Per S | Skrevet 18/03-08 19:39 | Elite media trio join Nordic Game 2008
The organisers of the Nordic Game Conference & Career Expo 2008 are
proud to present Edge Magazine, and as
media partners for this year's fifth annual Nordic Game event.
On 14-15 May the games industry, academics and the media will gather in
Malmö, Sweden to focus on one of the most exciting growth sectors in
the entertainment business. Online registration for the Nordic Game
Conference & Career Expo 2008 will open at 12:00 CET on Wednesday 19
As a very important part of the organisers' media strategy, partner
agreements have been made with three of the most significant media
outlets in the games industry. Edge, the world's most respected
videogame magazine will support the conference as Exclusive English
Language Print Media Partner, while has signed up as
Exclusive Internet Media Partner for North America.
"We are delighted to be a partner of Nordic Game - the continued global
growth of Edge magazine means we are perfectly suited for this kind of
media partnership - it is fantastic to be able to help raise the
profile of the rapidly growing Nordic games industry" says Tom Acton,
Marketing Manager for Edge and, Europe's leading industry website and part of the
Eurogamer Network, is supporting Nordic Game as Exclusive European
Internet Media Partner. Besides covering the conference, the industry
specialist is also organising a unique program in cooperation with the
European Game Developer Federation, which will explore vital issues
affecting the future of the games industry.
"Nordic Game is something that has been involved with
from the start. We're delighted to be developing our relationship even
more this year with an event that's set once again to be a crucial
entry on the calendar", comments Phil Elliott, Editor of
With hundreds of expected attendees and a wide variety of
presentations, seminars and workshops, the Nordic Game conference and
Career Expo is one of the largest events of its kind in Europe. This
fifth annual industry event is expected to draw around 1000
participants from the Nordic region, Europe, North America and Asia, as
well as extensive global press coverage.
"It's a great pleasure for us to have three of the most respected media
outlets onboard for the conference, and their journalistic competence
and professional reputation are sure to be of great value for us",
concludes Tom Felices, Conference & Event Director of Nordic Game
The Nordic Game Conference and Career Expo will be held on14-15 May
2008 at the Malmö Convention Center in Malmö, Sweden (25 minutes by
commuter train from Copenhagen airport). Register online at | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per S | Skrevet 30/04-08 16:08 | Den officielle danske pressemeddelelse:
Nordic Game 2008: Top names gather for multidisciplinary Game Creation sessions
An international list of influential speakers contribute their expertise to this year’s Game Creation program, with the makers of Silent Hill and Heavenly Sword joining a host of other prominent game creators from the Nordic region and around the world
Intended for professional game creators and academics, this new, multidisciplinary program will examine the latest trends and techniques in game development and spotlight the region’s most innovative and respected talents.
Keiichiro Toyama, creator of Siren and Silent Hill, will join Rock Band’s Rob Kay, Tameem Antoniades, co-founder of Ninja Theory and moderator Tony Manninen in discussing creative innovation and new game niches in the session Disruptive Design.
Sega’s Ryuuta Ueda, known for his inventive work on Jet Set Radio Future, and celebrated character designer Ryosuke Tei from Furi Furi will join their peers in an international master panel called East-West All-Stars. Moderated by Dr. Katherine Isbister from Copenhagen’s IT University, these experts will compare and discuss their cultural influences and creative approaches to character design. Also featured among the panellists is Alex Taini from Ninja Theory, the man behind the vibrant personas in Heavenly Sword.
A roster of the Nordic region’s most influential developers also headline the program; celebrating the launch of one of the most anticipated MMO’s of recent times, Funcom’s Jørgen Tharaldsen will take us to the Age of Conan, Hilmar Pétursson and his creative team from CCP will talk on democracy, economics and politics in a virtual world in the session The Birth of a Society, and Jens Andersson from Starbreeze will be Dissecting a screenshot from The Darkness.
These highlights are just the tip of the Nordic Game iceberg. Read more about the Game Creation and Technology program, and all the other Nordic Game conference sessions and events at - and register online today!
Nordic Game conference and Career Expo, 14-15 May 2008 at the Malmö Convention Center in Malmö, Sweden (25 minutes by commuter train from Copenhagen airport). | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Chrono | Skrevet 17/05-08 19:59, rettet 17/05-08 20:00 | Der var nogle gode keynotes, men resten var en smule tyndt. Stadig turen værd dog. Min mobiltelefon fik taget et par billeder i ringe kvalitet.
Lego Star Wars-udviklere bliver ført til scenen og tvunget til at afsløre alt:

Bagefter stillede Darth Vader og hans stormtroopers op til fotografering:

Harmonix demonstrerer Rock Band inden de fortæller om hvordan de lavede instrumenterne og blev verdens største 3. parts leverandør af konsol-tilbehør, og verdens største producent af trommestikker - større end alle andre til sammen:

Yderst til højre venter Fumito Ueda på at fremvise ICO til PS1 og en Shadow of the Colossus multiplayer tech-demo. Han fortæller også om sin Amiga-fortid og viser en imponerende liste over alle de ting han selv lavede i ICO og SOTC. Keiichiro Toyama er i gang med at fremvise Forbidden Siren: A New Translation og dets splitscreen sightjacking feature, inden han afslører at han og Ueda er de eneste designere hos Sony der får lov at lave det de har lyst til. Han fortæller også at både Ueda, ham selv og mange andre japanske designere har Another World som deres favoritspil og en stor inspirationskilde.
 | I can't go fighting evil on an empty stomach, you know!