The House Of The Dead 4 [Super Deluxe]


16:9 Widescreen720p60Hz1.0 Mono

Developer Wow
Publisher Sega
Dimensions 152×193×239cm 320kg
Class Lindbergh
Also for PlayStation 3
Genre Target shooting game
P.O.V. First person
Theme Zombies
Series The House Of The Dead
Control Gun
Players 2
Links Official, GameFAQs, KLOV
House Of The Dead 4, The [Super Deluxe]
The House Of The Dead 4 (ARC)   © Sega 2005    1/6 The House Of The Dead 4 (ARC)   © Sega 2005    2/6 The House Of The Dead 4 (ARC)   © Sega 2005    3/6
The House Of The Dead 4 (ARC)   © Sega 2005    4/6 The House Of The Dead 4 (ARC)   © Sega 2005    5/6 The House Of The Dead 4 (ARC)   © Sega 2005    6/6