Beano | Skrevet 03/10-12 08:44 | PS+ indhold for oktober...
Nye "Instant Game Collection" titler:
- Hell Yeah! Wrath of Dead Rabbit (i dag)
- Bulletstorm (10 oktober)
- Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition (10 oktober)
- 3rd October: Spelunker HD – 50% off the full game and 50% off various DLC packs for two weeks
- 10th October: Derrick the Deathfin – 30% off
- 17th October: Dogfight 1942 – 50% off a bundle including the full game and two DLC packs
- 24th October: Hell Yeah! Wrath of Dead Rabbit – 20% off DLC packs
Følgende titler pilles ned, så hvis man ikke allerede har hentet dem, er det nok en god ide at gøre det snart:
- 3rd October: Red Dead Redemption
- 10th October: Lara Croft & The Guardian of Light
- 10th October: Saints Row 2
Kilde |
Beano | Skrevet 04/10-12 10:35, rettet 04/10-12 10:35 | I går...
- NiGHTS into Dreams
- Sonic Adventure 2
- Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
- Tomba! (PSone classic, US udgave)
Fuld liste med priser |
fum | Skrevet 07/10-12 17:16, rettet 07/10-12 17:16 | Bede-x>
PSone Classics
- Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (US Import)
Nu mangler vi bare Tomba!.
Den er der da allerede. | I used to jog, but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.
Beano | Skrevet 07/10-12 19:58 | Ikke da han skrev det. Den kom først op i onsdags. |
Nuclear Deter... | Skrevet 11/10-12 19:57 | Herligt! Det kan kun være bedre end det gamle design. | You mechs may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steelSpiller nu: Killer 7
Nuclear Deter... | Skrevet 17/10-12 21:50 | Jeg har siddet og leget lidt med det nye layout - det er en kæmpe forbedring. Det er meget nemmere at finde rundt i, og mere konsistent. Der er langt nemmere at filtrere og sortere. Jeg tror faktisk at jeg nu foretrækker XMB + PSN Store frem for Microsofts Metro og Marketplace. Hvis Sony går hen og laver et ordentligt joypad næste generation, kan det sagtens være jeg bare dropper Xbox - Microsoft tager sig betalt for for meget. | You mechs may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steelSpiller nu: Killer 7
Amby | Skrevet 18/10-12 07:20 | Det gjorde jeg også første gang. Anden gang virkede det.
Jeg ved ikke helt hvad jeg skal synes. Det er ikke blevet mindre forvirrende nu. Der er kommet rigtig mange kategorier og underkatagorier, så med tiden bliver man nok bedre til at navigerere, men intuitivt er det sgu ikke.
Og hvad værre er, søgningen er et skridt tilbage, trods udsagnet fra Sony. Det er f.eks. umuligt at søge sig frem til walking dead. | Have no thing I'd rather see, Since I found Serenity.Spiller nu: Mirror's Edge, Resistance 2
Beano | Skrevet 18/10-12 07:45 | Jeg kan godt li designet og strukturen men det var frygteligt langsomt at starte og ujævn/hakkende animationer. Download listen er stadig ikke forbedret, ingen filtreringsmuligheder f.eks. |
Nuclear Deter... | Skrevet 18/10-12 09:37, rettet 18/10-12 09:38 | Eg må have været heldig da jeg var i gang. Animationerne hakkede en lille bitte smule men ellers var der ingen knas - og min PS3 er endda på wireless. Er det kun i England Sony er gået tilbage til den gamle store? | You mechs may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steelSpiller nu: Killer 7
Beano | Skrevet 19/10-12 10:55 | Det tror jeg for Danmark har stadig den nye PSN Snore :P |
DeluxScan | Skrevet 22/10-12 15:44 | Nu har jeg lige tilmeldt mig PS+ i 3 mdr., fordi det var den billigste måde at nuppe MotorStorm på. Kommer der så nye, fulde spil i næste måned? | Life is like videogame: It doesn't matter how good you get, you always get zapped in the end.Spiller nu: Battlestations: Pacific, Saboteur, The, Tropico 3
Jmog | Skrevet 22/10-12 19:18 | Ja, der kommer tre nye spil om måneden som erstatter tre af de 12 der hele tiden er til download. Vi nærmer os også snart at de annoncerer hvilke spil det bliver. Det får vi nok at vide i næste uge, vil jeg tro. |
Beano | Skrevet 22/10-12 19:21 | DeluxScan>
Nu har jeg lige tilmeldt mig PS+ i 3 mdr., fordi det var den billigste måde at nuppe MotorStorm på. Kommer der så nye, fulde spil i næste måned?
Bare husk de kun er til leje ;) |
Beano | Skrevet 30/10-12 17:54 | Okami HD lander i morgen. |
Beano | Skrevet 31/10-12 18:08 | Kr 200,- er lige i overkanten imo :P |
Jmog | Skrevet 01/11-12 08:15 | Need For Speed: Most Wanted til Vita er på den danske PSN nu. |
Jmog | Skrevet 02/11-12 11:28 | Jmog>
Need For Speed: Most Wanted til Vita er på den danske PSN nu.
Det er i øvrigt RET godt. Og teknisk utroligt imponerende. Det ligner noget der ikke burde være muligt på en Vita. |
Jmog | Skrevet 07/11-12 21:04 | Så er der udsalg med særligt fokus på racing-spil - både til PS3 og Vita. Der er dog også andre lækkerbidder som Sly-trilogien for 100kr. Det er et fint plaster på såret siden den tidligere annoncerede PS Plus til Vita afsløring er rykket til næste uge. På PS Plus er det i øvrigt også i dag at Crysis 2 kan hentes gratis.
Full games:
ModNation Racers – on sale until 14/11/12
Was €14.99/£10.99 Now €7.49/£5.99
ModNation Racers: Road Trip – on sale until 14/11/12
Was €14.99/£10.99 Now €7.49/£5.99
ModNation Racers (PSP) – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Qatar – on sale until 14/11/12
Was €26.99/£16.99 Now €6.49/£5.19
MotorStorm Apocalypse – on sale until 14/11/12
Was €14.99/£12.99 Now €7.49/£5.99
MotorStorm 3D Rift – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Qatar – on sale until 14/11/12
Was €12.99/ £9.99 Now €6.49/£5.19
MotorStorm RC (PS3) – on sale until 14/11/12
Was €5.99/£4.79 Now €3.99/£3.19
MotorStorm RC (Vita) – on sale until 14/11/12
Was €5.99/£4.79 Now €3.99/£3.19
WipEout Complete Game Pack – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Qatar – on sale until 14/11/12
Was €12.99/ £9.99 Now €6.49/£5.19
CTR: Crash Team Racing – on sale until 14/11/12
Was €4.99/£3.99 Now €2.99/2.39
Golden Age of Racing – Not available in Belgium/Netherlands/Russian Federation/Ukraine
Was €4.99/ £3.99 Now €2.49/£1.99
International Super Karts – Not available in Belgium/Netherlands/Russian Federation/Ukraine
Was €3.59/£2.99 Now €1.99/£1.59
Nobel Racing – Not available in Belgium/Netherlands/Russian Federation/Ukraine
Was €4.99/ £3.99 Now €2.49/£1.99
Raceway: Drag & Stock Racing – Not available in Belgium/Netherlands/Russian Federation/Ukraine
Was €4.99/ £3.99 Now €2.49/£1.99
Stock Car Crash – Not available in Belgium/Netherlands/Russian Federation/Ukraine
Was €4.99/ £3.99 Now €2.49/£1.99
Truck Racing 2 – Not available in Belgium/Netherlands/Russian Federation/Ukraine
Was €4.99/ £3.99 Now €2.49/£1.99
X-treme Express – Not available in Belgium/Denmark/Finland/Netherlands/Norway/Poland/Russian Federation/
Was €4.99/ £3.99 Now €2.49/£1.99
Stateshift (PSP) – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Israel/Kuwait/Portugal/Qatar /Ukraine
Was €6.99/£5.49 Now €3.59/£2.99
Sport Superbike 2 – Not available in Bulgaria/Germany/Hungary/Israel/Kuwait/Qatar/Ukraine
Was €2.99/£2.39 Now €1.49/£1.19
ATV Racers – Not available in Australia/Bulgaria/Hungary/New Zealand/Qatar/
Was €2.99/£2.39 Now €1.49/£1.19
Hawk Superbike Racing (PS2) – Not available in Belgium/Netherlands/Russian Federation/Ukraine
Was €4.99/ £3.99 Now €2.49/£1.99
Split/Second Velocity – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Qatar
Was €24.99/£19.99 Now €12.99/£9.99
Split/Second Velocity (PSP) – Not available in Bulgaria/France/Hungary/Qatar
Was €7.99/£6.99 Now €3.99/£3.19
Cars 2 – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Qatar
Was €29.99/£19.99 Now €14.99/£11.99
Colin McRae DiRT 2 – Not available in Bulgaria/Croatia/Hungary/India/Israel /Kuwait/Slovenia/Turkey/Ukraine
Was €29.99/£23.99 Now €14.99/£11.99
Was €29.99/£23.99 Now €14.99/£11.99
DiRT Showdown
Was €59.99/£39.99 Now €29.99/£23.99
F1 2009 (PSP)
Was €12.99/£9.99 Now €6.49/£5.19
F1 2011 (Vita)
Was €39.99/£31.99 Now €19.99/£15.99
Mad Riders
Was €9.99/£7.99 Now €4.99/£3.99
DRIVER – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Qatar
Was €4.99/£3.99 Now €2.49/£1.99
Driver 76 (PSP) – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Israel/Kuwait /Portugal/Russia /Qatar/Ukraine
Was €9.99/£7.99 Now €4.99/£3.99
Driver San Francisco – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Qatar
Was €19.99/£15.99 Now €14.99/£11.99
Asphalt Injection (Vita)
Was €24.99/£19.99 Now €12.99/£9.99
Ben 10 Galactic Racing (Vita)
Was €34.99/£29.99 Now €17.99/£13.99
Was €34.99/£29.99 Now €19.99/£15.99
RIDGE RACER – Ultimate Edition (Vita)
Was €24.99/£19.99 Now €12.99/£9.99
Was €19.99/£16.99 Now €9.99/ £7.99
RIDGE RACER 7: 3D License Ver.
Was €19.99/£14.99 Now €9.99/£7.99
Split Second – Onslaught Pack – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Israel/Kuwait/Qatar/Ukraine
Was €9.99/£ 7.99 Now €4.99/£ 3.99
Split Second Deadline Pack – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Israel/Kuwait/Qatar/Ukraine
Was €4.99/£3.99 Now €2.49/£1.99
Split/Second Master Unlock! – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Israel/Kuwait/Qatar
Was €4.99/£3.99 Now €2.49/£1.99
Split/Second Survival at the Rock Pack – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Israel/Kuwait/Qatar/Ukraine
Was €6.99/£ 5.49 Now €3.59/£2.99
Cars 2 -UNDERCOVER AGENT PACK – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Qatar
Was €2.99/£2.39 Now €1.49/£1.19
Cars 2 – MATER’S TALL TALES PACK – Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Qatar
Was €2.99/£2.39 Now €1.49/£1.19
Cars 2 – MORE PACK – Not available in Bulgaria/Denmark/Finland/Hungary/Norway/Poland/Qatar/Russia/Sweden/Turkey/Ukraine
Was €2.99/£2.39 Now €1.49/£1.19
Cars 2 – RADIATOR SPRINGS PACK – Not available in Bulgaria/Denmark/Finland/Hungary/Norway/Poland/Qatar/Russia/Sweden/Turkey/Ukraine
Was €2.99/£2.39 Now €1.49/£1.19
Cars 2 – ROAD HAZARDS PACK – Not available in Bulgaria/Denmark/Finland/Hungary/Norway/Poland/Qatar/Russia/Sweden/Turkey/Ukraine
Was €2.99/£2.39 Now €1.49/£1.19
Mad Riders: The Daredevil Map Pack
Was €2.99/£2.39 Now €1.49/£1.19
RIDGE RACER Gold Pass (Vita)
Was €6.99/£5.49 Now €3.59/£2.99
RIDGE RACER Silver Pass (Vita)
Was €4.99/£3.99 Now €2.49/£1.99
RIDGE RACER Course “Lost Ruins” (Vita)
Was €2.49/£1.99 Now €1.19/£0.99
RIDGE RACER Course “Sunset Heights” (Vita)
Was €2.49/£1.99 Now €1.19/£0.99
RIDGE RACER Course “Old Cental” (Vita)
Was €2.49/£1.99 Now €1.19/£0.99
RIDGE RACER Course “Silver Mountain SkyWay” (Vita)
Was €2.49/£1.99 Now €1.19/£0.99
RIDGE RACER Course “Oceanfront Cruise Way” (Vita)
Was €2.49/£1.99 Now €1.19/£0.99
RIDGE RACER Course “Redstone Thunder Way” (Vita)
Was €2.49/£1.99 Now €1.19/£0.99
RIDGE RACER Car “Dignistar” (Vita)
Was €1.49/£1.19 Now €0.75/£0.59
Was €1.49/£1.19 Now €0.75/£0.59
Was €1.49/£1.19 Now €0.75/£0.59
RIDGE RACER CAR: “Meltfire” (Vita)
Was €1.49/£1.19 Now €0.75/£0.59
RIDGE RACER CAR: “Fatalita” (Vita)
Was €1.49/£1.19 Now €0.75/£0.59
RIDGE RACER CAR: “Wisdom” (Vita)
Was €1.49/£1.19 Now €0.75/£0.59
Was €1.49/£1.19 Now €0.75/£0.59
RIDGE RACER CAR: “Evolver” (Vita)
Was €1.49/£1.19 Now €0.75/£0.59
RIDGE RACER CAR: “Synci” (Vita)
Was €1.49/£1.19 Now €0.75/£0.59
RIDGE RACER CAR: “Hornet” (Vita)
Was €2.49/£1.99 Now €1.19/£0.99
RIDGE RACER New Songs Pack (Vita)
Was €0.99 /£0.79 Now €0.49/0.40
Playstation All Stars Battle Royale Sale:
Full games:
inFamous – Not available in Poland
Was €14.99/£10.99 Now €7.99/£6.49
Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
Was €14.99/£10.99 Now €7.99/£6.49
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Was €19.99/£14.99 Now €9.99/£9.99
Jak and Daxter Trilogy
Was €29.99/£19.99 Now €14.99/£10.99
Jak 3 - Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Qatar
Was €14.99/£11.99 Now €6.99/£5.49
Ape Escape
Was €12.99/£10.99 Now €6.99/£5.49
Ape Escape (PSP)
Was €7.99/£6.99 Now €3.99/£3.19
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Was €19.99/£15.99 Now €9.99/£9.99
Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty - Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Qatar
Was €9.99/£7.99 Now €4.99/£3.99
Was €4.99/£3.99 Now €2.49/£1.99
MediEvil: Resurrection Essentials [PSP] - Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Qatar
Was €7.99/£6.99 Now €3.99/£3.19
MediEvil: Resurrection Platinum (PSP go) - Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Qatar
Was €19.99/£14.99 Now €9.99/£9.99
MediEvil: Resurrection Platinum [PSP] - Only available in Australia/Israel/Kuwait/New Zealand/Portugal/Spain
Was €19.99 Now €9.99
God of War HD
Was €17.99/£13.99 Now €13.99/£10.99
God of War II HD
Was €17.99/£13.99 Now €13.99/£10.99
God of War Collection
Was €29.99/£19.99 Now €22.99/£15.99
God of War Collection II
Was €29.99/£19.99 Now €22.99/£15.99
God of War – Chains of Olympus - Not available in Bulgaria/Hungary/Qatar
Was €17.99/£13.99 Now €13.99/£10.99
God of War – Ghost of Sparta
Was €17.99/£13.99 Now €13.99/£10.99
The Sly Trilogy
