker også for meget rundt. |
Darkbeat | Skrevet 29/03-14 04:08 | Er S rank "bare" at undgå at sætte alarmer igang og ikke slå nogen ihjel, eller skal man også befri alle gidslerne for at få det? |
ChronoSousa | Skrevet 29/03-14 08:50, rettet 29/03-14 09:04 | Det hele handler om points.
Du tjener på at rede fanger
Du tjener på ingen alamer
Du tjener på ingen kills
Og ingen retrys. ( altså , prøve igen fra checkpoint/save)
Så skal du skrape sammen til s rank.
På hard må man ikke fuck op 1 gang. :)
Men det du taber fleste point på : er at dræbe og sætte alarmer igang.
F.eks står der du taber -200 på et killed?
Men havde du 0 kills? Fik du +9000 points. Altså ikke et tab på -200 ... Men -9200. | Spiller nu: Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
Darkbeat | Skrevet 01/04-14 02:06 | Det er rimeligt crazy hvad der sker i det spil, især hvis man lytter til bånd 4 man finder...
Der går allerede vilde teorier på nettet om hvad der sker i Phantom Pain, baseret på hændelserne i Ground Zeroes.
Check dem hér, men vær opmærksom på at det er spoilere!
http://i.imgur.com/M9XcECJ.jpg |
Darkbeat | Skrevet 08/04-14 10:53 | Kojima har vist en iDROID iPhone case frem på Twitter som vil blive produceret af et firma der hedder Sentinel der normalt laver figurer og den slags.
Den er nok lidt mere til sjov end til praktisk brug
http://imgur.com/gallery/6W0Oc |
Per S | Skrevet 25/04-14 16:17 | Pressetekst fra Konami:
Previously format-exclusive Jamais-Vu and MGS1 Déjà-Vu missions now available across all formats
Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. has detailed a key update to its METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES title for PlayStation®4, Xbox One, PlayStation®3 and Xbox 360, which unlocks previously format-exclusive elements to all users.
Available on May 1st, the free update gives PlayStation®3 and PlayStation®4 users access to the ‘Jamais-Vu mission’, which was previously only available within the Xbox One and Xbox 360 editions. The Jamais-Vu mission re-introduces METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE star, Raiden, to the series, in a special mission set within METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES’ containment camp.
The new mission sees Raiden charged with investigating an alleged alien incursion, where – forgoing his famed katana blade – he is dropped on the edge of the camp, and must gain access and secure firm evidence of the alien presence. The aliens – dubbed ‘Snatchers’ by the intelligence group – are externally disguised as camp guards, but produce an inhuman X-Ray when tagged using the iDroid app or Raiden’s binoculars. Raiden must locate and eliminate the alien imposters while evading capture by the unaware humans charged with guarding the base.
Conversely, Xbox One and Xbox 360 users will also be able to access the previously Sony-exclusive ‘MGS1 Déjà-Vu mission’ when they update. The MGS1 Déjà-Vu mission celebrates the heritage of the acclaimed METAL GEAR SOLID series by creating a bespoke mission that harks back to the series’ first 3D entry. The mission visually references key events from the original PS one™ classic and tasks the user with reproducing famous scenes from the original METAL GEAR SOLID. As players recreate these iconic moments, a flashback system reproduces the original reduced polygon graphical style of the original game and introduces familiar enemies and recognisable weather conditions for added authenticity.
These new stages further enhance the replay value of METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES. The missions tie in perfectly with the game’s 1975 setting and expand on the game’s basis as being a prologue to the forthcoming METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN. Additionally, Kojima Productions has also used this update to improve display items and menu aberration.
As first part of the METAL GEAR SOLID V experience, METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES focuses on the legendary Big Boss – a stealth operative – as he infiltrates a secret Cuban prison base called ‘Camp Omega’ on a rescue mission. Alone behind enemy lines, the game reveals a total freedom of movement within its missions, with users choosing how they engage guards, the route they pick, and which prisoners they rescue. The game’s unique open world and many possibilities encourage the player to revisit its content again and again to discover its secrets and features an online global ranking system where players can compare their achievements against others. It also has unique second-screen elements, via the free iDroid app, which allow users to sync maps, summon air support and use found cassettes on a linked iOS, Android or Smart Glass system.
<<< | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per S | Skrevet 01/05-14 18:13 | Pressetekst fra Konami:
Slice into METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE for just £19.99/24,99 Euro
Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. has slashed the cost of its METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE title and DLC across console formats.
Beginning today, digital versions of the PlayStation®3 edition will be available at a suggested retail price of £19.99/24,99 Euro. Additionally, all DLC costume elements are now available at lower price points, with the Commando Armour, Inferno Armour and White Armour DLC for just £1.19/1,49 Euro. The Cyborg Ninja Custom Body is available now for £1.99/2,49 Euro.
The digital Xbox 360 version will also be reduced starting today as well. METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE will be cut to a suggested retail price of £19.99/24,99 Euro via Xbox®LIVE game store. To compliment the already available Commando Armour, Inferno Armour and White Armour DLC, which is currently available for just £1.29/1,89 Euro, the Cyborg Ninja Custom Body is now available for £1.99/2,85 Euro.
Developed by Kojima Productions and PlatinumGames, METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE takes the renowned METAL GEAR franchise into exciting new territory with an all-new action experience. The game seamlessly melds pure action and epic story-telling that surrounds Raiden – a child soldier transformed into a cyborg who is equipped with his signature High-Frequency Blade and a quest for revenge.
