Og så er der lige en længere (mildt sagt) smøre fra XMX på GameFaqs:
-- There is an in-game pic that shows a knight on his steed staring in the distance with one of the most breath-taking sights I have ever seen, to detail it would be that it has the most incredibly expanse draw distance I have ever seen in a game (better than FarCry) and there are massive scale mountains that it says you can ride your horse to the very top (wonder if the horse riding is going to be 1st person or 3rd like halo, or both… either way
-- There are no specific consoles that it will be on as of right now (meaning it might change) Bethesda might have gotten the Xenon Dev kits but GI doesn’t know for sure because they were not allowed in that certain area (meaning basically they do have it) and Bethesda commented on the fact that they don’t have a dev kit for PS3 or Nintendo Revolution so they will judge the other systems based on how they play and there specs to see how they are
-- QUOTE: “If and when Oblivion comes to PS3, there is no telling how it will look” (good or bad thing)
-- Current release date is Winter 2005
- You will be able to train with your weapons on combat dummies that physically take damage with any of the weapons in the game
-- A small bit of the weapon selection as of now is Swords, Axes, Maces, Daggers, and Bows (which implies there is more than that)
-- According to Todd Howard they are trying to make the game as appealing to mainstream gamers as possible without alienating the hardcore players that prefer more complex RPG's (maybe good or bad)
-- They say the game is very very large, but (sadly) it will be smaller than Morrowind for two reasons \/
(Stated by Todd Howard)
A. "Budgets and schedules for games will not change much while the enhanced graphics will require more development time
B. "It’s a fact that, statistically, gamers prefer shorter games, and often do not finish more involved titles
-- They go on to say that this will still be the most Expansive game on the next-gen market
-- Will be unlike the conventional RPG in which the combat outcome does not depend on the luck of “dice rolls”
-- The damage that you dole out will be determined by your strength, your opponent’s armor, and the attack you unleash
-- Your opponents will block and dodge, so taking down an enemy is entirely on the player’s shoulders
-- To make this more mainstream appealing(?) they have made most of the tedious aspects of Morrowind fun (Lock picking, mixing potions, and forging armor for example are going to be done through a mini game of sorts and)
-- Still made for the 1st person player there are options for both 3rd person and 1st person (like Morrowind), while also saying that the "combat is visceral and bloody”, and that it is designed to recall intense swordplay seen in movies like LoTR and Brave heart. Not to mention the fact that they said, “The combat will be every bit exiting as a FPS"
-- More than 1000 NPC’s that are all unique and full dialogue for each due to the interaction and CS's amazing capabilities
-- There are expansive forest regions that are the most breath taking of them all, if only you could see the screen, but they are packed with almost photorealistic trees and at least a thousand slivers of grass
-- CS program is slated to be included with the PC version and maybe even the Consoles if they have that sort of capability
-- All NPC's have a basic day to day schedule so they go to sleep, shop, and even if a poor guy that can’t afford food wants food enough, he will steal from some one, maybe even you
Part II
-- You can still kill anyone in sight, and Guards still come but since you are in the capital province of Tamriel (or whatever) there’s a strong difference in the way the guards react
-- The guards will pursue NPC's that have committed a crime an give them a royal ass kicking
-- Game focuses on growth of your character (you still make your own of course) and the missions can be tackled from many different ways
-- Here’s another quote "The elder scrolls games are about freedom, and oblivion takes that freedom to a whole new level ~~~ The combat is a much bigger focus than in the earlier games"
-- Characters will converse in free flowing non scripted discussions that are possible due to this new CS
-- Character animation will be among the best ever seen with facial expressions representing what they are talking about and if they hate you they will greet you with a dark scold, while if they like you you’ll get a great big smile
-- NPCS maybe even age (shows a pic of a woman, then another with a caption saying it’s the same woman but in the CS all they did is use a slider to change her age in which she looks very aged compared to the younger looking one
- This is the most capable CS so far and runs on the havok physics engine
-- GI claims it has the most realistic lighting possible
-- When you see the GI pics and can’t believe your eyes, don’t act like they are CGI or FMV, but all pics are in game
-- There is going to be a castle and from the pic it is the most astonishing screen I have ever seen
-- Takes place in Cyrodiil, here’s a quote from GI "the world of Tamriel is a beautiful place: these are, without a doubt, the most amazing graphics the console gaming world has ever seen (look better than doom from the pics I saw)
-- Oblivion will function as a "fantasy world simulator" and wants to recreate such beautiful vibrancy as LoTR, and with these graphics being the best I have ever seen I would guess they will do just that
-- Either on foot or on HORSE BACK, players can explore a huge exterior world that looks shockingly real
-- They mention the new Construction Set which has supposedly like best AI ever in which It has created and rendered most things in which after words they hand touch every thing else
Part III
-- NOTE: as I said about the NPC's earlier and how they sleep, shop and so on, here is a couple of other things they mentioned that I didn’t.... Explore, Eat, Report for work, and none of this is scripted, this is supposedly the new development CS at work
-- Attacks will be mapped to right trigger block on left for Xenon (or whatever you want to call the damn thing) hitting trigger does basic swipes, while holding the trigger down and press a direction you perform a power swing, each different direction is a different attack for both basic and power swing. And there are special attack abilities
-- Magic features 6 schools (how many Morrowind had escapes me at the moment, seeing as I haven’t played the damn thing forever) but all the ones mentioned are all in Morrowind so no new schools of magic.... yet
-- Schools of magic are
- Destruction
- Mysticism
- Restoration
- Conjuration
- Alteration
- Illusion
-- You can combine said magic for different effects and can create custom spells
-- Can join any/all of the following guilds, each with unique quests
---- > Fighters Guild
---- > Mages Guild
---- > Thieves Guild
---- > The Dark Brotherhood Guild
---- > Arena Guild
---- > The Nine Divines Guild
-- Can become the leader of every faction during the course of one game all at the same time. Unlike factions in Morrowind where you could only get in all by cheating, while in Oblivion you will be able to do all without doing anything special to the game
-- Fighters/Mages Guild = Noble (Quests like Morrowind’s)
-- Thieves Guild = Sinister (Quests like Morrowind’s)
-- Arena Guild = Focus on Gladiatorial Combat (Quests ??)
-- The Nine Divines = Religious order for Monks (?? Quests)
-- Dark Brotherhood = Sinister (?? Quests)
- Judging from pics there are some sweet monsters in store, ranging from a Sweet dragon-esc type of monster to a Minotaur that was said to look so real that it could have come from the real world and many, many others
- Over 40 types of said monsters such as goblins, skeletons, real world animals (like deer and horses which you can ride) and a very wide selection of the demons from Oblivion
- Mentions that there will be massive conventional boss battles
- And to end it all, it says you will go through subterranean dungeons, ancient ruins, cities/towns that will have you teeming with people going about their daily lives, churches, and castles
- QUOTE: "You will experience a truly living; breathing world brought to life through cutting edge technology that will power the games of tomorrow." |