WWF Wrestlefest
Dip Switch 1:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Item
Coin 1 & 2
off off * 1 coin 1 play
on off 1 coin 2 play
off on 2 coin 1 play
on on 3 coin 1 play
Continue Price
on without continue price
off * with continue price
Sound for Demo
off * sound
on no sound
Screen Invert
off * normal
on invert
F.B.I. Logo
off * yes
on no
Regain Power Price
on no
off * yes
Buy-in Price
on without buy-in price
off * with buy-in price
* Factory Setting
1) Without continue price: the continue price for the game is the same as
the starting price for the game (ON).
2) With continue price: the continue price for the game is always one
coin (OFF)*
3) Regain Power, (ON), the price to regain power is the same sas the starting
price for the game.
4) Regain Power, (OFF), the price to regain power is always one coin.*
5) Without buy-in price, (ON), the buy-in price for the game is the same
as the starting price for the game.
6) With buy-in price, (OFF), the price to buy-in is always one coin.*
* Recommended Factory Setting
Dip Switch 2:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Item
Degree of difficulty
off off * normal (2)
on off easy (1)
off on difficult (3)
on on most difficult (4)
Setting Select
off off * 4-play setting
on off * 3-play setting
off on * 2-play setting
Clear Stage Power Up
off off * 24
on off 32
off on 12
on on 0
Championship Games
off * 5th
on 4th
Not used
* Factory Setting
* Clear stage power-up gives players additional points when stage is cleared.