Macross Plus
DipSwitch Title | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
| 1cn/1pl |off|off|off|off| |*
| 1cn/2pl |on |off|off|off| |
| 1cn/3pl |off|on |off|off| |
| 1cn/4pl |on |on |off|off| |
| 1cn/5pl |off|off|on |off| |
| 1cn/6pl |on |off|on |off| |
Coin Chute A | 1cn/7pl |off|on |on |off| |
| 2cn/1pl |on |on |on |off| |
| 2cn/3pl |off|off|off|on | |
| 2cn/5pl |on |off|off|on | |
| 3cn/1pl |off|on |off|on | |
| 3cn/2pl |on |on |off|on | |
| 3cn/4pl |off|off|on |on | |
| 4cn/1pl |on |off|on |on | |
| 4cn/3pl |off|on |on |on | |
| Free |on |on |on |on | |
| 1cn/1pl | |off|off|off|off|*
| 1cn/2pl | |on |off|off|off|
| 1cn/3pl | |off|on |off|off|
| 1cn/4pl | |on |on |off|off|
| 1cn/5pl | |off|off|on |off|
| 1cn/6pl | |on |off|on |off|
Coin Chute B | 1cn/1pl | |off|on |on |off|
| 2cn/1pl | |on |on |on |off|
| 2cn/3pl | |off|off|off|on |
| 2cn/5pl | |on |off|off|on |
| 3cn/1pl | |off|on |off|on |
| 3cn/2pl | |on |on |off|on |
| 3cn/4pl | |off|off|on |on |
| 4cn/1pl | |on |off|on |on |
| 4cn/3pl | |off|on |on |on |
| 5cn/3pl | |on |on |on |on |
DipSwitch Title | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
| Normal |off|off| |*
Difficulty | Easy |on |off| |
Level | Hard |off|on | |
| V.Hard |on |on | |
| 3 | |off|off| |*
Players Count | 4 | |on |off| |
| 5 | |off|on | |
| 2 | |on |on | |
Demo Sound | On | |off| |*
| Off | |on | |
Screen Flip | Play | |off| |*
| Mute | |on | |
Title Screen Language | Japanese | |off| |*#
| English | |on | |
Test / Game Mode | Game | |off|*
| Test | |on |
* Denotes Factory Defualts
# English title page doesn't display the Japanese translation of
the word "Macross"