The game takes the form of a sprawling mix of exploration and combat, with Raiden’s deadly High-Frequency Blade capable of cutting through absolutely anything, while a host of vehicles and elements familiar to the METAL GEAR universe also come into play. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per S | Skrevet 01/05-14 18:16 | Pressetekst fra Konami:
Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. has released a new update to its METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES title for PlayStation®4, Xbox One, PlayStation®3 and Xbox 360, which unlocks previously format-exclusive elements to all users.
Now available, the free update gives PlayStation®3 and PlayStation®4 users access to the ‘Jamais-Vu mission’, which was previously only available within the Xbox One and Xbox 360 editions. The Jamais-Vu mission re-introduces METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE star, Raiden, to the series, in a special mission set within METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES’ containment camp.
The new mission sees Raiden charged with investigating an alleged alien incursion, where – forgoing his famed High-Frequency Blade – he is dropped on the edge of the camp, and must gain access and secure firm evidence of the alien presence. The aliens – dubbed ‘Snatchers’ by the intelligence group – are externally disguised as camp guards, but produce an inhuman X-Ray when tagged using the iDroid app or Raiden’s binoculars. Raiden must locate and eliminate the alien imposters while evading capture by the unaware humans charged with guarding the base.
Conversely, Xbox One and Xbox 360 users will also be able to access the previously Sony-exclusive ‘MGS1 Déjà-Vu mission’ when they update. The MGS1 Déjà-Vu mission celebrates the heritage of the acclaimed METAL GEAR SOLID series by creating a bespoke mission that harks back to the series’ first 3D entry. The mission visually references key events from the original PS one™ classic and tasks the user with reproducing famous scenes from the original METAL GEAR SOLID. As players recreate these iconic moments, a flashback system reproduces the original reduced polygon graphical style of the original game and introduces familiar enemies and recognisable weather conditions for added authenticity.
These new stages further enhance the replay value of METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES. The missions tie in perfectly with the game’s 1975 setting and expand on the game’s basis as being a prologue to the forthcoming METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN. Additionally, Kojima Productions has also used this update to improve certain display items.
As first part of the METAL GEAR SOLID V experience, METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES focuses on the legendary Big Boss – a stealth operative – as he infiltrates a secret Cuban prison base called ‘Camp Omega’ on a rescue mission. Alone behind enemy lines, the game reveals a total freedom of movement within its missions, with users choosing how they engage guards, the route they pick, and which prisoners they rescue.
The game’s unique open world and many possibilities encourage the player to revisit its content again and again to discover its secrets and features an online global ranking system where players can compare their achievements against others. It also has unique second-screen elements, via the free iDroid app, which allow users to sync maps, summon air support and use found cassettes on a linked iOS, Android or Smart Glass system. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per S | Skrevet 15/05-14 15:27 | Pressetekst:
KONAMI shows METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES range of merchandise items, including first womens’ collection
Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. has announced a number of partnership deals for a new range of merchandise elements focused on its newly released stealth-action title, METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES. The deals will involve a number of key partners that will produce official merchandise based on characters and iconography from the game – including its first specially-created womens’ items which include:
Level Up Wear: Level Up Wear is renowned for their innovative and stylish items for men and women, and will also be producing mugs and headwear based on METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES. The range includes a series of T-shirts and vest tops featuring the FOX unit logo from the game, and showcasing key art designs including Yoji Shinkawa’s iconic Big Boss image. These will be followed by items bearing the XOF unit and other brand-related logos. All items will be available via GAME, Forbidden Planet, EB and Geekay stores in EMEA, Australia and New Zealand, or via. http://eu.levelupwear.com/metal-gear-solid-v-ground-zeroes Pricing for accessories starts from £8.99/ €11.99. Clothing items start at £17.99/ €19.99.
Insert Coin: Widely acknowledged as a design leader in apparel based on key video game franchises, Insert Coin is to premiere a collection of T-shirts, polo shirts, shirts, tank tops, hoodies, leggings, hats and gloves based on the KONAMI game. Designs are still being finalised, but will be revealed and made available for pre-order in June across EMEA, Australia, New Zealand and the Americas. Hats and gloves start at £15/ €19.50, with larger clothing items ranging from £22-£45/ €29-€52 . www.insertcoinclothing.com.
GB Eye: GB Eye has been appointed to create a series of high quality posters featuring images from METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES. The first will feature the iconic image of Big Boss and Kaz Miller, and will be available all across Europe, with more designs to follow. They will be available via GAME, HMV, Grainger Games, and via www.gbposters.com. The 61x90cm maxi-poster is available for just £3.99.
As first part of the METAL GEAR SOLID V experience, METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES is a prologue to the forthcoming METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN and focuses on the legendary Big Boss – a stealth operative – as he infiltrates a secret Cuban prison base called ‘Camp Omega’ on a rescue mission. Alone behind enemy lines, the game reveals a total freedom of movement within its missions, with users choosing how they engage guards, the route they pick, and which prisoners they rescue.
The game’s unique open world and many possibilities encourage the player to revisit its content again and again to discover its secrets and features an online global ranking system where players can compare their achievements against others. It also has unique second-screen elements, via the free iDroid app, which allow users to sync maps, summon air support and use found cassettes on a linked iOS, Android or Smart Glass system. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Darkbeat | Skrevet 13/06-14 20:17 | Har set et par E3 videoer og interviews om spillet og det lyder som hele det dér Fulton Recovery System fra Peace Walker er med. Det vil sige at man skal administrere sin base og udvikle våben og udstyr.
I forhold til Peace Walker er alting nu fysisk på basen som man kan gå rundt på, så hvis du f.eks. har Fulton'ed en ged (hvilket man kan), så vil den også gå rundt på basen.
Det er den slags detaljer der gør mig hype på spillet. |