Ninja Spirit


240p60Hz1.0 Mono

(AKA Saigo No Nindou)
Developer Irem
Publisher Irem
Class Irem M72
Also for
Amiga, Amstrad, Atari ST...
Amiga, Amstrad, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Game Boy, PC Engine
Genre Fighting game
Players 1
Links GameFAQs, KLOV
Dips Switch Set #1

Switches #1 & #2 control the number of players

 1   2

OFF OFF = Normal (3 players?) [I cannot verify at present, no game
ON  OFF = (Normal - 1) players (2 players?)
OFF ON  = (Normal + 1) players (4 players?)
ON  ON  = (Normal + 2) players (5 players?)

Switch #3 controls the general game difficulty

OFF = Normal
ON  = Difficult

Switch #4 either is another difficulty setting or is unknown

Recommendation: leave OFF

Switches #5 & #6 control Coin Selector A settings

(There are two coin modes, mode A and mode B.
 In "A" Mode, coin switches A and B share a common setting.
 In "B" Mode, they can be set differently.)

(Dip Switch #3 of Dip Switch Set #2 Controls Coin Mode)

("B" mode)

 5   6

OFF OFF = 1 Coin  = 1 Credit
ON  OFF = 2 Coins = 1 Credit
OFF ON  = 3 Coins = 1 Credit
ON  ON  = 5 Coins = 1 Credit

Switches #7 & #8 control Coin Selector B settings

("B" Mode)

 7   8

OFF OFF = 1 Coin  = 2 credits
ON  OFF = 1 Coin  = 3 Credits
OFF ON  = 1 Coin  = 5 Credits
ON  ON  = 1 Coin  = 6 Credits

In "A" Mode, 

 5   6   7   8

OFF OFF OFF OFF = 1 coin  = 1 credit
ON  OFF OFF OFF = 2 coins = 1 credit
OFF ON  OFF OFF = 3 coins = 1 credit
ON  ON  OFF OFF = 4 coins = 1 credit
OFF OFF ON  OFF = 5 coins = 1 credit
ON  OFF ON  OFF = 6 coins = 1 credit
OFF ON  ON  OFF = 1 coin  = 2 credits
ON  ON  ON  OFF = 1 coin  = 3 credits
OFF OFF OFF ON  = 1 coin  = 4 credits
ON  OFF OFF ON  = 1 coin  = 5 credits
OFF ON  OFF ON  = 1 coin  = 6 credits
ON  ON  OFF ON  = 2 coins = 3 credits
OFF OFF ON  ON  = 3 coins = 2 credits
ON  OFF ON  ON  = 5 coins = 3 credits
OFF ON  ON  ON  = 8 coins = 3 credits

Dip Switch Set #2

Switch #1 controls monitor inversion

OFF = Normal Picture
ON  = Invert Picture

Switch #2 controls cabinet type

OFF = CT mode
ON  = UR mode

Switch #3 Controls Coin Selector Mode

OFF = Mode "A" (Common coin switches)
ON  = Mode "B" (Separate coin switches)

Switch #4 Controls Demo Sound

OFF = Demo Sound Enabled
ON  = Demo Sound Disabled

Switch #5 Controls Game Continuation Allowance

OFF = Game Continue Allowed
ON  = Game Continue Disallowed

Switch #6 Controls Screen Pause

OFF = Game Operates Normally
ON  = Freezes the Game Display
      Push 2 Player Start Button to Pause
      Push 1 Player Start Button to Resume

Switch #7 Controls No-Death Mode (Player becomes invincible)

OFF = Normal
On  = No-Death Mode

Switch #8 either activates the test mode or has no function.

Recommedation: All switches OFF except Switch #2 of Dip Set #2 (for UR