1251. |
Blaster Virus, hvad gør jeg? |
09/11-03 |
21 |
Off-topic |
1252. |
Blaster Virus, hvad gør jeg? |
07/11-03 |
21 |
Off-topic |
1253. |
Blaster Virus, hvad gør jeg? |
07/11-03 |
21 |
Off-topic |
1254. |
Blaster Virus, hvad gør jeg? |
07/11-03 |
21 |
Off-topic |
1255. |
Blaster Virus, hvad gør jeg? |
07/11-03 |
21 |
Off-topic |
1256. |
Blaster Virus, hvad gør jeg? |
07/11-03 |
21 |
Off-topic |
1257. |
Blaster Virus, hvad gør jeg? |
07/11-03 |
21 |
Off-topic |
1258. |
hvilke spil skal i have ? |
12/10-03 |
38 |
Multiplatform |
1259. |
Nyt Turtles spil ! |
12/10-03 |
50 |
PlayStation |
1260. |
N-Gage yay! Eller mini-yay...eller? |
10/10-03 |
36 |
Multiplatform |
1261. |
99$ Cube- En succes!!! |
04/10-03 |
20 |
Nintendo |
1262. |
Verdens bedste spil - lige nu |
01/10-03 |
29 |
Multiplatform |
1263. |
Okotta's korstog mod G2G |
28/09-03 |
106 |
Off-topic |
1264. |
Kingdom Hearts 2 goodies |
26/09-03 |
51 |
PlayStation |
1265. |
Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Sequel? |
25/09-03 |
31 |
PlayStation |
1266. |
Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Sequel? |
25/09-03 |
31 |
PlayStation |
1267. |
Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Sequel? |
25/09-03 |
31 |
PlayStation |
1268. |
Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Sequel? |
25/09-03 |
31 |
PlayStation |
1269. |
Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Sequel? |
25/09-03 |
31 |
PlayStation |
1270. |
Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Sequel? |
25/09-03 |
31 |
PlayStation |
1271. |
Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Sequel? |
25/09-03 |
31 |
PlayStation |
1272. |
Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Sequel? |
23/09-03 |
31 |
PlayStation |
1273. |
Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Sequel? |
23/09-03 |
31 |
PlayStation |
1274. |
Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Sequel? |
23/09-03 |
31 |
PlayStation |
1275. |
FFX-2 bliver vist helt i orden! |
22/09-03 |
56 |
PlayStation |
1276. |
Sidescrolling beat 'em up til SNES |
21/09-03 |
19 |
Retro |
1277. |
Sidescrolling beat 'em up til SNES |
21/09-03 |
19 |
Retro |
1278. |
X03 tråd |
17/09-03 |
102 |
Xbox |
1279. |
Jeg savner Megaman... (snøft) |
15/09-03 |
103 |
Retro |
1280. |
Unlimited SaGa - et samleobjekt! |
14/09-03 |
11 |
PlayStation |
1281. |
Bare nysgerrig! Hvor lang tid har i været på P:R? |
13/09-03 |
24 |
Off-topic |
1282. |
Jeg savner Megaman... (snøft) |
13/09-03 |
103 |
Retro |
1283. |
Jeg savner Megaman... (snøft) |
13/09-03 |
103 |
Retro |
1284. |
Computerspillets historie |
13/09-03 |
24 |
Off-topic |
1285. |
Nye Mario Kart: Double Dash screens! |
12/09-03 |
18 |
Nintendo |
1286. |
Tabt i posten |
12/09-03 |
13 |
Off-topic |
1287. |
Unlimited SaGa - et samleobjekt! |
12/09-03 |
11 |
PlayStation |
1288. |
Unlimited SaGa - et samleobjekt! |
12/09-03 |
11 |
PlayStation |
1289. |
Star Ocean 3 i PAL forår 2004 |
10/09-03 |
6 |
PlayStation |
1290. |
Star Ocean 3 i PAL forår 2004 |
10/09-03 |
6 |
PlayStation |
1291. |
Okotta's korstog mod G2G |
09/09-03 |
106 |
Off-topic |
1292. |
09/09-03 |
29 |
Xbox |
1293. |
Spil der gør brug af lyspistol... |
07/09-03 |
8 |
Multiplatform |
1294. |
G.O.A.T - Greatest of all time! |
06/09-03 |
59 |
Dreamcast |
1295. |
Videnstest #3: Kommentarer |
06/09-03 |
88 |
Multiplatform |
1296. |
Nintendo styrer det japanske marked |
05/09-03 |
42 |
Nintendo |
1297. |
Nintendo styrer det japanske marked |
05/09-03 |
42 |
Nintendo |
1298. |
GTA double-pack. |
04/09-03 |
46 |
Xbox |
1299. |
Front Mission 4 på vej! |
04/09-03 |
2 |
PlayStation |
1300. |
GTA double-pack. |
04/09-03 |
46 |
Xbox |