Per S | Skrevet 03/02-06 21:54, rettet 03/02-06 21:58 | Pressemeddelelse fra SONY. Inklusiv den sædvanlige svulstige ordlyd.
Colossal Package for PAL Shadow Launch
- Exclusive packaging and behind-the-scenes content on PAL release
- Stunning site goes live
- Design a Colossus and Win a Trip to Nepal
To celebrate the eagerly anticipated arrival of Shadow of the Colossus™ on shelf this February, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has announced that fans of the art-house work of Fumito Ueda and Kenjj Kaido (the creators of the cult classic ICO) are to benefit from unique packaging and exclusive new content on the PAL release - as well as a dedicated website and an outstanding competition at
Special packaging:
To celebrate the artistic style and delicacy of Shadow of the Colossus, the PAL version of the game is to be released in special cardboard packaging containing four unique postcards depicting magical moments from the game.
Exclusive Content:
Filmed in Japan, the PAL release comes with exclusive to camera interviews with artistic partners and creative directors Ueda and Kaido-san. Three and a half years in production, the interviews offer fans the chance to understand the heritage of Shadow of the Colossus and to see how this massive production was brought together. In addition the disc comes packed with a full image gallery including unseen concept sketches, in game stills and the original game trailer to cult-classic ICO*.
New Website:
Now live at, this is the site for fans of the stunning open landscapes and haunting audio-tracks synonymous with ICO and Shadow of the Colossus. The stylish interface lets you feel the wind in your hair as you are given a special insight into the Colossi, the characters and the world they inhabit. Slowly going live over three phases, fans are encouraged to return to find more exclusive information to become further absorbed into the tale. Ultimately the site gives users a chance to put their questions to Ueda-san with the two best questions going in to a draw to win a signed PlayStation® 2.
Colossal Challenge:
For those with aspirations to become the next art-house designer, will play host to an exclusive Shadow of the Colossus competition to submit designs for a new Colossus. The most inspiring design will be hand chosen by Ueda-san and this talented winner will embark on a once in a lifetime trip for two to Nepal! In addition the site will host an array of in depth interviews and exclusive information on Shadow of the Colossus.
Der er ingen oplysninger om en 50/60Hz funktion i PAL konverteringen. Anmelderkopier er på vej, så det finder vi forhåbentlig ud af hurtigst muligt. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Beano | Skrevet 03/02-06 22:00 | Per S>
To celebrate the artistic style and delicacy of Shadow of the Colossus, the PAL version of the game is to be released in special cardboard packaging containing four unique postcards depicting magical moments from the game.
Fedest... jeg trænger også til nyt grafikkort :) |
King Chaos | Skrevet 03/02-06 22:17 | Ja, og det stunt lavede de også med Ico. Mange blev forvirrede over der nu skulle et nyt grafikkort til deres PS2 |
Zzap! | Skrevet 03/02-06 23:21 | Jeg har selvfølgelig (som alle andre normale mennesker, der kender til spillet) forudbestilt, men der er et rygte om at GR (bladet) vil have noget "fysisk" (som om bladet ikke var det) med om/fra SotC, højst sandsynligt en demo.
Nogen der ved hvornår det udkommer? Onsdag må være sidste chance, ellers er det jo fuldstændig lige meget (for mig i hvert fald). | Born to kill space
TL | Skrevet 04/02-06 19:46 | Beano>
Fedest... jeg trænger også til nyt grafikkort :)
Der står postcards... Ikke grafikkort, som der stod på ICO ;-) | What is it Snake?Spiller nu: Guitar Hero, World Of Warcraft
Beano | Skrevet 04/02-06 20:10 | Det var også det jeg refererede til. Man skal åbenbart skære alt ud i... pap :) |