Final Fantasy CC

kimmerkimmerSkrevet 09/05-03 10:45 
Puha, lidt skuffende nyt omkring spillet...

Hvis man spiller alene, vil man kun have een person til rådighed, ikke noget med flere forskellige som i Seiken Densetsu 2 + 3. Hvis man så spiller flere, så skal de andre spillere bruge en GBA - de kan ikke bruge GC'ens joypad... :-(

Læs det hele her... (Taget fra cube.ign.com)

May 08, 2003 - Nintendo and Square-Enix will publicly debut Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles at the Electronics Entertainment Expo 2003. But readers won't have to wait quite that long to get the goods on the game. Earlier this evening the two companies held a conference call for select members of the press in which details of the game were fully explained.
A short, but informative question and answer session was also held with game director Akitoshi Kawazu. Following we have a speedy transcription of his thoughts on the game along with his answers to various questions about it.


Mr. Kawazu opened by stating: "I am Akitoshi Kawazu from Game Designer studio and am the producer of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. I think people will find the game to be quite different from all of the FF we've seen up until now. This is a game in which multiple players can participate. I think the interface is quite different, too -- it's a very action-based interface and I think it's going to provide some new flavor to the game.

Developing for the GameCube platform is a new challenge for me; it's something I haven't done before. I am looking forward to how my efforts are received and my fingers are crossed that it goes well.

The game also features a style of play that we've not seen in games in the US or Japan and that is how you connect the GBA to the GameCube and we think the connectivity feature is going to allow for new styles of control in the game.

Unfortunately this year I will not be able to attend E3, but FFCC will be on the show floor and playable, and I would be very happy if you could all check out the game and try it for yourself.

Q: FFCC as you said supports up to four-player simultaneous play. Can you describe some of the elements of that play and how it works with the GBAs?

Kawazu: With the GBA, you actually use that in place of a GCN controller and the GBA essentially acts as a controller for the game. Because each player would have a GBA with their own GBA screen, the GBA screens will have personal information regarding each character on them and we will be using that capability to interact with the standard gameplay.

Q: Please explain the storyline for the game and how it's set up.

Kawazu: Regardless of whether you're playing alone or with four players, you would be playing the same quest and the same story. As for the gameplay style, it is going to be more mission based where you're going from one stage, clearing it, and going onto the next stage. So I think that will provide a different flavor from most of the FF games that we've seen in the past.

Q: Who is composing the music for FFCC and will it support Dolby Surround?

Kawazu: The same composer who did the music for Final Fantasy 11. We are not going to have the game compatible with Dolby Pro Logic II.

Q: How does the battle system work? How do you fight, use magic and items, and things like that?

Kawazu: A very basic battle in the game would be where you face your opponent and swing your weapon to attack. We've also implemented a charge system where you can charge your weapon for more powerful blows. We also have magical attacks. And because this is a multiplayer game, we've also implemented a feature where players can consecutively attack and inflict more damage.

Q: Do you think FFCC will appeal to a different audience than your usual games?

Kawazu: FFCC, I think, has a much higher level of action elements in the gameplay system. I think from that sense it will be easier to pick up and get into the gameplay.

Q: What is the GBA controller there for? Why aren't you just using the GCN controller? And what really does separate CC from other FF titles?

Kawazu: Because this game has a higher level of action than some of our past games, players will not be watching the GBA and playing, but rather the television. Each of the characters will have access to different information and that will appear on the GBA screen. This will introduce different elements of gameplay. A player may have access to information on his GBA and he can choose to share that with his party of keep it to himself.

Q: Is there a lot of FMV or are the cinematics done in real-time?

Kawazu: The cinematics that are in the game are all done in real-time.

Q: When you're playing alone, do you have AI characters in your party or are you simply alone? And how is the multiplayer mode set up? Split-screen?

Kawazu: All of the action, even in multiplayer, will take place on a single-screen -- it will not e split. As a single-player quest, there will be no other AI characters. You will be playing alone. So obviously based on that there will be some adjustments in the game.

