

240p60Hz2.0 Stereo

Developer Strata
Publisher Incredible Technologies
Edition US
Genre Sports game
Players 1
Links GameFAQs, KLOV
Shuffleshot v1.37                               DIP Switch-1
    DipSwitch Title   |     Function       | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
      Operation       | Operator Mode Menu |off|           |
                      |  Normal Game Play  |on |           |*
     Always "ON"      |  Freeze Picture    |   |off|       |
                      | Normal Game Play   |   |on |       |*
   Monitor Mounting   |      Mirrored      |       |off|   |
                      |       Normal       |       |on |   |*
     Always "ON"      |  Unknown / Unused  |           |on |*

Shuffleshot v1.39                               DIP Switch-1
    DipSwitch Title   |     Function       | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
      Operation       | Operator Mode Menu |off|           |
                      |  Normal Game Play  |on |           |*
     Always "ON"      |  Unknown / Unused  |   |on |       |*
    Cabinet Type      |      Cocktail      |       |off|   |
                      |      Upright       |       |on |   |*
     Always "ON"      |  Unknown / Unused  |           |on |*

* Denotes Factory Defualts

For ALL the Shuffleshot series:

DIP Switch-2  Switches #1 and #2 MUST be "ON"
              Switches #3 and #4 MUST be "OFF"