Was €19.99/£14.99 Now €9.99/£9.99
Sly Raccoon
Was €9.99/£7.99 Now €4.99/£3.99
Sly 2: Band of Thieves
Was €9.99/£7.99 Now €4.99/£3.99
Sly 3: Honour Among Thieves
Was €9.99/£7.99 Now €4.99/£3.99
Fat Princess
Was €9.99/£7.99 Now €4.99/£3.99
Fat Princess (PSP) - Not available in Australia/Austria/Belgium/Bulgaria/Czech Republic/Denmark/Finland/France/Germany/Greece/Hungary/Netherlands/Luxembourg/Norway/Poland/Qatar/Sweden
Was €29.99/£24.99 Now €3.99/£3.19
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake - Only available in Australia/Austria/Belgium/Czech Republic/Denmark/Finland/France/Germany/Greece/Luxembourg/Netherlands/Norway/Poland/Sweden/UK
Was €7.99/£6.99 Now €3.99/£3.19
Fat Princess: Supersize Anniversary Bundle
Was €14.99/£11.99 Now €7.99/£6.49
Twisted Metal
Was €29.99/£23.99 Now €19.99/£15.99
Twisted Metal (PS1)
Was €4.99/£3.99 Now €2.99/£2.39
LittleBigPlanet – Toro Costume
Was €1.99/£1.59 Now €0.99/£0.79
Ape Escape – LittleBigPlanet Costume
Was €1.99/£1.59 Now €0.99/£0.79
Ape Escape – LittleBigPlanet Costume
Was €1.99/£1.59 Now €0.99/£0.79
Heavenly Sword – LittleBigPlanet Costume - Not available in Israel/Kuwait/Ukraine
Was €2.99/£2.39 Now €1.49/£1.19
Metal Gear Solid – LittleBigPlanet Costume Kit
Was €5.99/£4.79 Now €2.99/£2.39
Metal Gear Solid – LittleBigPlanet Level Kit
Was €5.99/£4.79 Now €2.99/£2.39
Kratos Costume – Little Big Planet
Was €1.99/£1.59 Now €0.99/£0.79
ModNation – Kratos Pack
Was €1.75 Now €0.99
ModNation – Sly Cooper Pack
Was €1.75 Now €0.99
ModNation – Sweet Tooth Pack
Was €1.75 Now €0.99
Edited by HiddenAway at 12:15:43 07-11-2012 |
Beano | Skrevet 08/11-12 09:21 | Dyad kom endeligt i går men den nye Store nægter at lade mig købe det. Nogen her som har købt det? |
Nuclear Deter... | Skrevet 10/11-12 10:15 | Det er hvert fald ikke tilgængeligt på Vita (endnu). | You mechs may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steelSpiller nu: Killer 7
Jmog | Skrevet 28/11-12 15:22 | Så er decembers PS Plus titler annonceret og det ser rigtig godt ud. Sakset fra PSN bloggen:
PlayStation Plus December content:
5th December: Batman: Arkham City (PS3)
5th December: LIMBO (PS3)
5th December: Vanquish (PS3)
12th December: Big Sky Infinity (PS Vita and PS3)
19th December: Mortal Kombat (PS Vita)
21st December: Knytt Underground (PS Vita and PS3)
Titles removed from IGC:
5th December: Crysis 2 (PS3)
5th December: Scott Pilgrim vs The World (PS3)
5th December: Double Dragon Neon (PS3)
19th December: Chronovolt (PS Vita)
21st December: Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack (PS Vita) |
Bede-x | Skrevet 04/02-13 16:24, rettet 04/02-13 16:28 |
Hvis der nu skulle være andre der har interesse for det, så får vi en sidste chance for en fysisk udgivelse efter Kickstarteren slog fejl. Hvis Gaijinworks kan sælge mindst 2500 kopier så er der order to go på en fysisk version:
PSN Pricing, Physical Edition signup!
