Shuffleshot v1.37 DIP Switch-1
DipSwitch Title | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Operation | Operator Mode Menu |off| |
| Normal Game Play |on | |*
Always "ON" | Freeze Picture | |off| |
| Normal Game Play | |on | |*
Monitor Mounting | Mirrored | |off| |
| Normal | |on | |*
Always "ON" | Unknown / Unused | |on |*
Shuffleshot v1.39 DIP Switch-1
DipSwitch Title | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Operation | Operator Mode Menu |off| |
| Normal Game Play |on | |*
Always "ON" | Unknown / Unused | |on | |*
Cabinet Type | Cocktail | |off| |
| Upright | |on | |*
Always "ON" | Unknown / Unused | |on |*
* Denotes Factory Defualts
For ALL the Shuffleshot series:
DIP Switch-2 Switches #1 and #2 MUST be "ON"
Switches #3 and #4 MUST be "OFF"