Cosmic Cop


480p60Hz2.0 Stereo

(AKA Gallop: Armed Police Unit)
Developer Irem
Publisher Irem
Class Irem M84
Edition US, JP
Genre Shooting game
P.O.V. Sideview auto horizontal scroll
Series R-Type
Players 2
Links Wikipedia, GameFAQs, KLOV
Cosmic Cop
    DipSwitch Title   | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
                      |     3    |off|off|                       |*
     Players Count    |     2    |on |off|                       |
                      |     4    |off|on |                       |
                      |     5    |on |on |                       |
                      |  Normal  |       |off|off|               |*
      Difficulty      |   Easy   |       |on |off|               |
                      |   Hard   |       |off|on |               |
                      | Hardest  |       |on |on |               |
   Unused - Do NOT change                        |off|           |*
    Allow Continue    |   Yes    |                   |off|       |*
                      |    No    |                   |on |       |
      Demo Sounds     |   Off    |                       |off|   |*
                      |    On    |                       |on |   |
      Test Mode       |  Normal  |                           |off|*
                      |   Test   |                           |on |

    DipSwitch Title   | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
      Screen Flip     |  Normal  |off|                           |*
                      |  Reverse |on |                           |
                      | Cocktail |       |off|off|               |*
    Cabinet Type      | Upright A|       |on |off|               |
                      | Upright B|       |off|on |               |
      Coin Mode       |  Mode 1  |           |off|               |*
                      |  Mode 2  |           |on |               |
                      | 1cn/1pl  |               |off|off|off|off|*
                      | 2cn/1pl  |               |on |off|off|off|
                      | 3cn/1pl  |               |off|on |off|off|
                      | 4cn/1pl  |               |on |on |off|off|
                      | 5cn/1pl  |               |off|off|on |off|
                      | 6cn/1pl  |               |on |off|on |off|
                      | 1cn/2pl  |               |off|on |on |off|
      Coin Mode 1     | 1cn/3pl  |               |on |on |on |off|
                      | 1cn/4pl  |               |off|off|off|on |
                      | 1cn/5pl  |               |on |off|off|on |
                      | 1cn/6pl  |               |off|on |off|on |
                      | 2cn/3pl  |               |on |on |off|on |
                      | 3cn/2pl  |               |off|off|on |on |
                      | 4cn/3pl  |               |on |off|on |on |
                      | 2S / 1c  |               |off|on |on |on |#
                      |   Free   |               |on |on |on |on |
             |        | 1cn/1pl  |               |off|off|       |*
             | Coin A | 2cn/1pl  |               |on |off|       |
             |        | 3cn/1pl  |               |off|on |       |
             |        | 5cn/1pl  |               |on |on |       |
 Coin Mode 2 |----------------------------------------------------
             |        | 1cn/2pl  |                       |off|off|*
             | Coin B | 1cn/3pl  |                       |on |off|
             |        | 1cn/5pl  |                       |off|on |
             |        | 1cn/6pl  |                       |on |on |

* Denotes Factory Defualts
# 2S / 1C = 2 Coins to Start, 1 Coin to Continue

Upright A: Single Player Controls (Alternating Play)
Upright B: Dual Player Controls (Simultaneous Play)