Hjælp til engelsk resume

NSNSSkrevet 20/12-07 23:48 

Jeg skal aflevere min større skriftlige opgave i morgen, men er ikke alt for hård til engelsk. Er det en venlig sjæl der vil kigge følgende igennem og komme med forslag til rettelser?

The study investigates the connections between the ideological basis of the Soviet union, and the way this was transformed into the build up of a new society, especially during the reign of Lenin. It also discusses how large influence ideologies had during Stalin's reign of terror. The study is based on literature with different approaches to the subject, e.g. texts by Marx and Lenin, and literature covering the birth of the Soviet Union. By covering Lenin's interpretation of Marx´ theories concerning the power of the elite, and Lenin's violent creation of the Soviet union, the study concludes that Stalin´s escalation of violence in several ways was a continuation of the direction started by Lenin. Another conclusion drawn is that a specific interpretation of an ideological can play a crucial part in any society.

På forhånd tak :)
WehnerWehnerSkrevet 21/12-07 00:01 
Har desværre ikke tid til at læse en korrektur, men kan kort sige, at det er ok i store træk. Og:

I sidste linie er der noget galt med ideological - enten skal der følge et ord efter eller også skal det være ideology.

Du benytter acute accent (´ - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute_accent) i stedet for apostrof (') - en ganske hyppig fejl blandt folk i dag.
>>Here's some boots and a sandwich<<Spiller nu: Assassin's Creed: Revel..., Elder Scrolls V, The: S...
JmogJmogSkrevet 21/12-07 07:24 
I nedenstående har jeg tilføjet rettelser i paranteser:

The study investigates the connections between the ideological basis of the Soviet union(<-Union), and the way this(<-it) was transformed into the build up(<-beginning, cornerstone, start) of a new society, especially during the reign of Lenin. It also discusses how large (an) influence ideologies had during Stalin's reign of terror. The study is based on literature with different approaches to the subject, e.g. texts by Marx and Lenin, and literature covering the birth of the Soviet Union. By covering Lenin's interpretation of Marx´ theories concerning the power of the elite, and Lenin's violent creation of the Soviet union(<-Union), the study concludes that Stalin´s escalation of violence in several ways was a continuation of the direction started by Lenin. Another conclusion drawn is that a specific interpretation of an ideological(<-ideology) can play a crucial part in any society.
SeventhSunSeventhSunSkrevet 21/12-07 15:34 
"It also discusses how large (an) influence ideologies had during Stalin's reign of terror."

ville jeg skrive som:
"It also discusses how much (of an) influence ideologies had during Stalin's reign of terror."

Fordi det ikke er en fysisk ting, men et begreb.
Det i parrantesen er jeg lidt usikker på :-)
forude venter en teknisk og videnskabelig triumfSpiller nu: Horizon: Zero Dawn, Legend Of Zelda, The: B..., Plants Vs. Zombies: Gar...
MrCaseMrCaseSkrevet 21/12-07 15:38 
The study investigates the connections between the ideological basis of the Soviet union, and the way this was transformed into the (build up) (=formation) of a new society, especially during the reign of Lenin. (It also) (=Also, it) discusses (how large influence ideologies had)(=the impact of ideologies) during Stalin's reign of terror. The study is based on literature with different approaches to the subject, e.g. texts by Marx and Lenin, and literature covering the birth of the Soviet Union. By covering Lenin's interpretation of Marx´ theories concerning the power of the elite(,)(= ) and Lenin's violent creation of the Soviet union, the study concludes that Stalin´s escalation of violence in several ways was a continuation of the direction started by Lenin. (Another conclusion drawn is)(=Furthermore, it concludes) that a specific interpretation of an (ideological)(=Ideology) can play a crucial part in any society.

På forhånd tak :)
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