Born2Play | Skrevet 12/06-04 19:51 | Q&A med Tecmo's head ninja.
Q: How do you feel about the industry's current dependency on sequels?
A: The end result of a game reflects the intelligence level of the person(s) who created that game.
That should set the tone...
Ask Itagaki #2 | Swine flu for me and you!Spiller nu: Batman: Arkham Asylum
Naiera | Skrevet 12/06-04 20:20 | Så Itagakis IQ er altså på niveau med den der findes hos Junior Bush? | THERE... ARE... FOUR... LIGHTS!Spiller nu: Octopath Traveler
kidcaffeine | Skrevet 12/06-04 21:59 | Du er en vred ung mand, Naiera ;) |
Valkyrie | Skrevet 12/06-04 22:06 | *Tænker på DOA Beach vollyball*
Det er vel ikke engang morsomt! Nogen der har hørt om hans lille anfald, på en reviewer på E3, fra Gamepro - Fordi gamepro ikke kunne lide Ninja Gaiden?!
Jeg synes han bliver mere og mere latterlig at høre på!
-Val | Well crucify the insincere tonight...
crying out | Skrevet 12/06-04 22:19 | Naiera>
Så Itagakis IQ er altså på niveau med den der findes hos Junior Bush?
he he - én mere, der ikke kan vente med at se farenheit 9/11 ?
... er enig i dine betragtninger vedr. J.W.B.
(ot. 'Canadian bacon' er iøvrigt den ultimative Michael Moore film!) | Jusqu'a ici tout va bien....
Okotta | Skrevet 12/06-04 23:51 | Naiera>
Så Itagakis IQ er altså på niveau med den der findes hos Junior Bush?
Næppe - han synes sikkert bare at den stride strøm af FF sequels, er ved at være belastende. | Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I
Dark Helmet | Skrevet 13/06-04 00:43 | crying out>
he he - én mere, der ikke kan vente med at se farenheit 9/11 ?
Micheal Moore er en helt!
Er lige blevet færdig med 'Dude where is my country?'
Rystende læsning!
Ps. Jeg ved det ikke rigtig har noget med tråden her at gøre, men må lige kommentere når en fellow micheal moore fan viser sig :) | Dark Helmet: I knew it. I'm surrounded by Assholes.. (pulls helmet down) Keep firing Assholes!!!
Born2Play | Skrevet 13/06-04 00:52 | Valkyrie>
Jeg synes han bliver mere og mere latterlig at høre på!
Hans kommentar vedr. Silent Hill udvikleren er en klassiker :-) | Swine flu for me and you!Spiller nu: Batman: Arkham Asylum
Naiera | Skrevet 13/06-04 01:17, rettet 13/06-04 01:19 | Okotta>
Næppe - han synes sikkert bare at den stride strøm af FF sequels, er ved at være belastende.
Æhh, manden er direktør (så vidt jeg har forstået) for det firma der er skyld i Dead Or Alive-serien. Det inkluderer så altså DOA Volleyball-tingen.
Man skal ikke kaste med sten, når man selv bor i et glashus... | THERE... ARE... FOUR... LIGHTS!Spiller nu: Octopath Traveler
Sumez | Skrevet 13/06-04 03:38 | Itagi er jo ret kendt for provokerende udtalelser i interviews. Det er derfor, han er så populær. Det virker.
Hvis bare der var mere bag det end markedsføring, ville jeg synes det var fedt.
Så hellere ham galningen fra Compile, der render rundt og cosplayer som Satan fra (hans eget) Puyo Puyo. | Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
Valkyrie | Skrevet 13/06-04 10:59 | I et gammelt DOA3 inteview... Namco bashing:
"IGNXbox: Well, it's certainly looking that way. On that note, I have to mention the competition - Tekken 4 and Virtua Fighter 4. I'm sure you've had a chance to see both titles in arcades, so what do you think of them and out of both titles, which one is the better one?
TI: Well, Virtua Fighter 4 is the better game to me - I would pay money to actually buy Virtua Fighter 4. Tekken 4, even if someone paid me, I wouldn't play it! Let me explain my reasons why.
SEGA, of course, their infrastructure allows them to support hardware and software exceptionally. Virtua Fighter 4, as a fighting game, is a good game and my overall respect for it, in its detail and the overall gameplay, is high though I feel Virtua Fighter 4 plays a bit too identical to its previous versions. The hardcore gamers will realize that the card system [of VF4] idea originally came from Dead Or Alive 2: Hardcore's User Profile System. I really don't care about SEGA using my idea especially with a company that has a good infrastructure that allows them to provide this [the VF4 card system] for the gamer. I think it's a good thing - it's a game that the players out there need. Of course, I'm referring to the arcade version and I'm not sure if the US version or console version have the same things. I respect the overall content of the game from the outside though from the inside, the game isn't really up to par. The game was made very conservatively and it's kinda old. But again, I can excuse that because the game carries tradition. In terms of the actual gameplay, they failed with VF3 so they went back to VF2 and used that as guide for VF4. From that perspective, I'm a little bit disappointed in VF4.
The content for Tekken 4, the inside, is very incomplete and as everyone knows, Tekken is a 2D game. So the fact that everyone has been saying that, they're not really happy about that. For that reason, they've tried to change that feeling with Tekken 4 and truly make it 3D. But I can see that it's a failure. Would you like to hear why?
IGNXbox: I'm sure all our devoted readers would love to hear.
TI: (smiles) If Namco listens to what I'm about to say, they'll be able to make better games in the future. The attacks in Tekken 4 are made possible only because of the 2D nature of the game. Unless they change that basic motion, you'll never be able make a game that feels like you're in a 3D environment. I don't know, maybe it's by accident that we released the title around the same time on the same platform [DOA2: Hardcore and Tekken Tag Tournament on PS2], but I did my research on that game quite thoroughly. And I was quite surprised and shocked at the lack of motion in the title. For instance, the lack of distance of a certain move, or just movement in general, is very limited. The way they made the game look better was to keep the action moving forward and combinations of forward motions with flashy effects, they - in essence - cheated players in making the game look better than it actually was. So, I said to myself, if I were to make a sequel to Tekken, what would I do? First off, the game has to increase its motion capabilities to make the game more realistic.
In our game, we have huge environments yet there are a lot beautiful things packed in there, but if they were to maintain their style of forward movement and motion and make their environments as big and 3D as ours, their stages would be bland, plain, and flat. As a result, from an artistic point of view, the game is a bomb. So, for them to increase their level of artistic quality and the feel of realism, they basically reprogram the motion and everything from scratch. But I'm assuming they didn't have the ability to do that, so that's why they just switch the background. The small stages make the level of the game very low. So, I guess to compensate for that, they made an airport as a fighting stage. Do you think your reader's will feel that's an appropriate background for a fighting game in 2001, especially after seeing what we've done? Team Ninja wouldn't even use a stage like that for our games, even if it were for testing purposes! My main purpose is to create a fighting game so I don't want to focus too much on the backgrounds but it's also important to have a realistic motion and moves and to do that, they have to incorporate more realistic backgrounds. As one of the major developers that are trying to make the fighting genre grow in the industry, to see a game like Tekken 4 is a major disappointment; a game like Tekken 4 will "stunt the growth" of this genre as a whole. If Namco is serious about making a 3D game, they need to redo their game from scratch and if they're not willing to do that, they should go back to doing 2D games. Which reminds me (starts laughing), I guess they're bringing out Tekken on the GBA and it's looking pretty good on that system.
Hehe inteview.. memories... snøft:D | Well crucify the insincere tonight...
Okotta | Skrevet 13/06-04 12:31 | Naiera>
Æhh, manden er direktør (så vidt jeg har forstået) for det firma der er skyld i Dead Or Alive-serien. Det inkluderer så altså DOA Volleyball-tingen.
Bare fordi du ikke kan li' Team Ninja's spil, så er der ingen grund til at sammenligne Itagaki med Bush Junior - det er nærmest usigeligt langt ude.
Personligt glæder jeg mig over, at Tecmo og Team Ninja er så gode udgivere og udviklere, at de er i stand til at udgive og lave gode spil, som bevæger sig indenfor helt forskellige genrer, istedetfor at malke en given ditto, indtil der ikke er mere interessant at komme efter.
Fatal Frame, Rygar, DOA 3, DOA X BV, Ninja Gaiden. Sådan et mangfoldigt CV, er der ikke mange andre next gen udviklere / udgivere, som kan bryste sig af; At være repræsenteret indenfor survival horror, action, fighter, og volleyball (selvom volleyball delen endda ikke er DOA X's main feature, men stadig så god at den gør mange andre spil til skamme, i denne kategori), samt at gøre det med bravour - det fortjener kudos i min bog. | Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I
Okotta | Skrevet 13/06-04 12:33, rettet 13/06-04 12:34 | Valkyrie>
Det er vel ikke engang morsomt! Nogen der har hørt om hans lille anfald, på en reviewer på E3, fra Gamepro - Fordi gamepro ikke kunne lide Ninja Gaiden?!
Nok nærmere fordi Gamepro's anmelder ikke kunne finde ud af Ninja Gaiden.