We're in the final stretch for Class of Heroes 2. The game's completed and ready for Sony Q/A and we've managed to negotiate a deal to release a Physical PSP edition that will include a digital download code as well if we can hit a minimum number of preorders.
The digital release of Class of Heroes 2 will be available on the North American PlayStation Network for $24.99. The European release still needs a PEGI rating, but we're shooting to get it out shortly after the North American release.
If we can pre-sell at least 2,500 copies of a Physical PSP version with a color manual, UMD with color disc label, and a digital download code, we can do a physical+digital combo version for $34.99, shipped to you. At this time, all we want to do is gauge interest in this offering, so if you want to purchase this version were it made available, sign up using the form below with your email address, your name, and the number of copies you want. As an extra special thank-you, supporters of our Deluxe edition Kickstarter that did not fund will get a special UMD label art that's different from the general run.
The PSP box art shown here is simply a placeholder. If the Physical version hits the 2500 unit threshold to become a go, three box covers will be put up for the fans pre-ordering to vote on. Whichever box art gets the most votes will be the one used for the physical release.
Some of you have asked about the game's production. The opening song and video is now fully in English and features a girl group fronted by a Working Designs veteran you'll recognize from LUNAR, Rayearth and others. We've also added a completely new closing credits sequence. The original Japanese version was just a text roll over a still picture and that just wouldn't do, so we improved it. The new closing really imparts a sense of accomplishment and nostalgia for the adventures experienced. We think you'll really like it.
We've made three new videos for you to check out. The first is the beginning of the game from when the player starts a new game until the first quest opens up. The second is campus tour that is the first "quest bulletin" in the game, and the last video is a tiny smidge spoiler-y as it references the first Class of Heroes game, but it shows a battle event and mini-boss battle later in the game.
If you're interested in the one-time preorder-only physical version, fill out the form below and hit submit (don't forget to verify your email address using the link you will be sent). THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL PREORDER. It's just a way for us to see if we should proceed with the preorder program. Whether you want a digital or a physical release, you'll soon to be able to play Class of Heroes 2 for yourself!
INTERNATIONAL FANS: You are welcome to sign up for the preorder program, but please note that international orders for a physical+digital version will cost $10 additional for shipping. Also, since the EU rating will not be done in time, the physical game will be the North American version and the digital code included will be for the North American PSN only.
Official game website http://www.classofheroes2.com
Jeg har skrevet mig op. Uagtet spillets kvaliteter føles det jo altid godt at smide penge efter Ireland & co og hvem ved, måske det også er værd at bruge tid på :) | Spiller nu: Halo: The Master Chief ..., Dying Light, Earth Defense Force 2025
Hanky | Skrevet 06/02-13 20:22 | PS Vita fødselsdagsudsalg:
Was €9.99/£7.99, now €7.49/£5.99
Army Corps of Hell
Was €39.99/£34.99, now €19.99/£15.99
Asphalt Injection
Was €24.99/£19.99, €12.99/£9.99
BLAZBLUE Continuum Shift Extend
Was €24.99/£19.99, now €19.99/£14.99
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance
Was €34.99/£29.99, now €17.99/£13.99
Escape Plan
Was €12.99/£9.99, now €6.49/£5.19
Everybody’s Golf
Was €14.99/£11.99, now €9.99/£6.99
F1 2011
Was €39.99/£31.99, now €19.99/£15.99
Hustle Kings
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19
Little Deviants
Was €14.99/£11.99, now €9.99/£6.99
Lumines: Electronic Symphony
Was €34.99/£29.99, now €17.99/£13.99
Michael Jackson The Experience HD
Was €24.99/£19.99, now €12.99/£9.99
MLB 12 The Show
Was €29.99/£23.99, now €14.99/£11.99
ModNation Racers: Road Trip
Was €14.99/£11.99, now €9.99/£6.99
MotorStorm RC
Was €5.99/£4.79, now €2.99/£2.39
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Was €34.99/£29.99, now €19.99/£14.99
Reality Fighters
Was €14.99/£11.99, now €9.99/£6.99
Rayman Origins
Was €34.99/£29.99, now €17.99/£13.99
Ridge Racer – Utimate Edition
Was €24.99/£19.99, now €12.99/£9.99
Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen
Was €39.99/£34.99, now €19.99/£15.99
Street Fighter x Tekken Vita
Was €44.99/£39.99, now €29.99/£24.99
Super Stardust Delta + Advanced Star Fighter Pack Bundle
Was €9.99/£7.99, now €4.99/£3.99
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
Was €6.99/£5.49, now €3.49/£2.79
Top Darts
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19
Touch My Katamari
Was €29.99/£24.99, now €19.99/£15.99
Unit 13
Was €34.99/£29.99, now €19.99/£14.99 | Spiller nu: Astro Bot: Rescue Missi..., Travis Strikes Again: N..., Wonder Boy: The Dragon'...
Beano | Skrevet 06/02-13 20:40 | Team 17's originale Alien Breed spil er også oppe til PS3 og Vita. Option til både classic (Amiga) grafik og opdateret HD grafik. Online og offline co-op. Cloud saves og PS3/Vita cross-buy. kr 56,- (48,- for PS+ medlemmer). |
millennium | Skrevet 06/02-13 20:43 | Flere Amiga genudgivelser, takker. :) | The medium is the message.
Nuclear Deter... | Skrevet 06/02-13 21:01 | millennium>
Flere Amiga genudgivelser, takker. :)
Hørt! Dem har vi haft alt for få af! | You mechs may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steelSpiller nu: Killer 7
Beano | Skrevet 06/02-13 21:04 | Specielt når det gøres så nydeligt som denne :) |
Herold | Skrevet 06/02-13 23:19 | Alien Breed? To the payment-mobile! | This isn't life in the fast lane. This is life in oncoming traffic.Spiller nu: Left 4 Dead 2
millennium | Skrevet 07/02-13 09:12 | Er det i Alien Breed: Impact, at den klassisk udgave også findes? Eller er det alle tre udgaver? | The medium is the message.
millennium | Skrevet 07/02-13 19:09 | Gimme Turrican, Moonstone, Chaos Engine og IK+ på PSN, takker. | The medium is the message.
Nuclear Deter... | Skrevet 07/02-13 19:16 | Og Shadow of the Beast Trilogy, Super Frog, Battle Squadron, Chuck Rock, Heimdall, James Pond, Premiere, Rick Dangerous etc. | You mechs may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steelSpiller nu: Killer 7
Naiera | Skrevet 07/02-13 20:29 | Perfekt konvertering af Super Frog, ja tak! :) | THERE... ARE... FOUR... LIGHTS!Spiller nu: Octopath Traveler
Naiera | Skrevet 07/02-13 21:53 | Jeg er Mac-only ;)
Jeg har et eksemplar til Amiga 32. Det kørte på en ellers ret besværlig emulator til Xbox. | THERE... ARE... FOUR... LIGHTS!Spiller nu: Octopath Traveler
millennium | Skrevet 08/02-13 13:54 | Jeg skrev med vilje ikke Shadow of the Beast, fordi ... well, ser man bort fra det grafisk awesomeness, så er det propfyldt med hult gameplay, uløselige fælder og trial and error. Men ikke desto mindre ... jeg skam-spillede dem også.
Så pyt da! Beast på PSN, takker. (håber de kan høre os) | The medium is the message.
millennium | Skrevet 09/02-13 17:56 | Man kan næsten kun boot campe på en helt ny mac. Efter noget tid er disken alt for fragmenteret til at lave en Windows partition. | The medium is the message.