Shogun Warriors

Shogun Warriors


240p60Hz1.0 Mono

Developer Kaneko
Publisher Kaneko
Genre Versus-fighting game
Players 2
Links GameFAQs, KLOV
Shogun Warriors
DESCRIPTION                           1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
VIDEO SCREEN       NORMAL            OFF
                   FLIP              ON
TEST MODE*         NORMAL                OFF
                   TEST                  ON
DEMO SOUND         YES                       OFF
                   NO                        ON
DIFFICULTY         EASY                          OFF OFF OFF
                   2                             ON  OFF OFF
                   3                             OFF ON  OFF
                   NORMAL                        ON  ON  OFF
                   5                             OFF OFF ON
                   6                             ON  OFF ON
                   7                             OFF ON  ON
                   HARD                          ON  ON  ON
JOIN IN MIDDLE     YES                                       OFF
OF THE GAME:       NO                                        ON
CONTINUE COIN      NORMAL                                        OFF
                   CONTINUE COIN                                 ON

- When the power is connected with the TEST SWITCH or the DIP SWITCH 2
turned on, the machine revers to the TEST MODE. With stick and buttons,
the SWITCH INPUT TEST of the setting of the GAME FEE can be chosen.
- In the SWITCH INPUT TEST, the input test of each switch can be set.
- In the setting of the GAME FEE, number of coin and credit can be set
for each coin slot, 1 and 2.
- To go out from the TEST MODE, make the DIP SWITCH 2 turn off, then
follow the instructions displayed for further operation.