Det kræver jo visse skills at spille det spil. | Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I
Naiera | Skrevet 13/06-04 12:36 | Okotta>
Bare fordi du ikke kan li' Team Ninja's spil, så er der ingen grund til at sammenligne Itagaki med Bush Junior - det er nærmest usigeligt langt ude.
Jeg synes lige du skal tage en slapper. Jeg kan godt lide at gøre brug af ironi og humor i mine indlæg, selvom jeg til dels mener hvad jeg skrev har en smule sandhed i sig, når han jo ER skyld i "spil" som DOA-X... | THERE... ARE... FOUR... LIGHTS!Spiller nu: Octopath Traveler
RJK | Skrevet 13/06-04 12:41, rettet 13/06-04 12:41 | Okotta>
Fatal Frame, Rygar, DOA 3, DOA X BV, Ninja Gaiden. Sådan et mangfoldigt CV, er der ikke mange andre next gen udviklere / udgivere, som kan bryste sig af
Ja, det er fantastisk. Især mangfoldigheden i figurgalleriet i Team Ninjas spil i denne generation tager kegler...
(Mand, hvor er vi forudsigelige...) | »This Is Beginning Of A Fantastic Story«Spiller nu: Fire Emblem: Three Hous..., Hellblade: Senua's Sacr..., Fire Emblem Fates
Okotta | Skrevet 13/06-04 12:46 | Naiera>
Jeg synes lige du skal tage en slapper. Jeg kan godt lide at gøre brug af ironi og humor i mine indlæg, selvom jeg til dels mener hvad jeg skrev har en smule sandhed i sig, når han jo ER skyld i "spil" som DOA-X...
En slapper? I dette her svar demonstrerer du også dit kendskab (samt mange timer i selskab med, således du er i stand til at udtale dig om det) til DOA X, så næh....det vil jeg ikke.
Men jeg håber da du mente det ironisk - din Junior Bush sammenligning, that is; Og jeg fornemmer at vi egentligt er ret enige, når det kommer til Galningen fra Texas. | Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I
Okotta | Skrevet 13/06-04 12:49 | RJK>
Ja, det er fantastisk. Især mangfoldigheden i figurgalleriet i Team Ninjas spil i denne generation tager kegler...
Du sku' istedet ta' og gå mere op i spillene, end i nogle figurgallerier. | Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I
Sephiroth | Skrevet 13/06-04 15:21, rettet 13/06-04 15:25 | Efter min mening er karakter designet en meget vigtig del af et spil. Det er problemet med langt størstedelen af vestlige spil, vis karakter designs ofte er fuldstædig blottet for fantasi. Et par gode eksempler kunne være Sudeki, Halo og Dead to Rights... jeg kunne blive ved.
Tecmo/Team Ninja er nu heller ikke for originale. | Spiller nu: Catherine, Beyond Good & Evil HD
Okotta | Skrevet 13/06-04 15:45 | Jeg er enig - karakterdesignet ER en vigtig del i spildesign.
Af samme grund foretrækker jeg klart persongalleriet i f.eks Halo, fremfor ditto i typiske japanske spil; I disse spil kan man seriøst snakke om stereotyper.
Japanske spil ynder især at have deres versioner af vestlige stereotyper, og det er ikke altid kønt at se på.
Zelda's persongalleri kan jeg li', men ellers synes jeg de fleste japanske spil-figurer, klart tangerer den vestlige fremstilling af disse. | Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I
Born2Play | Skrevet 13/06-04 17:49 | Valkyrie>
I et gammelt DOA3 inteview... Namco bashing
Jeg er 100% enig. Havde han derimod snakket SC serien, så... | Swine flu for me and you!Spiller nu: Batman: Arkham Asylum
SeventhSun | Skrevet 14/06-04 13:22, rettet 14/06-04 13:22 | Ah ok - jeg forstod karakterdesign, som noget bredere end kun hvordan figurerne ser ud.
I den sammenhæng synes jeg nu ikke Sudeki er nogen skurk.
Sandt de har ikke gjort nogle kreative landvindinger, men hvor mange fantasy/RPG spil gør det?
Diablo er i mine øjne ikke noget dårligere spil, selvom det bygger på alle klichéerne.
Egentlig synes jeg også, at Master Chief er rimelig unik.
Men det er jo alt i alt et spørgsmål om smag/opfattelse, og jeg går ikke SÅ meget op i figurenes udseende.
Lad os bare blive enige om at Sudeki ser spændende ud, og jeg glæder mig til at prøve det :-) | forude venter en teknisk og videnskabelig triumfSpiller nu: Horizon: Zero Dawn, Legend Of Zelda, The: B..., Plants Vs. Zombies: Gar...