Per S | Skrevet 18/08-05 19:47 | Konami of Europe has announced that its forthcoming Castlevania®: Curse of DarknessTM for PlayStation®2 and the Xbox® will be released in Q1, 2006.
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness moves away from the series' struggle between Dracula and the heroic Belmont clan. Instead, Curse of Darkness introduces players to an all-new storyline and main character, with the game centering on Hector, a Devil Forgemaster, and former Lieutenant of Dracula. Overseen by series creator and award winning producer Koji Igarashi, this action-packed tale of betrayal and revenge takes players on a journey through an expansive world filled with formidable foes and beautifully rendered environments and eventually into the ruins of Dracula's castle.
Disillusioned with the ideals of his mentor, Hector fled Vallachia to pursue a more normal life, leaving Dracula vulnerable to the Belmonts. Now, three years after Dracula was defeated in battle, the magic power of the curse released upon his death has infected all of Europe. Fueled by revenge for the death of his girlfriend, Hector must battle his way back to the ruins of Dracula's castle, and uncover an intricate web of deception, unaware of the sinister plan that has been orchestrated to lure him home.
Armed with the unique new abilities of Devil Forgery, gamers will be able to call upon trusty allies - 'Innocent Devils' - who will help defeat a variety of powerful enemies. More than 30 evolving allies will develop unique abilities ranging from those that can open heavy doors, to those that can help Hector fly. They will also aid players in conquering various enemies, avoiding perilous traps and solving challenging puzzles. Curse of Darkness will also features stronger RPG and adventure game elements than its predecessors. As players progress through the game and gain experience points, their character's strength will increase, reminiscent of the gameplay found in the critically acclaimed Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
Gamers will also enjoy a wide range of powerful weaponry that allows them to perform unparalleled combo attacks on the deadliest of enemies. As players progress in the game they will uncover an immersive storyline and explore beautifully rendered and expansive environments. Curse of Darkness also features an increased number of unlockable features that are sure to draw players deeper into the Castlevania universe.
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness also continues the series' fine reputation for astounding use of music. Curse of Darkness benefits from an entirely new musical soundtrack scored by Michiru Yamane, and will also mark the first time the series has used a vocal performance in its music. Renowned tenor, Russell Watson, will sing the game's end theme 'True to Your Dreams', providing a suitable high point to the climactic events of the game and adding a new element to the extraordinary soundtrack. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Bede-x | Skrevet 18/08-05 21:31, rettet 18/08-05 21:32 | Hvis der kun er vokal på slutningen, så har de da haft det før...
Der ud over bryder jeg mig ikke om Castlevania i 3D. Konami har nu haft forsøg nok til, at jeg på forhånd må tro, at CoD ikke ændrer min holdning på det punkt.
Det skal selvfølgelig nok få en chance. | Spiller nu: Halo: The Master Chief ..., Dying Light, Earth Defense Force 2025
Sumez | Skrevet 19/08-05 09:02 | Det er vist heller ikke slutningen, de snakker om. SotN havde jo to vokalsange, men de tæller nok ikke.
Og udover den information, tror jeg ikke der er noget i den pressemeddelelse, som ikke er blevet sagt for længe siden. :/ | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
Sumez | Skrevet 07/11-05 12:24 | En del af Soundtracket er udgivet på en gratis promo/sampler, som kan downloades her:
Da jeg ikke regner med at spillet er meget bedre end LoI, var det faktisk primært soundtracket, jeg så frem til. Jeg er desværre temmelig skuffet. Først og fremmest har Yamane på mange af numrene gået over til en meget (power?)metalinspireret lyd, hvilket især høres på det første nummer. Godt nok har CV-soundtracks altid været forholdsvist inspireret af den slags, men der har aldrig været samme niveau af irriterende guitar-riffs og "overspillede" trommer, som hun desværre gør brug af i for mange af de nye sange.
Resten af sangene lader til at primært følge i samme spor som LoI (dog desværre ikke helt så elektronisk), men hun gentager sig selv meget, og de fleste af numrene lyder som noget, man har hørt før, bare uden de indtryk, der gør flere af numrene i både LoI og SotN interessante.
Måske skal jeg bare høre det noget mere, og det er da også et godt soundtrack, jeg havde bare håbet på at hun ville være i stand til at holde niveauet. | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure