Per S | Skrevet 05/09-05 10:40 | 5. September 2005 – Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and Namco are pleased to announce the autumn release of the second game in the highly acclaimed Xenosaga series: Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse™ exclusive to the PlayStation®2. Developed by Monolithsoft, Xenosaga Episode II is the second title in the multi-million selling series in Japan and the US.
European gamers will be able to get their hands on a PAL-exclusive special edition version, which includes limited edition packaging plus an exclusive movie-DVD detailing the events leading up to Xenosaga Episode II.
Offering a large number of characters in expansive worlds filled with multiple destinations, Xenosaga Episode II takes players on an epic journey filled with mystery, intrigue and surprise. Taking place 4000 years in the future on many planets throughout space, Shion and KOS-MOS must obtain the original Zohar and face the ultimate challenge of survival. Antagonists believe the Zohar holds the key to unlocking infinite power while others feel the Zohar will unravel the mysteries of the past and save the world from the ethereal alien race, the Gnosis. Driven by an unknown future and their fears of the world, the characters must uncover the mystery surrounding the Miltian Conflict and delve deep into the psyche of others to gain an understanding of the world around them and the events at hand.
Players can customize the abilities of the characters in Xenosaga Episode II to their liking, using more than 100 different skills, to tackle the most difficult of situations. In addition, the game’s battle system utilises combination attacks, a refined boost system, double team attacks and a zone attack/break system to create numerous enemy encounter situations and battles for the skilled player to master.
With over 70 hours of gameplay spread over two DVD’s Xenosaga Episode II features an elite cast of characters, breathtaking graphics and a deep and expansive storyline making it a must have game for any discerning RPG fan. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Sumez | Skrevet 05/09-05 10:52, rettet 05/09-05 10:52 | Nogen forskel fra US-udgaven udover bonus-DVD'en? (og formentlig Pal-o-vision) | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
3of19 | Skrevet 05/09-05 10:55 | Ret pinligt at de forsøger at få PAL spillere til at tro at de får noget specielt ved at inkludere "Xenosaga 1: The Movie" istedet for at udgive spillet herhjemme. Ok man sparer folk 60-80 timer, men de fleste ville nok hellere have haft spillet. |
Sumez | Skrevet 05/09-05 10:56 | Jeg vil egentlig gerne have DVD'en. Godt nok sker der ikke så meget i 1'eren, men det er altid godt at få opsummeret historien. | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
Per S | Skrevet 05/09-05 11:21, rettet 05/09-05 11:23 | For en god ordens skyld tjekkede jeg lige op på om der var en mere præcis dato, men "et sted i oktober" er indtil videre det tætteste jeg kunne få oplyst.
Ingen tekniske oplysninger om PAL konverteringen. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Naiera | Skrevet 05/09-05 14:59 | Det var det. Jeg fik kun to spil-skiver med min.
Jeg synes det er langt ude, at udgive en toer uden at have udgivet etteren, i en serie som Xenosaga. De her spil hører SÅ meget sammen, at man skulle tro det var løgn. Man skal altså ikke spille nummer to, uden at have spillet nummer et. | THERE... ARE... FOUR... LIGHTS!Spiller nu: Octopath Traveler
Tweel | Skrevet 05/09-05 20:27 | Brok, brok, brok, personligt er jeg sikker på at jeg skal købe det når det udkommer her, også selv om jeg har US versionen (inkl. preorder bonus dvd'en) i forvejen. Om ikke andet, så for at støtte de få jap rpger der bliver udgivet her. | "The planet Orrere is mildly notable for Killer Ortibece Gargle Blasters" - Elite
Per S | Skrevet 06/09-05 11:07, rettet 06/09-05 11:18 | Eurogamer har listet d. 28 oktober som release. Problemet er bare at der ikke er en officiel dato.
Pernitten som jeg er, NFI havde jo heller ikke en dato, har jeg ringet til Namco Europe for at få en bekræftelse. Ganske rigtigt er der ikke en officiel dato, den kommer først senere.
Så om d. 28. oktober passer for altså lov til at blæse i vinden indtil det bliver officielt bekræftet. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Per S | Skrevet 09/09-05 18:49 | Fik følgende bekræftigelse fra Namco og fakta om 50/60Hz:
I am pleased to tell you that Xenosaga II will be released in the UK on the 28th October and on the 2nd November for the rest of Europe.
The game will also include a bonus DVD showing movie footage of the story so far, as we were unable to bring Xenosaga I to Europe. The speech will only be in English but there will be options to change the text only into either French or German.
The game is 50hz only as it has been properly optimized.
I hope that you will enjoy the game.
Kind regards,
Namco Ltd., Consumer Division | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded