2001. |
Castlevania - Lords of Shadow |
09/01-14 Bede-x |
136 |
Multiplatform |
2002. |
Bravely Default |
09/01-14 millennium |
5 |
Nintendo |
2003. |
Saturn mods |
07/01-14 Wehner |
30 |
Retro |
2004. |
S: Stort Retro-sellout |
07/01-14 Core |
50 |
Off-topic |
2005. |
Køb af tomme DS æsker - hvor? |
07/01-14 amnesia |
10 |
Retro |
2006. |
Rygter om Dreamcast 2? |
05/01-14 Camous |
25 |
Dreamcast |
2007. |
Dead Rising 2 |
03/01-14 slk486 |
142 |
Xbox |
2008. |
Tak for i år 2013 |
02/01-14 Greaseball |
22 |
Information |
2009. |
PS2-laser er død - spille fra harddisk? |
02/01-14 slk486 |
15 |
PlayStation |
2010. |
2player spil til iPad |
31/12-13 millennium |
7 |
Off-topic |
2011. |
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |
28/12-13 Naiera |
328 |
Multiplatform |
2012. |
Dyreste spil I har købt? |
28/12-13 neros |
54 |
Off-topic |
2013. |
Årets gavehøst 2013 |
25/12-13 FancyPants |
6 |
Off-topic |
2014. |
Glædelig Jul 2013 |
24/12-13 vyssen |
18 |
Off-topic |
2015. |
Disney Hidden Worlds |
22/12-13 3of19 |
2 |
Multiplatform |
2016. |
Backgammon på nettet |
22/12-13 Juggernaut |
1 |
Off-topic |
2017. |
Happy 10th birthday Dreamcast |
22/12-13 Darkbeat |
55 |
Dreamcast |
2018. |
Facebook spil spam profiler |
21/12-13 slk486 |
2 |
Multiplatform |
2019. |
Spil top 10 - salgstal |
20/12-13 Per S |
1 |
Multiplatform |
2020. |
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance til PC |
19/12-13 Per S |
1 |
Pc |
2021. |
S: Star Trek TOS The Full Journey |
19/12-13 Juggernaut |
1 |
Off-topic |
2022. |
NES Remix |
19/12-13 millennium |
10 |
Nintendo |
2023. |
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |
18/12-13 Greaseball |
36 |
Multiplatform |
2024. |
Star Wars: Attack Squadrons |
17/12-13 Per S |
1 |
Pc |
2025. |
Arma 2 |
17/12-13 Papand |
16 |
Pc |
2026. |
République |
17/12-13 jaes |
4 |
Multiplatform |
2027. |
cTrix - A for Amiga - suveræn musik |
17/12-13 slk486 |
2 |
Multiplatform |
2028. |
Yakuza: Restoration |
17/12-13 Darkbeat |
2 |
PlayStation |
2029. |
S: Wii/Gamecube adaptor |
17/12-13 KroeboCop |
5 |
Nintendo |
2030. |
Tillykke med fødselsdagen |
16/12-13 scavenger |
40 |
Off-topic |
2031. |
Super Street Fighter IV Endless aftener |
15/12-13 KroeboCop |
226 |
Xbox |
2032. |
Obskure 3d fighters FTW |
15/12-13 KroeboCop |
19 |
Multiplatform |
2033. |
FPS'er i denne generation |
13/12-13 jaes |
119 |
Multiplatform |
2034. |
Månedlige amerikanske salgstal |
13/12-13 slk486 |
437 |
Multiplatform |
2035. |
Spilkonsoller hitter + årets bedst sælgende spil |
12/12-13 millennium |
3 |
Multiplatform |
2036. |
Ultionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge |
12/12-13 slk486 |
5 |
Pc |
2037. |
Rain - PS3 eksklusiv |
12/12-13 millennium |
2 |
PlayStation |
2038. |
The Elder Scrolls Online |
11/12-13 Per S |
1 |
Multiplatform |
2039. |
Obskure 2d fighters FTW |
11/12-13 Darkbeat |
95 |
Multiplatform |
2040. |
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes - Jamias Vu mission |
10/12-13 Per S |
1 |
Xbox |
2041. |
RGB? |
09/12-13 KroeboCop |
35 |
Multiplatform |
2042. |
Efterlyses: Gode spil for piger |
09/12-13 millennium |
18 |
Multiplatform |
2043. |
Next-gen engine fra Ubisoft |
08/12-13 Darken |
2 |
Off-topic |
2044. |
Stormen og vandstanden |
08/12-13 slk486 |
4 |
Off-topic |
2045. |
Nogen der kan lave permanent fix af RROD? |
05/12-13 Juggernaut |
12 |
Xbox |
2046. |
Overtag min PS4 til den gode coolshop pris (3099) |
05/12-13 Prozel |
14 |
PlayStation |
2047. |
Blendimals |
04/12-13 Per S |
1 |
Multiplatform |
2048. |
Saints Row IV |
04/12-13 Darken |
32 |
Multiplatform |
2049. |
Firewall, Antivirus.. program? |
03/12-13 jaes |
11 |
Off-topic |
2050. |
PS3/360-kiosk |
02/12-13 slk486 |
19 |
Multiplatform |