Ninja Spirit
(AKA Saigo No Nindou)
Developer |
Irem |
Publisher |
Irem |
Class |
Irem M72 |
Also for |
Amiga, Amstrad, Atari ST... |
Dips Switch Set #1
Switches #1 & #2 control the number of players
1 2
OFF OFF = Normal (3 players?) [I cannot verify at present, no game
ON OFF = (Normal - 1) players (2 players?)
OFF ON = (Normal + 1) players (4 players?)
ON ON = (Normal + 2) players (5 players?)
Switch #3 controls the general game difficulty
OFF = Normal
ON = Difficult
Switch #4 either is another difficulty setting or is unknown
Recommendation: leave OFF
Switches #5 & #6 control Coin Selector A settings
(There are two coin modes, mode A and mode B.
In "A" Mode, coin switches A and B share a common setting.
In "B" Mode, they can be set differently.)
(Dip Switch #3 of Dip Switch Set #2 Controls Coin Mode)
("B" mode)
5 6
OFF OFF = 1 Coin = 1 Credit
ON OFF = 2 Coins = 1 Credit
OFF ON = 3 Coins = 1 Credit
ON ON = 5 Coins = 1 Credit
Switches #7 & #8 control Coin Selector B settings
("B" Mode)
7 8
OFF OFF = 1 Coin = 2 credits
ON OFF = 1 Coin = 3 Credits
OFF ON = 1 Coin = 5 Credits
ON ON = 1 Coin = 6 Credits
In "A" Mode,
5 6 7 8
OFF OFF OFF OFF = 1 coin = 1 credit
ON OFF OFF OFF = 2 coins = 1 credit
OFF ON OFF OFF = 3 coins = 1 credit
ON ON OFF OFF = 4 coins = 1 credit
OFF OFF ON OFF = 5 coins = 1 credit
ON OFF ON OFF = 6 coins = 1 credit
OFF ON ON OFF = 1 coin = 2 credits
ON ON ON OFF = 1 coin = 3 credits
OFF OFF OFF ON = 1 coin = 4 credits
ON OFF OFF ON = 1 coin = 5 credits
OFF ON OFF ON = 1 coin = 6 credits
ON ON OFF ON = 2 coins = 3 credits
OFF OFF ON ON = 3 coins = 2 credits
ON OFF ON ON = 5 coins = 3 credits
OFF ON ON ON = 8 coins = 3 credits
Dip Switch Set #2
Switch #1 controls monitor inversion
OFF = Normal Picture
ON = Invert Picture
Switch #2 controls cabinet type
OFF = CT mode
ON = UR mode
Switch #3 Controls Coin Selector Mode
OFF = Mode "A" (Common coin switches)
ON = Mode "B" (Separate coin switches)
Switch #4 Controls Demo Sound
OFF = Demo Sound Enabled
ON = Demo Sound Disabled
Switch #5 Controls Game Continuation Allowance
OFF = Game Continue Allowed
ON = Game Continue Disallowed
Switch #6 Controls Screen Pause
OFF = Game Operates Normally
ON = Freezes the Game Display
Push 2 Player Start Button to Pause
Push 1 Player Start Button to Resume
Switch #7 Controls No-Death Mode (Player becomes invincible)
OFF = Normal
On = No-Death Mode
Switch #8 either activates the test mode or has no function.
Recommedation: All switches OFF except Switch #2 of Dip Set #2 (for UR