Q: Working on this project, how has your relationship with Nintendo been? And what will Game Designer Studio do after this is completed?
Kawazu: [Laughs] I was a little caught off by your question. We have a very good relationship with Nintendo. It has been very supportive. As for our future plans, because we are still in the tail end of development on CC we haven't put forth concrete plans at this point, but I would very much like to continue to work with Nintendo going forward.

Q: If you do not share the info on your GBA with your party, does this have a bearing on the story?

Kawazu: No, there would be no direct affect on the progress of the game if players choose to share or not to share. Obviously though cooperating will help in progressing smoothly through the game.

Q: How does character growth work in the game and are there different classes of characters?

Kawazu: At the outset of the game players would choose from one of four different groupings or alignments and each would have different abilities and strengths with varying weapons and things like that. As for growth, when you go through the game and obtain items, these essentially will add new abilities and things that players can do.

Q: Give us a sense for the scope of the game.

Kawazu: There will definitely be many stages covering many areas -- desert, plains, volcanoes, towns, things like that. So from a scale sense it definitely has what people will be looking for.

Q: CC seems to be a major departure from past FF games. Would you say the game is best suited as a multiplayer title or can it be enjoyed in single-player mode as an action take on the franchise?

Kawazu: You can play the game in single-player or in multiplayer mode and I think players will enjoy both. I think playing with more players will essentially get you to the core and you'll be able to enjoy it more fully. Definitely there are more action elements. The setting for the world is certainly more fantasy like. It is going to be the type of action game that will appeal to final fantasy fans.

Q: Could you explain the magic system? Are there summon monsters and how do they work in the game?

Kawazu: The magic system is based on stones that you will collect. These will give you different spells. Unfortunately, this time there will be no summons. However, because you have multiple players playing simultaneously, you'll be able to combine the individual attacks for greater magical attacks.

Q: Since this is chiefly a multiplayer game, will it have the same length of story as other Final Fantasy games?

Kawazu: I suppose it's true that this game does not have quite the story and dramatic sequences that a game like FF10 might have. But I think that the idea of a FF as an action game will appeal to a lot of people. Our interface is more user friendly and more accessible than some of the other interfaces in FF games, and I think based on that this will appeal to people turned off by the heavy menu-based systems of past FF games.

Q: How have you liked working on the GCN hardware versus working on PS2? And have Miyamoto or Sakaguchi helped in development?

Kawazu: Each hardware system has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. I don't think here is one easier to develop for. GameCube has some very powerful forms of expressing things and we've taken advantage of those. I wouldn't choose one over the other. Miyamoto has been looking at the game and giving us a lot of advice on it. Mr. Sakaguchi actually hasn't looked at the game yet, so I'm hoping to show it to him and surprise him with it.

Q: Will we see cameos from other Final Fantasy games in Crystal Chronicles? Kawazu: [Laughs] That's a good question. Play through the game and see what you can find.

Q: Do you have plans to bundle the game with a GBA link cable? And can you only play with the GBA? Are you concerned this might have a bearing on sales?

Kawazu: For the multiplayer mode, it's true that you do need the GBA to play, but in single-player you can play through using only a Nintendo GameCube controller. As for packing in the cable, we are still considering that. And as for sales, we are still in development of the game so we'll see how that goes.

Q: Multiple players are required then to use the GBA to play? No way to use the GCN controller?

Kawazu: That is correct.

Q: How long is the game?

Kawazu: If you were to just play straight through, there'd be about 30 hours of gameplay. But if you were to travel around and collect everything, it'd be quite a bit more than that.
"So what?" "You try to defeat me with one finger?" "No. I pushed the vital point Gakuchu" "you're already dead"
McPlayboyMcPlayboySkrevet 09/05-03 10:47 
gider jeg fandme ikke læse,er for langt..
NaieraNaieraSkrevet 09/05-03 10:49 
Hvis ikke du har noget fornuftigt at tilføje emnet, bedes du venligst ikke skrive noget i det.

LWSLWSSkrevet 09/05-03 11:58 
FF:CC er en af grundene til at jeg anskaffede mig en Gamecube. Hvis det ikke var for rygtet om FF:CC, ville jeg ikke have haft en NGC og ville ikke have anskaffet Zelda. Når så endelig spillet dukker op, vil det formentlig blegne i forhold til Zelda: WW og de andre FF spil. *suk*
Nå men jeg bliver ved med at håbe på det bedste.
ChronoChronoSkrevet 09/05-03 12:50 
Det lyder jo meget godt, nu håber jeg bare ikke det bliver for meget hack n' slash. Missionbased og realtime lyder jo lidt som Phantasy Star Online..

Sikker på at player-one kan bruge en GameCube-joypad i multiplay? Det kan også forståes som at alle spillere skal bruge en GBA i multiplay.
I can't go fighting evil on an empty stomach, you know!
tastasSkrevet 09/05-03 13:19 
Ud fra de video klips jeg har set fra det i Multi ser det ud som om, at alle er udstyret med en GBA.
Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.Spiller nu: Shadow Complex, Quake Live, StarCraft II: Wings Of ...
jaesjaesSkrevet 09/05-03 14:22 
Hvis de strøer lidt puzzles hist og pist, bliver det sikkert meget fedt, ellers kunne det nemt blive FOR meget et action-RPG
RitesRitesSkrevet 09/05-03 14:41 
Zelda og FF:CC er også grundene, sammmen med et håb om et fedt Mario spil, at jeg købte en 'Cube.
» a winner is you «
Born2PlayBorn2PlaySkrevet 09/05-03 14:44, rettet 09/05-03 15:25 
Det sucks ass! Der går også rygter om at FFX-2 og FF:CC udgives samme dag. Square vil bare have spillet til at faile.

Iøvrigt kan jeg ikke lide trenden hos Nintendo. GBA er efterhånden blevet en nødvendighed, for at nyde Gamecube.
Swine flu for me and you!Spiller nu: Batman: Arkham Asylum
SumezSumezSkrevet 09/05-03 15:29 
Jeg kan ikke se hvad der er så dårligt? Jeg glæder mig fandeme til CC.

Mht. GBA link. Hvis det ikke var for GBA link, var CC aldrig kommet, det går helt tilbage til dengang nyheden kom frem om at Square og Nintendo var sammen igen :)
Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
kimmerkimmerSkrevet 10/05-03 05:36 
Born2Play >
Det sucks ass! Der går også rygter om at FFX-2 og FF:CC udgives samme dag.

Hmm.. det er vist for sent... FFX-2 er jo udkommet :-)
"So what?" "You try to defeat me with one finger?" "No. I pushed the vital point Gakuchu" "you're already dead"
RonaldoRonaldoSkrevet 10/05-03 20:22 
Jeg synts personligt det er lidt dramatisk at man SKAL bruge GBA'er til at styre med, det er vel nok fordi de vil forhindre konstante spil stop fra folk som vil tjekke sine stats og what-ever. Det bliver vel stadig et fedt single-player spil.
Born2PlayBorn2PlaySkrevet 10/05-03 22:44 
Kimmer >
Hmm.. det er vist for sent... FFX-2 er jo udkommet :-)

Ups! Jeg mente:
US releasen af FFX-2 og FF:CC er, ifølge EB games, d. 3/11 2003.
Swine flu for me and you!Spiller nu: Batman: Arkham Asylum
Born2PlayBorn2PlaySkrevet 14/05-03 15:36 
Fra Ign:

"One thing in particular must be cleared up: players are not required to use a GBA system to play Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles in its current form. In the private hands-on playtest that we experienced, only three GBA SP systems were available, thus a Nintendo representative was forced to plug in a standard GCN controller to join the party."
Swine flu for me and you!Spiller nu: Batman: Arkham Asylum
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