Per S | Skrevet 27/05-05 11:15, rettet 27/05-05 11:15 | Race to Save Earth in Worldwide “Halo 2” Tournament Nears Finish Line
Regional finalists named in first global Xbox Live contest
Hellerup, 27 May, 2005 - Qualifying finalists from 22 out of the 24 Xbox® Live™ regions around the globe have been identified and will advance to the championship round in the world’s first global Xbox Live “Halo 2” tournament. The United States and Japan regional contests are currently underway, with the winners being determined by the end of May. The winners from each locality will vie for the honour of being crowned Xbox Live “Halo 2” World Champion, playing entirely online via Xbox Live.
The global championship rounds will be played on Friday, 10 June in double elimination rounds. The 24 regional winners will be sectioned into four pools of six players each. The top three will move on to the next round, while the bottom three from each group will move into a elimination bracket; once a regional champion loses twice, they are eliminated. Each round will last 10 minutes. The final matches will be played on the new “Halo 2” map, Warlock. Local start times for the final rounds will be based on Greenwich Mean Time.
Having all 24 regions participate in one global tournament is a first for Xbox Live, which means that the following gamers are trailblazers in a new era of online gameplay and competition. Because each Xbox Live region was guaranteed a spot in the final round, each country has crowned its own “Halo 2” champion. Below is the list of the Xbox Live regional champions to date:
1. Australia: Cabel
2. Austria: Billykater
3. Belgium: Project BE
4. Canada: I DaMan I
5. Denmark: GermanFreak
6. Finland: Iw1K1LL
7. France: I theos I
8. Germany: Pr0gamer
9. Hong Kong: Runningboy
10.Ireland: TheBar0n
11.Italy: N3LucifeRLS
12.Japan: To be crowned
13.Korea: Oddwing
14.Mexico: MexLoco
15.Netherlands: King Tuur
16.New Zealand: Bob69er nz
17.Norway: ZpiKey
18.Singapore: tidusSG
19.Spain: IlopsI
20.Sweden: Shellman
21.Switzerland: Otcho Boy
22.Taiwan: I Kobegod I
23.United Kingdom: o0Lethal0o
24.United States: To be crowned
The worldwide champion will receive, in addition to the country champion prize package, a 50' Samsung Flat Screen DLP HDTV, a Samsung HighDef DVD Player, a personalized Xbox Live Halo 2 Worldwide Champion Trophy featuring a 24 karat gold Halo 2 game disc, and the local equivalent of $1,500 in cash. | Spiller nu: -, Prince Of Persia: The F..., GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Davali | Skrevet 27/05-05 14:06 | 12. Japan: To be crowned
24. United States: To be crowned
Kan to live brugere godt have det samme navn? |
Kilroy | Skrevet 27/05-05 15:10 | Davali>
12. Japan: To be crowned
24. United States: To be crowned
Kan to live brugere godt have det samme navn?
Det er ellers det vildeste nick. Ærgerligt at det allerede er optaget. To gange;) | Kilroy Was Here
enfen | Skrevet 27/05-05 15:21 | LOL :) | What is the Matrix?
RuneSP | Skrevet 27/05-05 15:24 | hahahaha |
Kilroy | Skrevet 27/05-05 20:36 | Hvad var præmien til landsmestrene? | Kilroy Was Here
Bede-x | Skrevet 08/06-05 20:57, rettet 08/06-05 20:59 | Lig mærke til at folk ikke har spillet rigtig i kampene. De har ladet Terry vinde ved at quitte ud. Det kaldes boosting. Man teamer op med sine venner, joiner det samme spil og aftaler hvem der skal have sejren. De andre quitter ud.
Bemærk hvem kampene er mod. Sammenlign med interviewet: "l terry15 lL: Yes, I'm in two to be exact. My Major League Gaming team, Knightmare, consists of Sickle 9, John8laze, and efface."
Således får man sine venners XP og kommer op over folk som spiller ærligt. | Spiller nu: Halo: The Master Chief ..., Dying Light, Earth Defense Force 2025
Playkid | Skrevet 09/06-05 13:12 | Det latterligste er at nogle af de andre følger med fordi han Terry startede. Det var da noget af en børnehave niveau man skal se fra pro-spillere.
Virkelig sørgeligt. | Spiller nu: Halo 3
Bede-x | Skrevet 10/06-05 00:36, rettet 10/06-05 00:38 |
Lige netop den kamp kan nok ikke bruges til så meget, da Defy og Ronin er på Pacmaynes side. De vil have at Pacmayne vinder, hvilket gør at de ikke spiller for at vinde, men for at sørge for, at Pac får flere kills end Terry.
Det er skam ikke kun Terry som booster. Pacmayne, som mange føler burde vinde, boostede også under turneringen. Han siger selv, at grunden til det var, at Terry startede, hvilket er det med børnehave niveauet Playkid refererer til... | Spiller nu: Halo: The Master Chief ..., Dying Light, Earth Defense Force 2025
NazQuel | Skrevet 10/06-05 10:12 | Hvordan har de afholdt turneringen i USA? siden de går så meget op i det med at booste??
Men hvis pacmayne også booster, så booster vel næsten alle top leaderboards, da de højst sandsynlig kender hinanden..
Er der nogen der ved, hvem der kom med fra Japan? | Vampyrere er ren overtro - ligosom alfer, nisser og eskimoer