flottenheimer | Skrevet 14/11-06 22:14 | Så sker det igen - en ny DC shooter ser dagens lys. Denne gang er det "Last Hope" fra Redspotgames...
- - - klip fra Play-Asia - - -
Last Hope - A New Tactical Shooting Game With Impressive Visuals And Excellent Arcade Gameplay Coming To Dreamcast™
The evil empire is rushing at light-speed across the galaxies, heading towards Mother Earth. Barely 24 hours ago, they penetrated the last defense line of our galaxy, the Arsion Laser Belt. Millions of innocent people perished in outer space colonies. 70% of our fleet was destroyed during first contact. Our intelligence has now extrapolated their arrival within six days. Conventional weapons cannot stop them. Our last hope is in your hands: The Z-42 Warpstar. Warp into their territories and destroy their leader before they reach Earth...
Last Hope is a shooting game with rotating satellite system and heavy influence by tactical game play. Memorizing level architecture and enemy patterns are necessary for further approaching. The satellite and the beam are the most important components of the game mechanics. You have to learn to deal with both techniques in interaction with the other. It is possible to rotate the protection unit in 360° around the playership and to engage it in 8 gradations. Just press "X" to shoot, "R-Trigger" to rotate clockwise and "L-Trigger" to rotate anticlockwise.
The protection unit mainly serves the defense of enemy plasma projectiles and to fire a stronger plasma shot. There are four difficulty settings: very easy, easy, normal and hard. Less experienced players can enjoy the game on very easy and easy, while experienced players will enjoy the game on normal or challenging it on hard. There are a total of 6 stages. These vary from a sandily space laboratory, a channel fulfilled with muddy water, a idyllic landscape with floating continents, a soul melting enemy factory on fire to an eerily and muggy alien stage.
Last Hope is comparable to classics like R-Type and Gradius. Yet it has it's own visual impressive graphic style and fresh game play. It also features a superb 16-bit digital audio soundtrack, which suits perfectly the games atmosphere.
Last Hope has been developed by the small independent game studio "redspotgames" and is expected to be released on Dreamcast*™ in December 2006. The game ships as region free release in a jewel case with white inlay and 12-pages color booklet. The first production run has been confirmed to be limited to only 2,000 units. Don't hesitate and preorder your copy now at US$ 39.99 only.
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Se screenshots m.m. hos Play-Asia.
Last Hope / Play-Asia preorder | · ··~''' Insert coin to continue '''~·· ·
flottenheimer | Skrevet 14/11-06 22:17, rettet 14/11-06 22:18 | Og her er et link til den officielle hjemmeside. Check bl.a. en 2 minutter lang gameplay video af spillet. (spillet findes åbenbart også til NeoGeo AES og NeoGeo CD)
Last Hope HP | · ··~''' Insert coin to continue '''~·· ·
flottenheimer | Skrevet 14/11-06 22:23 | Og der findes sågar også en blog om spillet fra udvikleren selv.
- - - Klip fra Last Hope Blog - - -
As the cartridge done well, we're now preparing a release of Last Hope on NEO·GEO CD and Dreamcast for December 2006.
Both versions will feature a high quality CD Digital Audio soundtrack. Dreamcast version will be a pixel perfect port with scanlines on 240p in progressive mode. Be sure that the game will run on NTSC and PAL systems on 60hz; Region Free. Just like every original Dreamcast game you can play Last Hope without any additional requirements.
Currently we're negotiating with an publisher for world wide release.
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Last Hope Developer Blog | · ··~''' Insert coin to continue '''~·· ·
Naiera | Skrevet 14/11-06 23:17 | Den hopper jeg nok over. Det der R-Type halløj er jo ikke lige mig ;) Men på sin vis interessant har den da altid set ud. | THERE... ARE... FOUR... LIGHTS!