Jeg er ikke sikker på at det har andre effekter en daten i Gold Saucer?
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SPOILER (for en sikkerheds skyld):
A few events in the game besides the Date check the various Affection values.
These have the following effects.
Gold Saucer
If you do not choose to go with anyone when you first enter the Gold Saucer,
then the character with the highest Affection will automatically join you.
If Barret has the highest Affection, then Red XIII will join you instead.
If you react to Aeris talking about Zack with jealousy, Aeris will say
"I was hoping maybe you were..." if she has more than 120 Affection.
However, it is impossible to get her Affection value this high throughout the
normal course of the game, so you will never see this without cheating.
No matter how you respond to Tifa when she talks about Zack, if you have
more than 120 Affection, she'll remark that she's as proud of you joining
SOLDIER as if it had been her. Again, it's very difficult to get the value
this high, but unlike Aeris, you can use repeatable increases in order to see
After the Date
Aeris will automatically join your party when you're preparing to go to the
Temple of the Ancients. The other party member will be chosen out of
whoever has the highest Affection out of Tifa, Yuffie and Barret, with Tifa
having highest priority in ties and Barret having the lowest.
Before the Crater
Right after the Midgar Raid, there will eventually be a scene when Tifa and
Cloud are alone, spending a night just outside the Highwind. If Tifa's
Affection is 50 or more, the dialogue between them will be slightly different
and reflect the greater affection.