Resident Evil 4Tekster„Evil evolves“
(AKA Biohazard 4)
Umbrella-koncernen og T-virussen er lukket og slukket, mens Leon Kennedy fra Resident Evil 2 i mellemtiden er begyndt at arbejde som agent for regeringen. Hans seneste opgave er at redde præsidentens datter, der måske gemmes i en afsidesliggende landsby i Sydeuropa. Men før agenten finder pigen, finder han en samling besatte beboere og skræmmende monstre, der alle foretrækker ham død. Det er op til spilleren at dræbe først, og ind i mellem løse små gåder for at komme videre. Spillet er grundlæggende som forgængerne, men langt mere intenst og actionpræget uden de samme irritationsmomenter.
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• Legendary Visuals – Resident Evil 4 features a breathtaking visual style and effects.
• Behind the Camera View – The camera follows you from behind and allows for intuitive and comfortable movement in this survival horror third-person shooter.
• Hordes of Enemies – Tackle creatures that defy the laws of nature, including horrific new creatures infested by a threat called Las Plagas and face off against an aggressive group of mind-controlled villagers that are tied to the Los Illuminados cult.
• Advanced AI – Enemies are smarter than ever and will use their cunning abilities to team up and attack the player en masse.
• Interactive Cutscenes – Surprising and dramatic button-prompt moments require players to stay focused and on edge, even during story breaks.
• “Separate Ways” Epilogue – Play as Ada Wong in five extra chapters that reveal startling insights into the main storyline!
• Unlockable Costumes – Unlock special costumes for characters including Leon’s R.P.D. uniform and Ashley’s medieval suit of armor.
• Mercenaries Mode – A fast-paced test of skill where you can play as fan favourites like Wesker or Hunk on a mission to wipe out hordes of enemies to earn the high score.
• Legendary Visuals – Resident Evil 4 features a breathtaking visual style and effects.
• Behind the Camera View – The camera follows you from behind and allows for intuitive and comfortable movement in this survival horror third-person shooter.
• Hordes of Enemies – Tackle creatures that defy the laws of nature, including horrific new creatures infested by a threat called Las Plagas and face off against an aggressive group of mind-controlled villagers that are tied to the Los Illuminados cult.
• Advanced AI – Enemies are smarter than ever and will use their cunning abilities to team up and attack the player en masse.
• Interactive Cutscenes – Surprising and dramatic button-prompt moments require players to stay focused and on edge, even during story breaks.
• “Separate Ways” Epilogue – Play as Ada Wong in five extra chapters that reveal startling insights into the main storyline!
• Unlockable Costumes – Unlock special costumes for characters including Leon’s R.P.D. uniform and Ashley’s medieval suit of armor.
• Mercenaries Mode – A fast-paced test of skill where you can play as fan favourites like Wesker or Hunk on a mission to wipe out hordes of enemies to earn the high score.